This holiday season, my girls and I are going to be making cards to send to children with life threatening illnesses who need a pick me up. The Make A Child Smile Organization is a wonderful website that features such children. You can learn about the children, their illnesses and find a few kids featured each month. Or you can print off the entire list of kids and make it a goal to send a card to each child this holiday season. You can see a list of all the current kids HERE, where you'll find their name, age, state, type of illness and a photo. Please take a moment to visit this wonderful website and to learn more about these courageous kids.
Here's my first cards that I'll be sending out some kids from the MACS list. I used Papertrey's Pond Life set to create a fun and bright caterpillar pocket card. The fun polka dot background paper is PTI's Polka Dot Parade, as are all the colorful ribbons. I thought that some pocket cards would be a great way to add in some additional messages from the girls and perhaps some stickers. Candy and/or gifts are discouraged...a card is all that is suggested and needed to brighten a child's day.

Debbie Olson HERE
Heather Nichols HERE
Lisa Johnson HERE Lauren Meader HEREI would like to extend a challenge to you also, my fellow bloggers. I would love to get 40 of my wonderful blogging friends to pledge to making cards this holiday season for some sick kids who would love to receive a card of cheer. You can use cards that are in your stash, you can make new cards, get together with your church members to make cards, have your kids help, send a card a week.......whatever you want. Imagine how you feel when you receive a birthday card in the mail. Now imagine how a child who is terribly sick and possibly hospitalized will feel when they receive dozens of cards just for them. It makes my heart swell just thinking about it!! I hope you will join me this holiday season in spreading a little cheer.
If you would like to make this pledge of your time, a few supplies and some postage stamps, please leave a comment to this post. I will be updating this post with all pledge names. I thank you in advance if you choose to join me. It will mean so much to me and all these wonderful kids.
Here's my list, starting with me......remember, I'd love to get FORTY names on my list:
1. Michelle Wooderson
2. Mary from California
3. Tina Phillips
4. Shari from New Jersey
5. Leslie in SC
6. Abi
7. Jennifer S
8. Megan
9. Angel Plank (VT)
10. Heidi
11. Ramsey
12. Stephanie from Florida
13. Elizabeth Bracco
14. Shari in NJ (another Shari)
15. Kelli, Faith,Daniel, and Jolie from Lynn Haven, Florida....awesome guys!!!!!!!!
16. Joan E
17. Chelle
18. Softangelkisses
19. Keri Lee Sereika
20. deedee......I knew I could count on you!
21. Traci
22. Victoria
23. Jen
24. Sandy
25. Kim, Molly,and Amanda from go girls!!!!!!
26. Rachelle
27. Mickey in Alabama
28. Erica Payne
29. Chris
30. Melanie from Australia is going to pick a similar organization near her, woohoo!
31. Jennifer, Andy and guys rock!!!!!!!
32. Joanna
33. Robin Owens and family.....bless you guys!!
34. Danni
35. Scrappin Cheryl
36. Karen Mackie
37. Melinda
38. Kathyl from California
39. troy louise
40. patriciad
41. michelle
42. Jenny Mich
43. Victoria G
44. Dawn Madigan
45. Mary from California
46. Maria....Hi Magoo!!
47. emtsweetie
48. bonnie
49. staci lynch
50. Kahtie Bailey
51 Heather McNally.......HI Baby Cakes!!
52. Lisa Davis
53. Kathy McDonald
There were a lot of other comments on this post but I wasn't sure if you signed up or just wanted to give a shout out. So if you took the pledge, thank you!!!