UPDATE: Sandy over at the Crafty Secrets blog has some fun give aways. You can sign up to win the darling Halloween set and some vintage booklets by leaving at comment at HER blog. The deadline to enter is Saturday. The link is HERE. Good luck!!
ANOTHER UPDATE: I know you guys love the recipes and I am in the process of adding labels to all of my posts. This will allow you to click on the label at the bottom of my post and then all posts that correspond with that label will show up in order. So if I add the label *recipe* to all with a recipe in the post, you can find them all at one time. Same with the labels *lockhart*, *Papertrey*, *Crafty Secrets*, etc.
Also, the font used for the script on my recipe card is Creating Keepsakes Becky (after Becky Higgins).
Today I killed two birds with one stone......ha ha.......and made a fabulous supper for my family AND made a recipe card of my main entree...Party Chicken for Eight. My friend Carmen gave me the recipe after she brought over some leftovers. Talk about melt in your mouth! Every last morslet was DEEE-LISH! Carmen has given me some really good recipes since we've become friends...and she's SO cute too. Thanks Carmen!!
When I see the name of this recipe....Party Chicken for Eight... it reminds me of those good recipes from the 50's with the retro kitchens and the women in their aprons. That inspired my color combinations that I picked from some SEI patterned paper. The green, orange, brown and turquoise colors remind me of my mom's kitchen appliances and all the wonderful recipes she made for our family........like meatloaf, tuna casserole, liver and onions (loved it!), biscuits and gravy, BBQ Fried Chicken, Tator Tot Casserole and Bologna Mountains. (No wonder I'm *plump*!!)

Party Chicken for Eight
8 chicken breasts
8 slices bacon
1 package dried beef
2 cans undiluted mushroom soup
1 pint sour cream
Wrap chicken with bacon slices. Cover bottom of baking dish with dried beef. Mix soup and sour cream. Place chicken on beef. Cover with soup and sour cream mixture. Bake at 275 degrees for 3 hours, uncovered. Can make ahead and refrigerate. Good with rice or potatoes. Serves 8.
From Carmen Burns 2007
I would LOVE to hear about your favorite recipes you had growing up as a kid. You know, those casserole type recipes that were filled with canned soups and cheese. If you'd like to reminiscence with me, please share your favorites in the comments section.....and be sure to come back and read them. I love your comments SO much!!
Love the recipe card! This is a fav of mine....yummy! Are the directions a computer font or did you handwrite them? If a font, which one? Are there other recipes on your blog? If so, do you know the dates of the posts?
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
You continue to amaze me!!! I love your recipe cards. I have handwritten recipes from my mother for italian cookies that I treasure. Other than that, I have a box full of recipes. I do want to start a recipe box for my daughter who is starting college. In a few years she will be looking for all the recipes she remembers from growing up! Thanks for the inspiration!
Uh... how do I describe my mother's culinary skills? Can we say lacking? undercooked chicken? Spam with tomatoes and cheese on top. Macaroni and cheese in a box. Stretching the milk with powdered milk added. Times were tough back then, and she did the best she could with what she had.
We had a great childhood with lots of kids (5 "homegrown" and 88 foster children over a span of 20 years), but memories of food? Nightmares, more likely! LOL
Wait! Dad cooked on the grill what she marinated - that was good! 50% soy sauce, 50% Wishbone Italian Dressing. Marinade for 24 hours. Voila! She made a great fudge, too!
I have made 5 of your recipe cards, and I love them!
I'll add Tuna Noodle Casserole to the list.
I love your recipe card! I really can't think of any food memories from when I was young. My mom always said I ate like a bird! Now, it's more like a vulture than a baby bird! LOL We did not have a lot of money. It was just my mom and me and she had to work full time. She did cook but nothing really sticks in my memory except she made really good chop suey. I use her recipe, but it never tastes the same as hers. She was a great pie maker I've heard...I was never a pie eater so can't vouch for it. Now that I'm typing, memories are coming back...thank you Mish for helping me dig back that far!
Yum! This looks like a great recipe, and I LOVE the recipe card! So pretty! That brownie recipe would be good too...LOL!
Oh my, the memories. I had five siblings so we were all about the casseroles. My mom's favorite to make was Potatoe Hotdog Casserole. It was actually pretty good!
OoOoO I am a southern gal .. sO I have all the casserole and mac and cheese .. ooey gooey stuff. yumm!!! you have me craving it .. but it is too hot to eat it, lol. These are beautiful! All of your stuff is:) you are so talented!
What a fun thing to dofor a wedding gift!! I'm going to have to start doing this with my recipes,maybe it will force me to organize them!
I love your recipe cards, Mish (and everything else you make). Can you show us a picture of how you store them? I would love to make some of my own.
My best friend's mother is the one who made all of the delicious casseroles... I remember some sort of tomato soup, elbow macaroni and hamburger thing - this was actually a soup. And TACO PIE!!! She would make that for me special when I came over. Crescent roll crust and I think crushed Doritoes on the top! yum!!! We used have nachos for snacks (doritoes with shredded cheese melted all over the top) YOWSA!!! She's also the one who would have straberry shortcake for DINNER during strawberry season - with biscuits as big as the plate. Now you tell me WHY am I the one who is 50 lbs overweight and she's FINE?!?!??! It ain't right I tell ya!
Also... what's dried beef - I'd love to try this recipe but seriously have no idea what that is. If you could drop me a quick note I'd be very grateful. astaff at bete.com
Your cards are just gorgeous!!! I just love your style and always love your stamping and decorating tips. I'm sure your house is just a beautiful vintage wonderland!!! And what a joy it must be to look through your recipes and be able to see these beauties!
I love your blog and have copies several of your recipes for later use - I might have to make this one right away though because we seem to be in a summer food rut! My mom was not a super cook - but I think she did the best she could. We frequently had Ramen Noodle casserole which is 1)cook the ramen noodles but drain before adding the sauce packet 2)add browned hamburger and 3)add one can mixed vegetables. I actually liked this as a kid although I always picked the lima beans out. :o)
This looks delicious. Great recipe and the cards are amazing. I love the colouring and decor.
My mom made the same dried beef in a white sauce over toast, and called it _____ on a shingle. It was really yummy. Just about everything she makes is. Thanks for the memory!
I should be more organized about my recipes. I love your recipe cards. We also had chipped beef on toast and as a matter of fact, we still do. My kids, even though grown, still love it. A little secret: If you are in a hurry for a meal, Stoufer's makes a boil in bag chipped beef that really is quite good. Boil and pour over toast. What could be easier than that. Thanks for the walk down memory lane.
Mish, the recipe you shared is so similar to our "Saturday Night Chicken" - just take away the bacon and beef and less cooking time. I grew up in a family of ten children, so we always ate casseroles of some sort - we called it army food! It was so hard to cook when I first got married - my portions were all off!
I love your work!
Oh Mish this sounds so yummy and I just love your little recipe card you made!!! So darned CUTE!! My Mama cooked for us all the time and was very good at it...ALL homemade...Mmmmmm...my favorite thing she made was Taco Soup which we still eat it to this day.
Brown 1 lb of HB meat with 1 packet of Taco Seasoning and 1 packet of Ranch Dressing mix...don't drain. Add 1 can of Ranch Style beans with Jalapenos and 2 cans of regular Ranch Style beans, 1 can of white hominy, 1 can of yellow hominy and 1 can of Rotel tomatos....simmer till it thickens. Serve with fritos and shredded cheese...YUMMO!!! HUGS Mish!!
Love this recipe card and I just downloaded this font the other day...I love it!!!
Hmmm, dried beef huh? Not sure what this is but the recipe sounds good. I'll be making the soybean salad for a BBQ we are going to tomorrow. I am going to substitute the peppers with cucumbers though as I don't like peppers.
Pretty sure what your mom called that dish, dad called it the same thing....it was a dish he ate in the Navy! LOL
As always, LOVE your stuff. Will you come here and reorganize my recipe box....
OMG! i adore this card (yes, i know, i adore everything you do!!) it is just so perfect!
favorite recipes from childhood and total comfort foods are mac n cheese (mom's homemade, with white sauce as a base), cabbage rolls (ours had rice, bacon and onions in them with tomato sauce poured over them..yum!), and perogies (our family's recipe is potato & cheese inside the dough and tossed with bacon and onions once boiled...then we eat them with sour cream and strawberry jam...HEAVEN!...this always reminds me of hours in the kitchen with grandma and mom)
thank you for all your creative genius, mish!
I was wondering if you cover your recipe cards with something so they don't get messed up. They are so special, I'd be afraid to use them. My Mom was a great from scratch cook, but pretty simple as my Dad was a meat & potato man. She made terrific chicken & dumplings & scrumptious pies. Have a great weekend.
I absolutely LOVE the handwritten font you use on your recipe cards. What is it??
Robyn Yakush
My mom made a tuna casserole that most people won't eat.
A can of cream of mushroom soup
1/2 can milk
can of sweet corn
a large can of tuna, drained.
Mix together.
crush a half bag of chips and put on bottom of glass dish.
Pour the above three ingredients over the chips.
Add remaining chips on top and bake.
Some people told me that Mom should have added cooked pasta to the tuna mixture but she claims it wasn't part of the recipe.
It is a comfort food I make once or twice a year.
Thanks for the font information! I just added it to my computer!
Uh oh. My mother made that same dried chipped beef gravy stuff over toast too. We had to eat that when my brothers had Little League baseball games. And I know what my dad called it too #@*^*!*. LOL She didn't cook very well. She also made something called tuna fluff - an egg souffle with tuna in it. :o( We all cried when that came out. I really can't stand that stuff today because of eating it too much. I really like fixing chicken by dipping the breasts in melted butter and rolling in crushed potato chips - honey mustard chips are fabulous. Better than *%^$** on toast! LOL just joshing with you - I'm glad you have good childhood memories of meals. Love your cards Michelle!
These are great recipe cards! I love the chicken soup stamp!
Cards are wonderful and I know what the beef on toast was called. My DH said they served that alot in the army too !! :)
this recipe card is adorable!
Your recipe cards are so cute! Who am I kidding, all of your cards are so cute! I love what you are doing with the quilt idea, and the paper piecing!
Being originally from the midwest, I know what your mom called the beef gravy over toast....."@#%$ on a shingle." ha ha ha! Thanks for bringing back a memory! Sally
Love your recipe card! Great gift ideas!
I have made a similar chicken recipe...but you actually roll the chicken breast around a couple of slices of the chipped dried beef and then wrap with bacon before adding the sauce. Great recipe for entertaining and then very easy to serve. This brings back memories.
Mishie, I made your recipe for dinner tonite. It was good.
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