December 3, 2009

Introducing Clip-Its

Edit: The Clip-Its are now sold out. Thank you for your orders ladies! They'll be shipping out tomorrow, woohoo for you! I'll be making more Clip-Its in the future and I'll let you know of my Etsy shop updates. Stayed tuned tomorrow for my Papertrey newsletter're gonna like it I think. And I just got a package to finish up one more item for a new Etsy shop kit. You've guessed it.....a coffee themed kit. I'm hoping to have the kits up in the shop by the end of the week. So stay tuned.

I have some new goodies to introduce to you today! They're called Clip-Its. You all know how much I love clothespins. I think they are the most nifty invention ever made. Not only do I use them to hang out clothes but I also use them to clip household stuff together. A while back I posted a desk organization kit that utilized embellished clothespins similar to my Clip-Its. I've decided to offer them up in my Etsy shop so you can enjoy clothespins as much as I do! Each Clip-It tin comes with 10 labeled Clip-Its, embellished with tied vintage buttons and trinkets.
And as a super duper bonus, you'll get a Round Tuit. You know....for those who were always going to get around to it! Isn't that just a hoot????? Eric snuck two of these to the girls one day and they tried to cash them in for chores. I laughed my butt off. Well not really, it's still there, big as ever. Anyway, I had to search the world for more Round Tuits. Thanks to Eric, I now have a good secret stash of Round Tuits.
What do you do with Clip-Its? Anything sista. You can clip together your postage and mailing labels like I've done here:
Or clip together notes and patterns for a sewing project:
Or keep your grocery list clipped to your new Pioneer Woman cookbook. I love Jordan's grocery item that says *frozen things*. Ya, I really know what those are.
Or maybe you're trying to lose weight this holiday season.......NAWT! Dr. Phil's book definitely deserves the *maybe later* Clip-It! Where the heck did this book come from anyway? Not on my top read list. Definitely not.
Alrighty then. There you have it. Clip-Its. Available now at my Etsy shop. Well, give me about 10 minutes. :) Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

i'm with jordan - i also write "something frozen" on my grocery list!! the "clip its" are too cute!

wanda50 said...

Girlfriend you are too much. They are precious! I love 'em. Thanks for sharing and be blessed!

Elizabeth S. said...

These are great!! Our local flower shop used to give them out when you ordered and when you got so many you got free flowers.

Anonymous said...

Love the "clip its". What a great idea! They have already sold out in your shop...would you mind telling what you charged for these? Thanks for sharing all your wonderful ideas with us!

**CrEaTiNgWiThAlOhA** said...

you are hilarious and a very creative lady...i love your style of crafting and such an inspiration you are...TFS...

Nancy in CA said...

Michelle, Your "Clip-Its" are just the cutest things. I too love clothes pins...big, bigger or small they all come in handy. And I too hang out some of my laundry. Now for the "Clipt-Its"...I think these will make the perfect "little
something" gift. You know the ones, when that unexpected person
arrives with an unexpected gift.
Well, thanks to you, I know what that "little something" will be in our house this year. Thanks so much for sharing all your ideas with us. I just can't get enough. Have a great season!
Nancy in So Cal

Heidi said...

Your clip-its are too cute! I'm sorry to hear about your school. I hope the meeting goes well. Our district closed two of three elementary buildings in three years. It was so emotional for everyone. Thanks for sharing your creativity with us!!

Hannah L. said...

Pure genious!! I make the clothespins but never thought of putting words on them...duh! I LOVE them!

Lisa and Penny said...

Love the font! What is it Mish?

Rose said...

Are those labels that you printed out for the clip its? They look great! Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

I too wondered what font that is on your clip it's???

Anonymous said...

super cute clips Mish. I am making a few sets with some "teacher lingo" for Christmas gifts.

shirlann said...

What a wonderful idea! Can you tell me what font you used?

Sharon Harnist said...

Mish, my Dad had one of those 'Round Tuits when I was a kid. He thought it was the funniest thing and I've been meaning to make one ... kismet! Your clips are adorable!

rjhogue said...

I love your clip-its! Could you tell me what font you used?

Wendi said...

Oh my, I am a clothespin lover too. I decorate them for every occasion and use them for everything I can think of. Thanks for sharing more cute ideas! Noticed on your twitter about your meeting the other night. Hope everything went well. So sad to hear that the children may suffer from this economic mess!

Linda D. said...

The clip its are so cute. I went to your Etsy shop but could not find them. Thanks for sharing.

Linda D.

Linda D. said...

Sorry I should have read the comments and your blog first. I now know they are sold out.


Linda D.

Debbie Olson said...

These are FAB, Mish!

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