Happy Thursday everyone!! Yesterday I worked 6 hours outside....weeding, tilling, planting. It felt SO good to be out in the wonderful sunshine!! I'm all done until I can get to town for some mulch, so I'm working on projects!
To my surprise when reading your responses, I realize that many of you only produce one card at a time. And if you do mass produce (or make more than one card at a time), you typically finish one card then start over with the next card. Oh my honies, it could be so much more easy peasy than that! Let me help you. :) I'm going to walk you through my mass production process, step by step...photo by photo. Cardstock, ribbon and floral stamps are from Papertrey Ink.
1. I always start with my main image because whether it be a card or a scrapbook page, the focus needs to stay on the main stamped image and/or the photo. If I'm using a card sketch, I keep that nearby so I can have the layout handy. For these cards, I came up with the idea as I went along. After I choose a basic layout idea, I choose my stamp sets(these use
Garden of Life from Papertrey Ink) and colors for my projects. After I get one image piece stamped out, I cut cardstock and stamp all of the other image pieces at the same time. For this mass production session, I'm making 5 of the same card. For these three flowers, I stamped the base pink flower circle first, then the darker pink swirlies, then the stems, then the leaves. Keeping that one image in your hand, then stamping all five pieces of cardstock really saves time.....when you're done, you clean the stamp and move on to the next image.

2. Then I cut mats and adhere them with the main image. Figure the measurements of the first mat, then cut the rest to match. By the way, I use Hermafix repositionable adhesive dots for most of my projects. Love it cuz if you mess up, you can undo the layers.

3. Next, I tied some ribbon around the stamped image pieces and added sentiments. YES, I used about a 12" piece for EACH of the five pieces. Remember that little talk we had about hoarding???? Use it, they make more! See those scissors? Those are my Ginghers and they are THE BEST scissors for cutting ribbon and fabric. They are mega sharp so be careful and keep away from children and all friends named Carmen. (My friend Carmen SLICED herself pretty good one day while crafting at my house..from now on, I keep the Ginghers away from my kids and stamping friends!) You NEED a dedicated pair of scissors for cutting ribbon...nothing else, just ribbon. I also threatened my children with BIG TROUBLE if I caught them using my Ginghers to cut wire, etc.

4. Most of the time I cut my cardstock base the very first thing....but for some reason, I worked a little backwards on this set of cards. When I'm working in mass production mode, I pull out my Tonic paper cutter. It will slice through several layers of cardstock with one cut. There's also no blade to dull...I like very sharp blades on my Fiskars paper trimmer so I try to save the big cuts for my Tonic cutter. Another little tip...if you score your cardstock first and then make the cut.....you will only have to score one time, then cut the cardstock in half to make two card bases.

5. After I scored my cardstock, I stamped all five base cards with the CHF polka dot backgrounder from
Ellen's store(I'm not finding the direct link to this particular backgrounder so it might be out of stock at the moment). I love to use the backgrounder stamps when mass producing. I lay the backgrounder stamp image side up on my table and ink it. Then I lay my base card on top, then a layer of scrap paper, then I gently use my hand to *burnish* the ink onto my card base front. This ensures a better transfer of ink. Then I reink and do the rest of the card bases. I also selected a strip of PT patterned paper to add to my card base. Here is where you can hoard a little bit by using small strips of patterned paper instead of covering the entire card base.

6. Then came the fun part......assembling all of the cards. As you can see, I used a few different sentiments on my cards. By simply changing up the sentiments, you can create a variety of cards but still use the same overall design. Another little tip...for most of my cards, I used black ink to stamp the sentiments. I think it makes the sentiment stand out and it just looks professional.

Here's some more thank you cards I made the exact same way as I explained above. Aren't the pastel little strawberries just darling. They're from the
Green Thumb Papertrey set.
Okay, that's it for today! I hope you all get a chance to get some mass production stamping done. Make that birthday list and get all of the cards done in one stamping session. Or make your Father's Day card list and make those up in advance. You will such a sense of accomplishment!
I'm off to view my pretty flowers I planted to see if the cats have layed on them yet!! Or perhaps the deer had a picnic last night!! I hope not! Enjoy today's post and I'll be back to later to see if I inspired you. And be sure to send me your links to projects you make......I always try to visit the links and leave comments! Thanks for visiting today.
Great tips on mass-producing! I do try to do that sometimes, but other times I like to make "one-of-a-kinders" !
Thank you so much........those are wonderful tips!! I've done a little bit of that for some swaps, but I'd like to make gift sets and I find myself making one at a time......I reallllllllllllllly like your method for that!!!!!
Thanks for the mass production tips. I usually do the mass production for swaps otherwise it is usually "one", but I should do more and just keep it for those occassions....
Your demos are always so professionally done. And, I love the cards that you "mass produced". Put this in the magazine file !! :)
WOW Mish, you make it look so EASY!! Lovely cards by the way!!! I'll have to try that out some time!!!
Thanks so much for the push I needed. One of my goals is to start mass producing my cards. I always make one and run out of steam (or time). When I try to do more than one I end up stopping at your step two and then it all sits there forever. By the way, your cards are wonderful!
I have read your other post about mass producing. It is worth doing since all of the supplies are out to make just 1 card...
What is that you are using (orange strip)on the Tonic cutter as your guide?
Thank you so much for your great tips. Your cards are beautiful! I love to mass produce cards and I frequently look to your blog for inspiration. I am still crossing my fingers that you will put together a sketch book with some of your sketches. Thanks again!
Mish, Love your blog. I have been meaning to ask you a question. I don't know if you have already answered it since I haven't read all the past posts yet, but I have noticed that a lot of the time you will stamp your image and then back it with a different color that has like a wavy edge. And sometimes the white background you stamp on has like a three-d look to it. How do you do this? Like on the kitty cat card you posted a few days ago (says Have a purrfect day). Love the tips to mass produce, thanks.
Great tips! Thanks for sharing them. What are the various sizes of the cardstock/papers? What is the size of the finished card?
Mish, great tips today! I'm guilty of being the one-card-wonder kind of girl! Your post has really inspired me to mass produce - THANKS!!! By the way, I LOVE your blog, you come up with the most amazing cards!
Fabulous, simply fabulous!
thanks Mish, love the cards and it is inspiring to see mass production step by step....now if i can just get myself motivated enough......
Thanks for sharing your way of mass producing...I do it the same way. I'm just working on 3x3 cards & I'm mass producing 20 of each color...so far I've made 100. I love these cards, they are gorgeous, I think I'll get out my Papertrey stamps now & ink them up!
Hello Mish: Not only is your inspiration station amazing but you take the time to type out instructions to help your fellow stampers. You are a true sharer. Thank you~~~ Great tips and yes, I will try this out. I have a bunch of thank you card to send out too.
Have a great day and show us a pic of the garden when it buds.
Thanks for the tips, after finding you blog and reading it, I've started to make at least four cards at the same time. So much quicker and it is great to have some extra as back up, and I've stopped hoarding. One converted person here. Thanks a bunch.
Thanks for the tips, after finding you blog and reading it, I've started to make at least four cards at the same time. So much quicker and it is great to have some extra as back up, and I've stopped hoarding. One converted person here. Thanks a bunch.
oooh, I'll have to give that a try! Love those strawberries!! Laurie
Great tips - thanks!! I HOPE I can use them soon. I just don't have much time and don't have a stash of cards so I end up making them one at a time as I need them. Or at least now, I try to at least make two!!! I guess I will get there someday!! :)
Mish - Thanks for the great tips! I have already put them to use and posted some cards! I love all your designs! Thanks for being will to share them all!
Thanks for the tutorial! I've got to start doing this!
I'm with you on mass producing. I figure I have everything out and can always use the cards for different occasions or to have as a notecard set for a gift you need on hand. I've even made some for Christmas gifts already. Why be stressed at the holidays when you have the time now. Love the cards as always. Thanks for sharing. I always learn something from you. I'm not hoarding as much now. Your right if you use it re-order it or you'll find something that you love even more. That's my new goal to use what I have. :)
Great tips!! I have a pair of Gingher scissors dedicated to ribbon and they cut through any ribbon like butter! Love them! I kind of mass produced yestereday;) I made 2 cards alike! I started out making a one-sheet wonder and ended up with a half-sheet wonder. I would like to try your technique though.
Thanks for the tip about scoring the paper BEFORE cutting it in half! I have classes in my home for 10 sometimes, and that scoring gets to be a drag, even with the Scor-Pal! And I must get one of those paper cutters! Aside from these two tips, I pretty much do the same. I just made 80 wedding invites and a swap like this! Great tips!
P.S. You are also helping me break my hoarding habits! Thanks!
Wonderful tips! I love your blog and enjoy seeing your fab work.
You are amazing and my inspiration!! :) I bit on your challenge and made 6 of these, following your steps. Thanks so much. I guess I was thinking too much when I was trying to mass produce before. :)
oops - here's the link if you'd like to look...
Thank you so much for sharing your tips with us. I don't normally mass produce but really want to get some sets done for year end gifts. This will work perfectly. Now to find a little box or something to make to package them in. I love the cards you made with the PTI stuff...so pretty!
Wowwee... Lovely!!! Great tips. Thanks!
Thanks a million Mish. This is just what I need to get me mass-producing cards not chaos!
O Mish what a great idea to mass-produce! And thanks for the clear showing of it all. Loved the berrie stamps you used. Thanks for sharing. Bye Irene from the Netherlands
Thank you so much. I always love your cards. Can you tell me what size you cut your cardstock for the card bases?
You would have been VERY proud of my christmas cards!! I always forget to do that with my everyday cards though. And I always say I want to have a box at work to sell - but never get around to making them *sigh* ... OK, the NEXT time I stamp I WILL make 5 of whatever card I'm making!
Thanks for the inspiration!
those were great. love the colors you chose
Thanks so much for sharing this tip. Of course, I do my mass-producing much different. I cut everything and then, finish one card at a time. I laughed so hard when I checked your blog. Your way seems so much easier and faster. I am so glad you shared. Your tips and cards are always so amazing!!!
Thanks so much for sharing such great tips. It never even occurred to me to score and then cut! Beautiful cards, by the way.
Mish. thanks heaps for the ideas and tips. great job!
Great cards! I love how you showed your process on mass production!! Thanks!
Thanks for sharing your process Michelle! It's so helpful to see how others do it. I was laughing about the Ginghers...my mom is the exact same way...and she's taught me to be the same. Both my dad and I were threatened with our lives if we used those scissors! She's had the same pair of ginghers for years and dearly loves them!
Hi Mish, I was able to use your sketch and have always mass produced cards. Thanks for tips, I always take something away from your tips. Here are the cards that I made: http://paperdotcreations.blogspot.com/2008/05/swing-by-to-say-hi.html
I enjoy your blog so much. Have a great day! :)
Michelle, thank you so much for so much inspiration...you always amaze me! I sat down and mass produced some cards today. I really enjoyed it and I hope that whom ever gets these cards enjoys them too!
Hi Mish,
Just want to let you know that i love your site i am on it almost eveyday, also i went an bought me some of those sissors and boy are they SHARP!!!!! i am talking super sharp.they cut through ribbion like butter. i love your tip on mass-producing i am going to try it.
"Another little tip...if you score your cardstock first and then make the cut.....you will only have to score one time, then cut the cardstock in half to make two card bases."
Oh my!! What I great tip, this NEVER occured to me! So simple, but so helpful. Thank you so much :)
Love the step-by-step pictures of your mass-production! I put out a free eZine that has this same idea in mind. Each issue shows you how to make 6-9 of the same cards with just a few sheets of paper - I hope you will check it out.
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