December 8, 2008

Funky Monkey Banana Bread

Edit: Patty asked about the baking time for all the mini loaves. I think I had nine total mini pans in my oven, all on one rack. It a TOTAL of 20 minutes for them to bake. Getting ready to take a few loaves over to my folks. Mom doesn't cook much anymore but they love it when I bring little treats. Working on my Daily December Album pages now. I'll photograph and blog soon. And the quilt stuff. And the glittery snowflakes soon too. It's all coming soon!

It's 11am my time and I am working like a busy little beaver today. After 4 days with my dear (deer) husband home for deer season and three extra girls over for sleepovers, I am happy to have the house to myself today. I had a big list made out. I got a few things crossed off. Then I got distracted as usual. I wanted to make a snack for the girls since Jordan informed me this morning that *there is NO FOOD in this house, I'm going to starve*. I knew I had some over ripe bananas in the freezer so I dug out my recipe for Funky Monkey Banana Bread. It's so yummy. Funny thing is, I hate bananas. The smell and texture in my mouth make me gag, but somehow I love banana bread. With chocolate chips. Lots of chocolate.

Have you had breakfast yet? Look at these yummy loaves. Fresh from the oven. Put you rhands up the screen, you can feel the warmth. Ohhhhh so moist and just the right snack size.
Can you seeeeeee that big, melted, gooey morslet of a chocolate chip. Ohhhhhhh yaaaaaa. It was realllllllllly good. Perfect with a cup of coffee. Wish you were here.
Was that torture? LOL!! Seriously, these fun little loaves are always a hit, super easy peasy to make....and I think they would be great little additions to Christmas goody trays. I'm going to freeze some up before they get gobbled up.
Above is my recipe card that I assembled in like 5 minutes! I had the recipe printed off from a long time ago so all I had to do was pick some paper, color my images and piece it all together. I used Karen Lockhart's fun little stamps called Itty Bitty Monkey and Itty Bitty Bananas, perfect for my recipe card. I used Copic markers to quickly color the images and then punched them out with a circle punch. Paper is from K and Company, leftover from a scrapbooking weekend.
Here's the recipe for you to copy and paste:
Funky Monkey Banana Bread

3 eggs
1/3 cup oil
1-1/2 cups mashed ripe banana (about 4 bananas)
½ teaspoon vanilla
2-1/3 cups Bisquick baking mix
1 cup sugar
½ cups chopped nuts
1/4 cup chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl, whisk eggs and oil. Stir in banana and vanilla. Add baking mix, sugar and nuts. Mix well. Stir in chocolate chips. Pour batter into greased 5 x 9 loaf pan. Bake 55-60 minutes or until golden brown and toothpick comes out clean.
Yield: 1 loaf
Tips: Freeze over ripe bananas to use for recipes later. Thaw on the counter or defrost in the microwave 1-2 minutes. Bake breads in small tins for gifts or snack size loaves. These freeze well. Mini loaves take about 20 minutes to bake.


Ruby Craft said...


Letti said...

Those look so yummy. I am going to have to make some. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

That was the meanest tease ever. I'm going to find someone else to stalk (NOT).

Patty Bennett said...

Oh my gosh.. you are killin' me.. I LOVE banana bread but have not seen this receipe before! Yum! So when you bake that many mini loaves at a time, is the total baking time only 20 mins? Seems like it would be longer if your whole oven is filled with little loaves? (ok, I'm not a cook... so humor me... ) Patty

DeeDee said...

Well, that wasn't very nice...I don't have smell-o-vision and I wanted to smell it...well, I really I want to taste it....but I surely don't have taste-o-vision!! LOL!!! I'll just have to make some of my own.....unless you want my address....LOL! HUGS!!!!

P.S. I still LOVE your recipe cards!!!!

Paula Barin said...

Oh my gosh! The description of your monkey break almost made me want to eat my computer! lol Can't wait to try it.

Lyn S said...

Oh yum!! You've made my mouth water with your wonderful description......I want some of this NOW!! LOL, TFS.

Renee said...

Love your idea and love your little monkey stamp and bananas!

Tricia said...

You've inspired me to go use up those bananas on my counter. All 12 of them!! LOL I'll have banana bread running out of my ears. Maybe I'll freeze some and give it away for Christmas. :) TFS!

Lisa Kind said...

I LOVE banana bread and so does my niece! She brings bananas over to my mom so she can make banana bread for her! My mom always adds chocolate chips too...and walnuts! OK, I'm hungry again! TFS!

Anonymous said...

Mean. That's the only thing I can think of..."put your hand up to the screen, you can feel the warmth?" Why would you do this to us, your faithful followers?

I'm going to go cry in my paper scraps now...snif

sniff ;-)

Elaine said...

Ummm, YUMMY!! I want some! Love the cute recipe card too! :)

Pauline said...

These breads look scrumptious!! I'm going to try baking it :o)

Anonymous said...

I love that you're doing recipes! I've been doing my own for about 2 months now. Every time you put one up - I have to add it to my collection. Thanks! Keep them coming... :D

Anonymous said...

Yes!...that was torture!! I'm starving now and all I want is Funky Monkey Banana Bread!! Thanks for the recipe:) Since you're just a tease, guess I'll have to make it myself, lol. TFS

Julia Aston said...

Oh, yum, yum! those breads look so cute in their little tins!!!! I have some ripe bananas at home - and I think I'll try this recipe out tonight!!!!!

thanks for sharing it!!

AuBien said...

YUM! If you ever need a volunteer kitchen taste tester, please let me know. I think I could do it! Thanks for the great ideas.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the recipe... i want to try it but my question is (like patty i'm not a cook or a baker)... do you think the 20 minutes will be enough for 9 mini loaves using those mini ceramic loaf pans? thanks so much again.

Patty Bennett said...

Thanks for the additional info, Michelle! Patty

Anonymous said...

YUMMY!!! Thanks for the recipe.I love Banana Bread. But never had it with CHOCOLATE CHIPS!! I can't wait to make it.
LOVE YOUR BLOG!!I am a daily lurker. All your creations are awesome!
Marie H.

Anonymous said...

looks yummy! love making mini loaves as gifts...thanks for sharing the recipe! can't wait to try it!

have a great day!

Miki said...

Oh boy does this look yummy! I can't wait to make this and I even have some bananas all ripe & ready, YUM!

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm hungry!!!! I have a question...are you saying you can cook this right in a tin...say for example a christmas tin? If there a prep you need to do for the tin? It would be amazing to cook this right in the tin and freeze for later giving...tell me it's so!!

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