February 8, 2010

Loads of love...

It's Monday folks. My girls were expecting that 8-12 inches of snow but we only got a slight dusting. They were bummed that we didn't have a snow day. I think that lately I could predict the weather better than the meteorologists if I stood in front of a map and pointed to things with a yard stick. So with that said, I'm officially predicting Spring weather......bring it on! :)

First things first, how about some laundry? It's on my list today. And Karen Lockhart has a new stamp out called Laundry Basket. There are loads of ideas I have for this stamp set, let me show you my first sample today. When I'm coloring in images with Copics, I like to color several of the same image if time allows. I like to work on wide open spaces so that I can use part of the open space to test my colors.....make a color palette of sorts as you can see in the top right corner of my white piece of cardstock. I also like to have my inspiration piece for my chosen colors close by. For this coloring session it was this cute laundry line paper by Cosmo Cricket.
Using some fun color combinations I whipped up a batch of cute cards:
I used Papertrey's Orange Zest ribbon and buttons to add a punch of color. The black and white polka dot paper is from PTI along with the Ocean Tides base cardstock.
I colored my laundry baskets by using the patterned paper as inspiration.
And here are the Copic colors I used:
And here's a fun sentiment I created on my computer. I printed these off before my last computer crashed so I can't remember the particular font I used. The scalloped circles were punched from scraps of the patterned paper, helping to continue the laundry them from the front of the card.
I hope you have loads of fun today. Or maybe you need to just take a load off. Perhaps you should just load up and take off somewhere. Or maybe it's too early on a Monday morning and you feel I'm feeding you a load......... :) ........whatever the case, I hope your week is off to a great start.

Tonight we head off to yet another school board meeting. They will be officially announcing the closing of the girls' school after this year. I am very sad that our country can find ways to support so many in need yet we can't keep our schools open.


Momma said...

This laundry card is sooooo cute! love it! think I'll get inky today, we're expecting 6-10 inches of snow.

Sorry to hear about your girls' school. I feel their pain. My grade school closed between my 5th and 6th grade years....then the school we transferred to closed the following year. My brother went to 3 different grade schools in 3 years!


Tracy said...

Awwww cute as a button,beautiful cards!!
We have had a little flurry but nothing has come of it,thankgoodness.
Sorry to read about the school closing,hard changing schools and so true what you wrote about the country.
Have a good day

Tricia said...

Love your load of cards! I hope your snow comes our way. I could use a day of being snowed in. It's supposed to happen tonight... we'll see. :-)

How are the girls doing with the school closing? I remember when my elementary school closed. As a child it didn't make sense to me. How could they take away my school? I didn't understand about politics and money at that point. Perhaps I never will.

Blessings, Tricia

Karen said...

That laundry basket is so cute. I love the sentiment you came up with for the inside. Perfect.

I hope and pray that some day soon our country realizes that even though it is good to give to countries less fortunate, we have so many "less fortunates" in our own country that need to be given priority.

Judith said...

These are so very cute I love then LOADS! x

Diane Jaquay said...

Oooh, the laundry basket with that paper, so adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

The card is adorable. Here in my part of Ohio we have 18 inches of snow and 2-6 more predicted for Tuesday and Wednesday. I would love to send it your way!!!!

Cindy H. said...

What a cute card!! You were really on a roll with those "loads..." sentiments, lol. Love them all! Sorry that the girls' grammar school is closing. It will be an adjustment for them, for sure.

Melissa Roell said...

Your laundry cards are just darling! I'm doing real laundry today wishing I was making cute cards with laundry hanging on them! Thanks for your inspiration!

Andrea said...

That is a very sad thing - I feel for you and your girls!

Wendi said...

Laundry... YUCK! I've already done a few loads this morning. I just can't ever get caught up. Looking at your cute card makes it better though!
As for the schools and our country, I am sooooo with you on that one. I know we are really hurting in schools in California. Where are the priorities around her? UGH!

Kathy McDonald said...

DARLING card, Mish! I have that stamp, but haven't done anything with it yet. You've inspired me to get it inky! And as far as the weather goes, Seattle is having unseasonably mild temperatures (we had the warmest January on record, and February is looking to be the same), so come on out for a visit!

Marcie Sharp said...

It sounds like we are in the same position when it comes to schools. Wednesday night I"ll go to a meeting where the trustees will likely vote to close our rural school. So sad. :( On a happier note- your cards are gorgeous!

Eveline said...

I did a real load of laundry today. Sound silly but I love the look of a basket full of ironed and folded clean clothes. Done for another week!
Love the cards, that ribbon is so cheerful.
No snow here just very cold.

scrapfancy said...

Oh so cute-I just love this card Mish. It made me giggle right away and leave a fun feeling. So pretty. Love the colors.

patriciad said...

Well, will you get a load of those cards? Only you could make laundry look cute AND fun! Love that new Cosmo Cricket paper. I ordered the mini deck of that and the other 2 new designs yesterday...can't wait to get my paws on it! We are supposed to get snow in Chicago starting tonight and thru the day tomorrow into Wednesday. Oh yuck. Sorry about the girl's school. That's sad to hear. What a shame.
On a happier note, I'm so psyched that PTI is coming to CHA in Chicago in July - hope that means you'll be there.

Agustina said...

Oh this card is soooo cute, I love the colors, DP, I love everything of this card!!

MaGoooo said...

Mishie this is just the CUTEST!! The Cosmo Cricket cardstock is PERFECT with it!!

LOVE what you did with it and can hardly wait to see what else you come up with!

Malyssa said...

Adorable card - as always! I feel so bad for your girls. You can see in your posts that they (and the entire family for that matter) exude school spirit and it's terrible that schools 'need' to close. I was one of the fortunate ones to graduate from our town high school just a year or two before they amalgamated the 5 towns into 2 schools. Now there is talk that they are going to close the 3 elementary schools and the junior high and build one big 'super' school - closing what was my high school and my elementary school. It's been 9 years since I graduated high school and 16ish years since I graduated elementary. It's still sad to think that those buildings will be torn down:(

Angie Lutz said...

Very cute card!

Sorry to hear about your kiddos school. That is what we can expect when the wonderful state of KS cuts education, but finds $$$ to put up signs on the highway welcoming people to our capital (as if we don't already have signs!)

Lorri said...

Hi Michelle, I wanted to ask if you ever make cards with material. I was in a quilt store today and was blown away by the beautiful designs and bright colors, never have I seen paper that pretty.


Linda said...

What a darling card!! I've had my eye on that stamp but could not figure out how I would use it. Thanks for the inspriration, Mish.

mamajulie said...

Closing schools hurts not only the students but also the community. In small towns and rural areas, the school is a hub of community activity. Folks need to understand that everyone in town loses when the school closes, not just people with children. You and "the reds" are in my thoughts and prayers.
Only you could make me want to stamp a laundry basket !

scrapsnsuch@gmail.com said...

This is so cute and the perfect way to use the PP! Love it!! We are expecting 18" tomorrow...but who knows until it happens :>)

Susan said...

I'm sorry to hear that your girls didn't get the snow you were hoping for. I live in Maryland and would be more than glad to share the 36 inches plus we got over the weekend and the other 15-20 we are expecting tonight. Thank goodness I have your blog to keep me inspired. Thanks for sharing your talents.

liannallama said...

This is fantastic! Love your sense of color and style!

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