Edit: Many of you have asked about my ribbon storage units. Unfortunately I've checked on this before when I showed photos. There is no name, brand or anything on the units. I got them from a friend who sold beads so they are originally intended for bead storage or possibly retail storage for beads and trinket type items. They are a very thick, clear acrylic type of material with tiered slots that tilt. That's about all I know...perhaps if you google bead storage, etc you can find out more. I know that they were costly when my friend originally purchased them. Also, be sure to check Nichole's blog for a fun sketch CPS is doing, using Papertrey stamps. New stamp sets that haven't been released...a great sneaky peeky! I hope to play along today but will have some Valentine party girls here longer than planned....so we'll see. Remember a few weeks ago when I showed you these tin molds that I found at the antique shop?

I decided what they would be perfect for......BUTTONS! But not just ANY buttons! I'm
talkin' beautiful buttons. Buttons of all colors. Buttons of all sizes. Buttons of all shapes. Glorious buttons.
We're talkin' PAPERTREY BUTTONS, people!!!!!!!!!
It's true,
Papertrey is now carrying buttons! Can you believe it? Believe it, baby......check out Nichole's blog
RIGHT HERE! Don't you LOVE buttons? I KNOW you LOVE buttons!! I love buttons!! I'm going to store mine in these adorable little tin molds...each tin holds one pack of buttons perfectly!

Aren't they deliciously
scoop-able??? When I want to use the buttons, I simply dump them out onto a vintage tin and scoop them up with my measuring spoons. Oh, I'm in button heaven!

And did you see the new ribbon being introduced yesterday? More polka dots!! Yippee!

And I thought I would also show you my
Papertrey ink pads. I know a lot of you have asked about storing the ink pads. My solution is very simple but it works for me. When I get a new ink pad, I punch a 1/4" and 5/8" circle of coordinating
cardstock. The small circle gets stuck to the side of the ink pad with a sticky dot. The larger circle gets adhered to the top of the ink pad. Then I stack up the ink pads, they kind of nest into one another. This allows me to see all the colors from the side view. And when I have the inks laying out on my stamping table, I'm able to see the colored dots from the tops too. The visual of the colors make it easy to spot just what color I need. I don't keep my inks in any sort of basket. I use them so often that I just store them out in plain view. Easy
peasy but it works for me.
LOVE the tin molds and the buttons.
Can I ask what you're storing your ribbon in? I love the looks of that. Thanks.
Love the buttons! Thanks for the great tip about labeling your ink pads.
I am in love with the buttons! I love your organization ideas too. I am also curious about your ribbon storage. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing all of your fun storage ideas. I already do the small dot on the side of the ink pad but didn't think of the larger one on top - I'm constantly losing my ink pads in plain view on top of my desk because they tend to look the same from the top :)
MICHELLE! - you could have warned me not to go out and buy every last kind of button Foofala makes if you knew this was coming - LOL But can you ever really have too many? I've got like 5000 and it's so hard to find exactly the right ones. I am soooo excited about coordinating buttons. This is like the best month ever. And your organization is BRILLIANT.
LOVE the containers! What an adorable idea! Thanks for the peak at your ribbon and ink too! How fun!
Oh, Michelle, you're such a tease!! LOL! These buttons are fabulous -- and so well displayed! Great idea for labeling my PTI inks! Thanks!
Oh Snap! Great ideas Mishie!
oh, I feel a great big sucking noise coming from my wallet......I think I need them all!!!!
Love your site....Thanks
Thanks for the great idea on your ink pads---I keep having to go thru every color to find which one is which---why haven't I thought of the dots? Silly me! And buttons---LOVE THE BUTTONS!!! Can't wait! What sort of basket is holding your ribbon? I have to tell you how beautiful all that ribbon looks together! LOVE IT~ I need to go get a drool rag!!
And I just ordered buttons this week. Grrr! Love your organization. What are you using to store our ribbon. I must have it.
Even your storage is a work of art, Mish!
Thanks for the great tip on the ink storage. Love the button organization as well.
Thanks for the peek inside your craft room .. I love your ink pad idea and will have to give that a try and the buttons.. oh my golly the buttons!! Lovelovelove the colors, shapes and sizes and how you display them is magazine worthy!
Not an original question, but WE NEED TO KNOW girlfriend! What are you storing your ribbon and inks in? Where did you get it? Pretty please, with PTI colors on top?
Love your ideas, and all the projects you make. Such a talent, you have a real gift. TFS!
Ah! your idea for identifying your ink pads is great! I will be using that for my collection. The buttons are a wonderful addition to PTI too! Thanks for sharing how you organize it all.
What a great storage system Those vintage molds are pefect. I also like how you put the dot on the ink pads. This is is perfect to see from the side as to what color it is. Thanks for sharing.
Love your storage ideas! I just received my first order of inkpads and I love your idea of punching the coordinating cardstock colors for them. Good thing I ordered all the cardstock colors so I can easily do this, LOL!!
OMGOMGOMG...my computer has been down the past couple days and I have been going stark raving mad not being able to check out your blog!! :-) and then I return to this happy news. Geez...gone a couple days and soooo much has gone on! Still trying to get caught up...but what's this about Orlando this summer? Wowza. Ok, gotta go back and make sure I haven't missed anything! :-)
Mish, your photos are beautiful. I love the buttons and am excited about those - especially by the tablespoonful. How sweet!
Thanks for sharing your organization tips with us! Brilliant!
LOVE your idea to store the buttons in those molds! I love buttons and have a very CHERISHED container of vintage buttons I bought years ago at an antique store. I used to use them on dolls I made, but now it's on papercrafts. Ü
I am loving reading about the party. I don't know why, but I was thinking it was this coming weekend. Thanks for the cyber invite to peek in on y'all.
Ooohhh Aaahhh!!!! Love those buttons. What a cute idea for those molds. Love your storage. Thanks for sharing. Enjoyed seeing what fun the girls had. Who won the most coupons?
what a great way to store your buttons and don`t those buttons look yummy.
I love buttons also.When we went to my MIL's house after her death, to pick out something to save as a memory,I picked out 2 old Christmas ornaments and claimed this box of buttons. I carried home as my carry on luggage on the plane. The security scanners gave me some weird looks as they examined the carton of buttons. Everytime I use one of those buttons on a card, it makes me smile.
Neato Frito Mish!!! I L♥VE buttons too!! Now I want some buttons from Papertrey...Oh and I need some cute little tins to keep them in too!! LOL! TFS! HUGS!
So vintage and fun! love the new colors
Michelle - I do, would love to know what you are using to store your ribbon.
TFS that is amazing.
Wow! I love all of this! It looks so yummy!
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