Hellooooooo again my friends! Some of you are getting really excited about what's going to happen with those pint sized Mason jars. Let's have some fun....if you can guess what's going in my jars, I'll send you a Mishie original, hand stamped *something* using Vintage Picnic. I'll limit it to two winners.....IF you guess correctly. I might just stump you on this one. You have to be very specific with your answer too, I'll be the judge of your anwers. :) I don't have a date yet for my Mason jar post but it will before July 4th. (insert evil, making you wait anticipation smiley here!)
Welcome! The fun continues with the new Papertrey Vintage Picnic stamp set as my Patriotic Picnic takes shape. Today I want to show you some cute tags I made for my picnic place settings using Guidelines 1 Grid Cardstock, miniature bingo cards and images from the Vintage Picnic set. Come along for some summer fun!
I've really been intrigued by the Guidelines 1 and Guidelines 2 Grid Cardstock and all the possibilities it offers. The cardstock is pre-printed with light grey lines...you can stamp images from the Guidelines 1 & 2 stamp sets but there's sooo much more in store for you. You all know that I love to stitch on my cardstock right? Well what better way to get straight lines than to stitch right over the guidelines provided on the cardstock. I chose to create stitched squares on my cardstock. To do this, you simply stitch the entire length of the cardstock, skipping every other line. Sew both the vertical lines and the horizontal lines and you'll end up with an entire sheet of stitched cardstock.
My next step was to stamp the little plaid napkin from Vintage Picnic onto scraps of Spring Rain 2008 Bitty Star Basics Patterned Paper for some paper piecing. I cut the top of the napkin with straight scissors and then cut the angled sides of the napkin with pinking shears. Repeat for as many tags as you want to create.
Now. I want to talk a little bit more about the Copics. I get comments all the time like *you choose your colors so well*...or *I would have never chosen those colors but they look great*....and *how do you choose your colors for a project*. I have a tried and true method that works for me. First off, I have a color chart that has the actual marker color for each Copic I own. I created a simple 4 column table in a word document...wrote down every single color of Copics offered...and then fill in the color by the marker number each time I get a new marker. And before you ask, I'm sorry but I lost my word document due to a computer crash so I can't offer it to you here on the blogaroonie.
How I select colors: I take cues from the image I want to color. I know for the food topper image, I want some tans/browns for the bread, some purples for my grapes, blues for my cupcake, reds for the jam jar, etc. I get out my chart and look for colors that look pleasing. I then grab 1-3 colors of each tone...(for example V06, V93 and V95 for the grapes). Before I do any coloring on my actual stamped image, I test my colors by creating a little palette on scrap cardstock. You can see below, that I grouped together my bread colors, my grape colors, my cupcake colors, etc. I know exactly what the colors will look like when paired together before I start to do any coloring. It's just like mixing paint colors together, same concept. Then it's just a matter of coloring each separate little image within the big image. By using 1-3 colors of purple, for example, I can apply the light tone first, then do some shading with the next darker tone, then use the next darker purple if needed. (We'll do more on shading another day). But overall, it's just a matter of *painting by numbers* once you have your color palette selected. Practice, practice, practice...you can do it!

I've got something very, very special planned for those pint, canning jars.....but you'll have to wait for another post. (insert bwa-ha-ha torture laughter here) :) Hey, my posts get long winded as it is, it's time for a breather! I hope you liked my little tags, I think they'll be the perfect little center of attention at my place settings. Stay tuned for more of my Patriotic Vintage Picnic...I've got recipes coming and more of my vintage decorations to show you!
I love it! I really like things with a patriotic theme.
GREAT post, Mish! Who wouldn't want to come to your picnic?
I have your Copic chart saved on my computer, so if you send me your email address I would be happy to send it BACK to you!
Hmm,,love ur creation!!
Perfect! You're amazing.
I have to tell you again..I just love your blog! It is at the top of my favorites. I love your tips for crafting as well as the practical tips too..."make 'em and mail 'em ladies"... I think I've told you that before, but I smile and think of you when my box of cards dwindles knowing I've given gifts or mailed a lot of cards. Love the need to make more! Also can't wait to try your raspberry recipe below...have to leave the nuts out for my hubby...he doesn't like nuts in anything. Not sure what's up with that! :)
Have a great day!
AWESOME!!!! I love every bit of it! please don't make us wait too long to see what will be in the pint jars!! ;)
Ooooh, your table is really shaping up! I'm picturing that jar with a VERY yummy drink in it!!! Thanks for the step by steps and have a great weekend!
(I can't wait for the next installment).
Move over Martha Stewart.. there's a NEW sherrif in town and she's way better than miss martha!
I like that comment just before me.
I also like what you do very much and this looks fabulous as always.
This is absolutely amazing. Yes..Martha Stewart move over her comes Michelle!
I have ordered this stamp and I am patiently waiting to get it! I can't wait. And now you tease me!
Great job!!!
I love your tags! They are adorable! As usual! Thanks for your wonderful ideas! hugs, michelle
This is gorgeous!! The whole thing is fabulous. LOVE those bingo cards with your "quilted" image background, and the clothespins are so perfect. WOW!!!
You can print out a Copic color chart from their library, here: http://www.copicmarker.com/library.html
Scroll down a bit and click on the blank chart. It comes up as a pdf file - I had to use the "shrink to fit" option on my print set-up to make it fit on an 8 1/2 x 11 inch page.
Wow, I love these bingo cards! You're blog is my favorite and I look forward to visiting everyday! I always find inspiration, I have this set coming anyday now and I can't wait to create with it!
Oh Mish - you've outdone yourself! These mini bingo cards are precious! I adore your fabric and color choices and all the pinking around the edges! I can't stop looking at your marvelous photography either!
That is just beautiful! I can't wait to see what you do with the jars.
I have ordered your stamp set and can't wait to play! Mason jars?? Ewww!! (rubbing hands with glee!!) what will you do? I will be glued to your blog all summer!
Fun! My guess for the mason jars is sand and a small candle, such as a tealight or votive. There will be ribbon and buttons decorating the jar, of course!
Gorgeous table settings! You are so creative!!!
I followed the link posted above to the Copic Library, and found the chart plus some other goodies like a Color Wheel.
I am imagining those mason jars filled with sand, maybe colored?, and sparklers...
How could anyone NOT like it! Everything is perfect! I love the shabby chicness to it all!
I love the whole setup! hmmm, you colored the jars in the stamped image red, sooo I am guessing strawberry lemonade or rasberry lemonade sounds good too! mmmmm
Fabulous picnic set up. Makes me wanna pack some goodies in a basket and spend the day outside lazing in the park. Mason jars .. hmm ... strawberry or raspberry jam perhaps?
I'm thinking lemonade on the 4th in those jars...love everything!
You are so good! Knowing how much you love margaritas ~ I think you're going to use them as glasses and salt the rims!
Love ya sweetie ~ great post!
I'm guessing that those jars become really cool candle holders...with sand weights at the bottom to hold the candles?
Love your glasses..I have the EXACT same ones...Mikasa from my wedding!
is it your yummy peach jam...at least i think that is what you make!!! I wouldn't know because you've never sent me any! LOL!
I love your place setting! I can picture your jars with iced tea or lemonade in them.
How fun is that place setting?!? My guess is a watermelon punch for the Mason jars.
I think you're going to put sparklers (fireworks) in the jars.
Your place settings look absolutely gorgeous!!
Love your craft style. I am think party favors jars with gift tags and small note cards.
I love your tablescape. Maybe you might fill them with Red, White and Blue mints as a gift for your guest. Thanks for being a blessing.
How about a clothespin embellishment kit to put into your pint jars? lots of clothespins, yummy patterned paper, coordinating buttons and twine.
:) Dawn
My guess would be Sangria!
My guess for your pint jars, is layered Red, White & Blue jello for your guests.
WOW - I just love everything about every thing! This is just too cute for words. I don't know how you keep come up with all these fab ideas, but I'm sure glad you do! I'm going to put my thinking cap on about the mason jars cuz I really want to win...I'll be back after I have some time to ponder and read what everyone else guessed since they're all wrong!
I am guessing they will be centerpieces with flowers in them or flags with buttons in the jars. I gues that is more than one guess, I love your site visit it almost everyday to see what new creations you have come up with.
Are you making cupcake in a jar? MM, sounds good to me! :)
Love your post as always. I'm going to say a salad will be going into those jars.
I just love your blog and am always so inspired by your work. I recently ordered your new stamp set and am anxious for it to arrive. I can see those jars being used to catch fireflies after some fabulous fireworks :)
You're spoiling your guests! I think the jars will be filled with fruit... blueberries, strawberries or watermelon w/whip cream. It will be a parfait.
Or, homemade ice cream..vanilla & strawberry!
I'm giving myslef ideas for our 4th party!! LOL
Love the idea of using the mini bingo cards--I just got some last week, but would never have thought of using them in this way! You're just SO creative, Mish--your blog is always the first one I check out when I get the chance to do some surfing. As far as the mason jars--are you going to put fruit salad in the jars?
Hmmm....last year you used cute little jars to hold plastic silverware. Since you've got some tied up with denim there, I don't see that happening. Mason jars are awesome for all sorts of wonderful things. If I were doing them up, they'd have a nice big fat scoop of homemade vanilla ice cream straight from the freezer, topped with sliced strawberries or blue berries (or both!) and maybe tuck a sparkler into it and light it! What a presentation.
Hmm....Yum! :)
Can you come decorate my house for the 4th?
I don't know if anyone has guessed this yet, but will you be making homemade ice cream in them..where you put the ingredients in and then shake, shake, shake??
you will be placing cute patriotic cupcakes on top of the mason jars with little flags sticking out of them and the jar itself filled with red/whte and blue filler.....
good guess? LOL
I think you are going to put supplies to make a 4th of July craft or card in each one.
Mish, Your talent is out of the ball park..always a home run. I appreciate your generosity in sharing with us.
Are you going to make cupcakes in a jar? I just got my Vintage Picnic and love it already!
Mason jars...
Are you going to bake a treat, like cupcakes or bread in them?
Give them to the kids to catch fireflies and lightning bugs?
Use them to collect watermelon seeds for some sort of weird family contest?
Emily (SkyNacho on PTI board)
I would love to win. To receive something from you would be so special! I would have to frame it for my scrapbooking room. First I have to guess the right answer.
I think you will make homemade patriotic flags and stick them in sand that is in the mason jars. Or I know you love margaritas possible strawberry ones that have homemade umbrella sticks.
Whatever it is it will be so nice!
Well.........I think it'll be paper on the outside......you're making everyone make 4th of July luminaries. I just know it.
Although Kendra's guess could be it, you little margarita mamma you! :)
OK, Something keeps telling me to guess this.... pickled watermelon?
I can't wait to see the right answer! I LOVE your place setting and continue to wish I were as creative as you! You are an artist!!
I think you'll make individual cherry pies in the mason jars. I'm loving all of the other guesses though!
Love it! Very patriotic. You rock!
Hmmm, I would guess that the jars will be filled with red, white and blue marshmallows. ;o)
I think you'll fill the jars with either a red white and blue candy mixture or a layered red, white and blue dessert of berries, whipped cream and cake bites.
C Burke
My first thought was a red, white and blue trifle but I have since changed my mind to a kit for smores.
I stalk your blog every day, I am a huge fan. I've even encouraged my stampin' ladies to create an Inspiration Station!
My guess for the mason jars is birthday cake baked right in with sparklers for candles! Happy Birthday!
Just love the tags and your table. Maybe you're putting red, white and blue m&m's in them and having the girls guess how many to win a prize. Or you could put all your favorite things on pieces of paper about the 2 birhtday girls as a keepsake for each of them to remind them how special they are. Or have your guest write something for each of them and put in their jar that you will decorate so beautifully. That is all I can come up with. I would love to win a Mish orginial. Have a great weekend.
How awesome! Too cut! How about some rootbeer floats...nice and cool and refreshing for the 4th? Thanks for all you do!
Love your table setting...everything's just perfect!
For the jars, I think you're going to put flags in them, maybe with some colored marbles or something? You're just soooo creative and innovative, it's just tooo hard to guess! Whatever it is, I'm positive it'll be just that *perfect* Mish touch!
By the way, I just found your blog recently, but it's already one of my favs!!
-Tish S. (Hey, your name is Mish, and mine is Tish, how funny is that!!)
Oh Mish, I can't wait to get my invitation to this soire! Absolutely adorable setting, can't wait to see the rest.
As for what will be in the Mason jars, hmmm. Well, you said you couldn't wait to take your Raspberry Cheese Spread to a party, so I'm going to guess that you'll be filling the jars with this treat for guests to snack on before the big event. (I know, not even close, but maybe I can win the drawing part ;>) )
I love your blog & read it all the time but this is the first time I have commented. You are an inspiration!
I think you will make the jars into vintage candle light centerpieces. It was fun to guess & I enjoy your blog so much. Thanks again!
I love, love, love your blog! I check it every day to see what great things you come up with. I also take a photo of each of your cards to keep in my idea notebook. Do you ever teach classes in your area? I would love to come to one. My guess for the Mason jars is rhubarb jelly. Thanks for the chance to win!!!!
Okay, so I am going to guess that your mason jars will be filled with pretzel rods dipped half way in white chocolate then rolled in red,white, and blue sprinkles to they look like sparklers!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE NELL HILL ALSO! I live in Lincoln ,Nebraska, and my girlfriends and I take a road trip at LEAST 4 times a year! HAve you ever eaten at Marigolds Cafe and Bake Shoppe?!? The Best! I can tell that you have Mary Carol's gift of grace and hospitality!
Love the tags and the table settings. Mason jars...how about some special BBQ sauce. Nancy
I think the jars are for catching fireflies.
cupcakes in a jar?
Hmmm I am going to have to guess on this one LOL! What about homemade candies. You are so creative you can come up with fun receipes for colorful homemade candy.
It's a good life!
Terri E.
Okay, I am going to guess simple and say popcorn - it is such an all American snack and would be fun! Everyone who left comments had great suggestions - I love all their ideas and may have to use some of them myself in a couple of weeks - even if I don't have mason jars! :-)
I am gonna have to say cakes with sparklers on top :) That woudls be soo cool. I may have to do that for the next birthday we have, hehehe
I really enjoyed reading this post - such great ideas! As far as the jars goes - every time I see empty jars my granddaughters and I go looking for lightning bugs (fireflies)to fill them! Whatever's in them have a great holiday!
Firelfy jars to light the tablescapes with? Or are they for moonshine...he he he I couldnt resist!
Your post is fabulous as always! I love every little detail and reading through all of the fabulous ideas that the other readers had! My guess is Vanilla ice cream, topped with Raspberry sorbet and blueberries. This is one of my favorite desserts so thanks for reminding me to make some!
I am going to say either rhubarb or peach jam. You have the best blog. I love it!
I'm enjoying watching your 4th of July celebration coming together. Hmmm. Don't people drink moonshine from mason jars? I'll make that my wild guess. :)
How about Rootbeer Floats in those great jars. Your place setting is perfect!
Love your ideas! I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing your incredible ideas.
If you use your jars for a dessert; I will guess a trifle with mixed berries.
If it is a party favor for your guests; I will guess some kind of layered cookie mix with red, white, and blue candies for decorations.
I cannot wait to get my vintage picnic set!! My guess is that you will make some sweet potatoe fries and place them in those jars,in a bouquet like arrangement. Of cousre you have to have cool ribbon and what not around the jar. Have a fun party :)
love your blog - you arrange everything so beautifully for your photos!
I was going to guess that you fill your jars with tea, but I think someone already said that. So since you said no one was close so far - I'm going to guess something crazy like a plant - like a marigold or pansy for each guest to take home with them. :)
Perfect! I just love your table setting. I think the mason jars are going to hold dessert. Maybe blueberry cake. Hmmm... maybe you're going to make jam for party favors and use the new PTI fruitful set.
wow...you are one creative lady...love it all
I have two guesses...
1. red, white and blue jelly beans
2. red, white and blue dessert like blueberrys,strawberrys and yogurt or cool whip!
Well, the tags look like bingo cards, so maybe the jars will hold markers? Or maybe those "firecrackers" are rolls of pennys that will be used as bingo markers? Whatever, you're doing, it's bound to be clever and very, very FUN!
My guess for the jars is to catch lightening bugs temporarily and then let them go. Love your table decor and can't wait to see what else you have in store for us.
I think you are going to place candles in those jars.
Hi Mish, I love your patriotic table setting! I think you might be using the jar as a mini garden cloche, and putting a plant under them (maybe one at each place setting)?
I'm going to guess the mason jars will be filled with frozen raspberry sorbet on molten lava 'cupcakes' in a jar all topped with cool whip and red white and blue sprinkles. So fun to guess! And your patriotic party is lots of fun to follow. I LOVE your blog!
Well I love, love, love your blog and your place setting is soooo cool!!!
I am going out on a limb and say you are going to be baking cake in the mason jars and have a fun way to decorate them once finished.
You're having fun teasing us all aren't you! :) Are you making somekind of game with the mason jars? You're so creative, it could be anything under the sun! LOL
I guess I'm not creative. I just read everyone else's guesses, and now I can't think of anything different. I was thinking initially red, white, and blue M&Ms, but I suppose they will melt. Then I was thinking some sort of drink, but you already have another cup there. I think maybe they'll hold the French fries. I'm also with those who suggested trifle with mixed berries. See, nothing new.
I think you are going to have bingo cards and buttons in the tins. I'm lovin all your fun projects for you favorite holiday. You are one creative and inspiring stamper. Each year your party projects gets better and better.
Love this table setting! How about filling the jars with bbq sauce to go with ribs and corn on the cob at your feast??? ;) Can't wait to see the real answer!! Thanks for sharing! Diane
OK those sample tags are amazing! I got my set Thursday night and have not been able to put it down! Annnnd, I am so obsessed with my Grid Lines paper...I can't stop making my own dp with all the littlest PTI stamps in the squares!
I am guessing that you are making your own brand of red, white, and blue Citronella Candles for those Mason Jars....people can eat off of your beautiful settings AND keep the bugs away!
OK, I'll guess again. How about white dasies?
C Burke
Hmm, will you fill it with wildflowers & embellish the jar with Papertrey ribbon & a Happy 4th of July stamped tag?
Have a great weekend!
After reading this post I want to come to your picnic. How lucky your family members and friends are to have you in their lives. Since you already have a drink glass, I'm guessing you are making a dessert for the Mason jar that is red, white and blue. Perhaps it's blueberries, strawberries and whipped cream. Knowing you it will be outstanding. Just really loved this post with all its ideas. Love your blog, too.
Shirley L.
Roseville, CA
WoWzA, what a great lookin' table!
I'm guessing that you're gonna put sewing machine bobbins in your jars.
Have a great weekend!
Love how the place settings are shaping up. I love reading your blog for all your creative ideas. I'm guessing that you'll be sending those jars home as favors with some kind of craft project like a game or maybe they will hold one of your adorable decorated note pads and pens that you make. I know they will be adorably decorated with patriotic papers, ribbons and buttons whatever you put in them.
Ok I'm going out on a limb here and saying the Mason jars will hold some fabric and fabric pens so everyone can decorate a quilt square that you can put together into a family quilt. Might not be the rigth answer but it might be a fun thing to think about!
I also adore patriotic themes, flags and red, white and blue. My mom's birthday is July 4th, so I've always been inspired with the colors...and the fireworks :)
I'm guessing you are putting what we call "corn chow" in the jars....a mixture of veggies like: corn, beans, pearl onions, chickpeas, etc that is pickled/marinated and jarred. It always tastes good at a picnic :) In fact now I'm going to be yearning for it til the 4th!
Wonderful projects, Mish!
Kim Marie
Hi Mish.I love your bog!I look forward to all of your fantastic ideas.I'm going to guees that you're handstamping t-shirts for your celebration and putting them in the mason jars.Kind of like the t-shirts in a bottle that I've seen in the stores.Then you can take a photo of everyone wearing them at your celebration.I can't wait to see what the answer is.Don't make us wait too long!
Maybe you are putting a bunch of daisies in them, or lemonade or maybe even a layered salad. A fruit parfait, layered jello or ice cream sundaes. I love to make individual servings of sweet tea. The kids love to take out a jar to drink!
Your 4th of July goodies are darling. How creative you are. Your mind must just start firing off . How do your hands keep up with it? Precious.
i think you are going to make a trifle with red and blue fruit and put white whipped cream and/or cream cheese mixture in layers and tie it around with r/w/b
ribbons with little flags attached.
{{*0*}} Janet
I haven't read all the comments so I don't know if I'm just repeating what it's not, lol. My guess since it for the 4th would be a personal trifle for each person - red (strawberries) white (cake) and blue (blueberries), yeah!
I would love to win a Mishie original! Your work is just amazing!! When do you find the time to create all your wonderful ideas and projects! do you sleep at all?? LOl
I'm sure someone has already made the same guesses but my guess is votive candles or maybe a patriotic soup of some sort..
Mish I LOVE your Bingo tags! They are adorable! My guess for your jars was that you'd hand them out to the children on the 4th for Fireflies, but I see someone else has said that!!
So, now I will guess....
Holding hairbows for your beautiful Reds!
you're going to make a soap dispenser out of it?
slip a picture or artwork in it as a frame?
make a lamp?
we'll be waiting to see!
Love your blog and visit EVERY day.... My guess would be fabric, maybe fat quarters, for a family quilting project.
Love, love, LOVE your blog!
I think you are going to put a small gift for each guest in the jars. One you make yourself, of course, out of Papertrey goodness.
First of, I'm having a ball reading all these guesses! Thanks for a chance to win. I'll guess taht you're making homemade raspberry lemonaid for the jars. Your picnic is amazing already and I'm looking forward to seeing the rest!
I thought of something else since you said to be specific. It's a slow Saturday night!! You are going to place candles in them but you will hang them w/wire from the patio or trees! You're going to have a million ways to use these jars by the time this is over! LOL
Your blog is the best..I look forward to looging on everyday and see what's new... and maybe there will be a patriotic picture in the jar with some flowers or other decorations..
I think you will fill the mason jars with Fireflies, to light up your table!! Make sure to poke holes in the lids so they can breathe!! LOL
You always have the best ideas and the greatest cards!! I can't imagine what is going into the Mason jars, but I am guessing some type of relish!!
Love the setup! Not sure what will be in the jars but I'm guessing good old fashioned Sweet Iced Tea if not it will probably be some homemade peach ice cream!
Love the setup! Not sure what will be in the jars but I'm guessing good old fashioned Sweet Iced Tea if not it will probably be some homemade peach ice cream!
I'm thinking the jar will be decorated in a 4th of July theme & filled with refreshing mint julep!
I am pretty sure it is your Hot Peach Jam...cuz I subscribed to your blog hoping you would post the recipe. However, your amazing creations...kept me coming back!!!
Ok, I'm going to guess candles (or candles that maybe look like firecrackers!) Wouldn't that look pretty on a table in the evening?
Mishie YOURS is one of my FAV blogs!
Now what do I think you may use those jars for???? I'm saying - - -treats of some type. Cause you are just so craft!!
Mish, I just love coming to visit you one your blog. You have the neatest projects and ideas - so inspiring. Well, I'm going to take a guess at what you'll be putting in those jars. How about firecrackers and sparklers to get the party jumpin! I can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve, the suspense in killing me.
I love your vintage picnic set...I'm thinking a nice sweet tea would look very appetizing in the mason jar? No? Maybe used for a dip? No? Hmmmm, maybe a smores kit since you said its for a 4th of July party?? Well, whatever you decide, I'm sure its going to be a GREAT gift to share:) Love your stuff!
As ALWAYS your artistry inspires...apparently me and many other crafters out there! Yes, like many of the people out there, yours is one of the blogs I have to check every day to see what new goodness you have come up with. Like many of the others, I would have guessed food in the Mason jar, but since you indicate that NONE of the answers is correct so far, I am going to go in a different direction. I think you will have many people with children at your home for the 4th of July. Since you will be the perfect hostess, you will want the kids to be inspired with fun things to do. I think you will fill the Mason jar with art supplies, one for each child, and challenge them to an art contest. Who can draw/paint/stamp something that reflects the sentiment of the Fourth? You will hang the art on the fence so everyone can enjoy while they sit back and wait for dark to fall and fireworks! Ah, you are so clever! -- Kari D
Okay, it might be a long shot, but how about root beer floats in the jars? Everyone has had such great ideas! Also, Mish, your blog is awesome, love love love your ideas, stamping and decorating, and entertaining!
Brooke Sunshine
ok, i really have no clue what is going into the jars. but i am going out on a limb and saying pickled watermelon rinds. never have had them, but did have the recipe. i just love your blog, infact i go everyday and get bummed when there is no new post,but i understand. i also love the recipes you include and i want to tell you that all 5 of my kids and myself have fallen in love with the ritz, kiss and marshmellow!! YUMMY!!!!
I have absolutely no idea what's going inside those jars but the whole setting is adorable. Hmmm... maybe a small plant for the guests to take home?
Love your blog and the projects you make.
How about jello parfaits??
Ok, so I am guessing Patriotic Hershey Nuggets! That would be yummy!
Love your blog! So inspiring!
Mish - Thank you again and again for all of your inspiration! What a beautiful table! I am guessing that you'll make patriotic pinwheels to put in your mason jars. I hope you have a wonderful summer with your girls. Today is the last day of school for mine and I hope to make some fun creations with them!
Okay Mish, I love your blog!! You are so talented! As for what is going in the Mason Jars, I was going to guess Rootbeer Floats, but that has already been guessed. So I am going to guess stationary, envelopes, and stamps so your guests can write letters to the brave soldiers that are serving our country right now!!
I missed this post and can't believe all the cool stuff that you shared!! Wow! My guess is that you're making lifesaver firecrackers (covering the wrappers with cute 4th of July paper and then the wired stars that sprout out of the end)? I'm dying to know now what it is!!
Okay, I am guessing a smores kit.
You never cease to amaze me with your blog creations. You're such and inspiration! Wow, a lot of guesses. I'll try, you're going to layer the jars with red, white, and blue sand, and stick sparklers in them to light at firework time?? It sounds like a fun time at your house on the 4th.
Michelle - banana pancakes
I think you are going to do rootbeer floats in the mason jars! hope i am right!
I just thought of something else...I was looking at your table covering..and it's a QUILT...I'm wondering if you'll have a gathering where your guests contribute their thought or a favorite 4th of july memory!
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