I start out by finding a circle the size I want to use. This time a canister lid worked well. I cut circles out of plain Kraft paper bags. The paper bags are pliable and the Kraft paper looks good even when it gets folded and crinkled.
When I started to wrap my thick cotton twine around the paper bag circle topper, I had a heck of a time keeping the paper in place long enough to tie the twine on. I finally used a rubber band to secure the Kraft circle in place. Then it was easy to wrap my twine around the jar twice and tie a bow with long tails.
Nothing fancy, just big loopy bows with long tails. Reminds me of something you'd find at the old supply stores...like on Little House on the Prairie when Mr. Olson would wrap items in paper and twine. :)
I like to label my jellies so I typed simple labels using my vintage typewriter. Then I just stuck them on top of the jar toppers.
Very simple and pretty. You definitely want the beautifully colored jellies to shine through. I'll be packaging these two up in a brown paper bag for a friend who loves my jellies. But if you wanted to have your jellies out for little visitor gifts, you could find a vintage tray, lay down paper doilies and place a jelly on top of each one. Sometimes I package one jar of jelly up with a package of cream cheese and a box of crackers. Those make great neighbor gifts. Instant appetizers. Enjoy!
If you're looking for jelly recipes, the instruction sheets inside the liquid pectin boxes have great recipes. That's what I used for my jalapeno and peach jellies this year.

Super cute! I love making this jelly...but I love eating it more!LOL
OK...I have to ask...
have you ever made Watermelon jelly?
I found a recipe but have never tried it and because I love watermelon...
It's a beautiful red color. :)
I've also never made jellies or jams...
or canned...
I want to learn though!
My mama has done canning my whole entire life...
and I can't stand the thought of someday never having homemade apple butter or home canned green beans again...
you can't buy those flavors in a store!
Oh! And I absolutely love this packaging!
Simple but so "right" for this!
And I did think Mr.Olsen yesterday in the peek! :)
I love making jelly and jams. And they do make great gifts. I love the tip of the cream cheese and crackers as a gift what a super idea and one I plan on using this year.
A tip I used for covering my jars with the brown paper I put the paper over my jar and make a good crease in it where the lid line is. Then I just take my twin and sew ina and out and gather the paper then put it over the lid, pull tight and tie off it is really cute.
thank you.
I made jam for the first time this year, and LOVED it. I was surprised just how easy it all is. I gifted it to neighbours and friends. There is no comparison to homemade!
I want to try jellies next...
LOVE how you packaged these... simple, but beautiful and letting the jellies shine.
I love giving homemade jellies as gifts and my friends like my homemade marshmallows. I saw cranberry jalapeno jelly. Where did you find the recipe for that? Sounds yummy.
Come dress yourself in love, let the journey begin Slik Sarees !!
Come dress yourself in love, let the journey begin Slik Sarees !!
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