January 6, 2010

The 12 Days of Me

MORE KITS COMING SOON: Ladies, thanks for your responses. I will be making another batch of kits soon. Josey is helping me package up the current kits that sold....however I am snowed in and won't make it to the post office until our road gets cleared out. Please send chocolate. :)

KIT UPDATE: The kits will be sold out very soon. Thank you for your orders!! If you missed out on a kit but would still like one, please leave a comment at the end of this post to let me know. It doesn't reserve a kit for you, but it will give me a better idea of how many, if any, additional kits I need to make. I think my kits will be a fantastic tool to carve out a little time for yourself so I want to be able to fulfill as many requests as possible. Thanks again, everyone!

Edit: The punch I used on the numbers strip is Fiskars' Upper Crest punch. If you don't have that punch, you can easily substitute any other border punch....or use decorative scissors...or leave it as a straight edge. I'll have instructions for you later this week. :) Thanks for the question, Sharon.

Hello friends. Another winter storm is on it's way so my job today is to get lots of errands done before the snow settles in. But first I want to wish you all a Happy New Year!! 2009 was a hard year for a lot of people, I know. The economic hardships really hit home to a lot of us. We'll most likely be losing the girls' grade school due to consolidation and the girls will face lots of changes in next school year. I hope we can all hang in there and that this year will bring prosperous changes for all.

During these times, I still think it's a great idea to embrace each new day with a positive attitude and make the best of what we have. One of the ways we can do that is by taking some time for ourselves. Today I have new kit for you that will help you do just that. The theme is called The 12 Days of Me.

Let me share with you my ideas on The 12 Days of Me kit. With the kit, you will be able to complete an embellished notebook and clothespin clip that will help you organize 12 days that are just for you! The idea came to me when I was thinking of my word of the year. You pick a word that you want to focus on for an entire year. This year my word is commit. Instead of making goals of what I should do, I am going to pick specific projects that I want to commit to and actually complete this year. I've made enough New Year's goals over the years that fizzle out about February or sooner. This year, I want to see results!My concept behind The 12 Days of Me kit is that you pick one day a month for an entire year that is your personal day. This day can be a day to do whatever you want. You can make it a day for professional development, a day for crafty fun, a day of pampering, a day of getting together with friends.......whatever you want to do.

The goal is to plan your day and be specific with what you want to achieve for that day. To help you do this, I'm including 12 inserts with the kit. The inserts are lists that help you plan your personal day. You write down the date of your personal day......plan your activities...plan ahead.....and also arrange for a few special treats for that day, just because you are a nice person. You'll also make a clothespin clip to help you organize your day.
If you don't already, I highly suggest that you use a calendar to organize your life. I still prefer the traditional paper calendar but you can also use one on your phone or computer too. The 12 Days of Me will work hand in hand with your calendar.
After I assembled my notebook I sat down with my calendar and picked out my 12 personal days, one for each month. I chose the 19th of each month because my birthday number is the 19th. I had to change a few days that fell on a weekend day or days that were already full of activities. You might have to do some creative planning also. Perhaps you will choose the third Saturday of each month...or maybe a few hours on a Friday night is all the time you can afford....it's up to you how you pick your personal day. For those of you that work a full time job outside the home, perhaps you can be naughty and call in crafty a few days. ;) Be a rebel! Whatever you do, get the 12 dates on your calendar now. Plan ahead and do not feel guilty. You work hard. You deserve this time for yourself.
I thought you might like to see a glimpse into my first personal day in January. I set my date and chose my activities. I am going to scrapbook our Thanksgiving and Christmas photos of 2009. I was specific and listed exactly what I want to accomplish. I also jotted down a few *plan ahead* activities such as developing the photos, organizing my supplies, cleaning up my scrapbook area, etc. I even planned my *special treats* of Diet Dr. Pepper and my favorite Turkey Bacon Rollups. Your special treat might be a new book, a new fingernail polish color, an online class, new crafting supplies, etc. By planning ahead, I will be ready to get work on my special day. The idea is to hit the floor running by being organized BEFORE your personal day arrives.
I spent a little time yesterday organizing my supplies. I purchased an entire line of Making Memories supplies that I'm so excited to crack into. I used my embellished clothespin to clip together some smaller goodies.
I organized all my supplies in a wood box, keeping everything neat and tidy until my fun day gets here.
And there you have it, folks. I hope you will join me in my 12 Days of Me adventure this year. Below are the contents that you will receive in The 12 Days of Me kit. Later this week, I will show you how to assemble your notebook and clothespin clip so stay tuned. While waiting for your kit to arrive, I would suggest that you plan out your 12 days. Write them on your calendar now....in pen.

The kits will be listed in my Etsy shop in just a bit. I made a lot of kits for this first round. If the kits sell out and there are those of you who would still like a kit, I'm prepared to offer up a second round of kits. Items sell quickly in my shop though, so purchase quickly and be sure to complete the payment portion of your PayPal transaction so that your kit can be mailed out in a timely manner. Thanks so much for stopping by. Have a great day. Have a GREAT year everyone!!


Sharon said...

You. Amaze. Me. Brilliant!!!

(question - is that a border punch you used on the number strip? I LOVE that thing!!)

Thanks for the inspiration, once again!!

Loretta said...

whats the cardstock size you use when you cover those notebooks? and what are the scoring measurements? i purchased those PTI notepads and love them, but i dont know why my covers always come out wrong...thanks!


Donna K said...

What a fun idea. I'm glad you picked your first personal day to be on MY birthday. I'll think of you having a day devoted to yourself on my special day.

Tinkertaylor said...

I like this idea ALOT!

amcgrew said...

Hi Michelle!
I just ordered your new kit- and when I got the receipt it said it was being sent to my old address-even thoguh I went in and changed it.
Can you email me so I can give you the correct address. I am leaving to go to New Zealand on Firday morning and I want to be sure to get you the correct address before I leave.
Thanks so much,Michelle!

Tess said...

Hi Mish, I was wondering what kind of pattern paper that is that you are using. I love the chocolate paper. One of my favorite.

Wendi said...

What a wonderful idea. I never do seem to think of making time for me. I know it is healthy for the whole family!! Thanks for the inspiration. You are amazing!

Tricia said...

This is a fabulous idea, Mish. Wow. I'm not sure I can pick up a kit right now, but I *need* to join you in the idea, at least! Having a day planned is such a wonderful motivator!

Sandy said...

I just ordered one of your kits ... even though I honestly have everything I need to make one similar, I treated myself. This is such a great concept and I'm hoping it will force me to make more time for crafting. I never seem to find the time and I *really* miss it.

NikkiM said...

Beautiful book and awesome idea!!!

Tamara said...

I love the idea of 12 days of me sooo much! I also love the tips you have given to prepare in advance, and get some special treats ready. I think this is something I will join you in doing.

Debbie Fisher (debbiedee) said...

What a cool idea! I love it! You are truly an inspiration!

We have a snow day due to the blizzard. Did you get it?

Tanya said...

These are soo cute, have to go get one :)

Anonymous said...

Such a sweet idea!

Sam said...

That is such an awesome idea. Love the color combination of those products. Thank you for your constant inspiration.

Mrs. Tamashiro said...

I love it! I'm interested in a kit, if you make more.

April said...

I'd love to order one when they are available again. Love the idea.

Anne said...

What a great idea you have. You should copyright it. I purchased one and plan to use it for next Christmas or maybe I will do it for birthdays with a modified calendar from the date they receive it. You are so talented!! I agree with your comment of the other day that you are ready for Spring. Me too. Live in Florida but they temp last night was 18. BRRRRRRRRRRRR!!

~Christina said...

Michelle, I missed out again! I would love a kit if you are going to put together another batch. Christina

mamajulie said...

Hi, Mish--I would love to purchase a kit, and I've bought from you before. My screen name is deceiving--my real name is not Julie, it's Carla.

Melissa said...

Would love a kit. Missed out again. Would love a kit.

Lisa said...

THIS IS TOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!! I may have to scraplift (with full credit to you of course) for some upcoming birthdays for friends! TOO TOO TOOOOOO CUTE! I love it.

Anonymous said...

this is a super cute idea!! i love when busy people plan times for themselves. i work a regular job and don't have any kids so personal time is not a problem but i think it is so important, especially for parents. great job on these kits and hope you are all safe in the snow storm. it's so crazy that you have snow...i'm looking out my window (in maui) at sunshiney skies!!

Unknown said...

I love this idea. I never seem to be able to get to your Etsy shop in time... I go to work at 5 am and don't get home until 5:30 pm... by then you're sold out. Since I have the PTI notepads I'm going to have to try to come up with something that is inspired by your idea.
Thank you,

Penny said...

Would Love a Kit! I always seem to miss out, hope you will have more available and maybe I will get lucky enough to snatch one.

Vicky said...

Would love to purchase a kit, if you make more. Thanks.

Deirdre said...

Oh I do love my home and my country but Mish when you show pics of the latest kits that are going into your shop, I could cry!! I want them all but I'm on the wrong continent!!!!

I really don't know how you find the time to do it all but I can't wait to pop in each day and see what you've done...


Kimberly Ann said...

Okay, I hope you really do read all of your comments - because I need the recipe for your turkey bacon roll-ups. MmmMmm, one of my favorite combinations of food.

Lueyes said...

What a great idea. I would love one of your kits. I always seem to read your blog too late.

Becky said...

Mish, I would love a kit. You have such cool ideas.



Caryl P said...

Oh, what a FABULOUS idea! Whenever I have a day off I have in my head the millions of projects I 'could' get done and then end up frustrated at the end of the day. What a wonderful way to plan a day to just BE and do what I want. I'm jotting some days down now and already know I'll start with scrapbooking. Thanks for the inspiration!

teacie b said...

I would love to get any of your kits but I am always to late...they sell out so fast!

Sherri Piechnik said...

I would love a kit but have no idea how to order one. Can someone let me know what to do? Couldn't find them on Etsy yet.
Sherri in BC

Karen said...

You come up with the greatest ideas. We do need to carve out time for ourselves. The notebook is so cute. Love those PTI papers.

Susan Harrison said...

I would love a kit if you do them again. What a great idea.

Alexis said...

absolutely beautiful. This idea is amazing!! So creative and so inspiring!! Love it!!

Jennifer G said...

If you make 'em, we'll buy 'em.

Anonymous said...

Yes, me too....I would like to buy a kit! I also NEED your recipe for turkey bacon roll-ups....please share.....please.


Janelle said...

Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant!

Manders said...

I missed out! I love this idea! I was actually thinking of something similar to do this year. My mom and I are doing like a Mother daughter date once per month and we are going to go to the theater, makes bread, whatever just something fun! I would buy a kit if you made more!

Anonymous said...

I would love to buy The 12 Days of me Michelle Degener and are you going to have anymore clip it to sell?

Isabel Z said...

Hi Mish,
I love reading your posts but always seem to miss the etsy listings. I love this kit idea as well as the Valentine one that I also missed--sigh.

Lorraine said...

Shucks, I missed out again. Your kits go so fast. I would be interested in purchasing your kits. You have awesome ideas & projects

Anonymous said...

Again I missed out on this kit..as well a the Valentine one...would be interested in if you are making more.


Lynette Karasz said...

I'm always a day late. I would love a kit if you put another round together. I LOVE, LOVE, everything you make. It's a great joy reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

I love your work!! I always seem to miss out on your kits! Would love to order one if you make anymore!
JoAnn W.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mic helle, I would love to buy one kit, are you gonna sell more of this_

Carrie T said...

What a great idea! I love the notebook!! It always seems hard for us ladies to take time for ourselves and this is the perfect excuse to stop making excuses and just do it!! Thanks for the nudge! :)

Nan said...

An amazing kit that is so practical. The Queen of the Doo Dads did it again.

Stacy Kay Brais said...

Hi Mish!
I have been following you for about a year and you never cease to amaze me!! This is such a GREAT idea!! You are so positive and inspiring!! Thank you ;)

Angy said...

Oops I missed again. I can usually get there pretty quickly too but I am always out of luck. Per chance could you tell me how much you are charging? I don't even know how much money to put aside :O) lol

Unknown said...

I'd like at least 2 kits if you are making more!!! What a grand idea!

Denise said...

Oh Mish, we share the SAME one word! I guess it was inevitable, but I'm glad someone so cool shares it with me! LOL

PS brilliant idea you have here! I'm off to make my own!

Gail S. said...

I would be interested is a kit - hope you make more :)

Unknown said...

Yes I would definitely get one. That's what I get for not reading your blog yesterday!

Terri said...

Love to have a kit!!!!!

Karen said...

Hi, Michelle,
I love The 12 Days of Me Kit and would love to purchase one if you make more. Thanks.

Sonia said...

Hi Michelle! I would love to get my hands on this notebook. You are a wonderful inspiration - thank you so much!!

Danielle Marie Oakes said...

Would love to purchase one when you make more! I try to do this a few times a year but once a month sounds great! Let me know when there up.
Thanks for encouraging us to take care of us!

Dana Klinkner said...

Ooooo this is the coolest idea - love it! I would love to purchase a kit if you put together another batch. Thanks so much! Feel free to send some snow our way - it's just rainy and cold out here in the Northwest - we'd love some snow. :)

jbuffan said...

I would be inters=ested in a kit if you are planning on making any more, I love your kits and have so far missed every single one :)
But I'm not giving up!

mnickers said...

HI Mish, I just discovered your blog and I'm very disappointed to have missed out on so many of your great kits. I would be interested in this one if you make more. ( I also loved the one you made called "The Office" - fun stuff !) Keep up the amazing work and great inspirations!! -Sharon N.

Barb Y. said...

I would love to purchase one of the kits for The 12 Days of Me. Please let me know if you have any left. Thanks for all your inspiration.

Sandy said...

Hi Michelle,

I ordered a kit on 1/6/10 and was just wondering when it got mailed? I know y'all have been dealing with lots of snow. Just trying to figure out when it might get here.


Anonymous said...

Hi, i would luv a kit, but everytime I try and order something they are already gone! hehehe.. R u still making them?? Thanks Denise dmprosser@cableone.net

Julie said...

You're so clever! What a great idea! If your still making extra kits, then I am also interested in purchasing one. Jules

MelissaAnn said...

If you are still making kits, I would love to reserve one...your work is outstanding and just beautiful...

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