November 21, 2007

Hanna Stamps Give Away!!!!!!!

First of all I'd like to thank you all for keeping my mom and I in your thoughts and prayers. My mom had to have a stint put in a 90% blocked artery! She will be home later today and needs lots of rest and TLC!

Secondly, let's talk's FREEZING here in Kansas! I am definitely not a cold weather fan so I'm a little grumpy about it! But the cold weather season does enable us to create fun wintry cards though right? Today's card features Hanna from the set Tis the Season. I used Copic markers to color the images then airbrushed the stars for a pretty blue blow. The starts are twinkling with Stickles. I wanted more of my patterned paper to show through so I cut a semi-circle out of the main image with a plain Spellbinder's Circle Die Template. Then I added a Spellbinder's cut circle and stamped and airbrushed the big snowflake. This is adhered to the card front with SU! dimensionals slightly off center. Hanna's skirt is also paper pierced from the same Basic Grey Figgy Pudding patterned paper. The strings for the stars are hand drawn.

So who would like a FREE Hanna stamp set? The two sentiments below are from a brand new all sentiment set called Things Hanna Would Say. You could be a lucky winner of this not yet released stamp set. Check out Kristi's blog HERE for more details and be sure to visit the other Hanna Stamps Designer Team blogs.......we're all giving away a FREE stamp set!!

To enter for the drawing, which will be held on Sunday, please reply to this post with an answer to the following question: What do you do AFTER Thanksgiving dinner? Do you nap? Play games? Go for a hay rack ride? Head off to another dinner that you're too full to even think about? I know for us, we'll not be having a Thanksgiving dinner on my family's side. My mom needs her rest and having her home and recovering is what I'm really thankful for this year. Have a great holiday, eat some turkey for me and be safe travelling!


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Kacey Elliott said...

OMG - I'm first, never happens! First off, let me say Happy Thanksgiving! As for traditions after the big meal, well this is our first year without any family, so I don't know what we will do. Perhaps take a walk, or go see a movie :-) The world is our oyster!

carmen said...


Meredith said...

Be thankful for the cold weather, we're still in the 70's here and it sure makes it hard to get into the holiday spirit. lol After Thanksgiving dinner at my grandma's we'll head home, put on Christmas music or a movie (and maybe shorts this year, lol), and start decorating for Christmas. This is such a special thing to do when you have kids, I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Before we had kids, after dinner we would all gather in the living room to visit, with most of us quickly nodding off. Now that there are two young children running around, we still try to nap a bit, but in shifts!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

After Thanksgiving dinner, all the adults put their names in a hat and one of the kids draws the names to see who buys for whom for Christmas. It's a nice new tradition that we started about 5 years ago. Hope you all have a wonderful, delicious Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Do the dishes! Ha! However after that we usually sit and chat for a bit before going home. Love love love Thanksgiving!
It is cold in MN too Mish! Supposed to get even colder over the next few days so I feel your pain!
Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
Lori M

~Lana B.~ said...

HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!! After dinner, my girls play and my DH talks to his Dad while I clean up and do dishes. When I'm done, my father in law leaves for home and DH leaves for work (7pm-3am). Sounds like another fun day at our house. lol
Thanks so much for sharing!!
~Lana B.~

Catherine said...

We take the kids to see a movie after Thanksgiving Dinner and this year we're going to see McDreamy =)... and that would be a treat...LOL!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Thanksgiving is generally not a huge celebration for DH and I as none of our family is close. For us, Christmas will be a time to reconnect with family and friends. Generally after dinner there is some game playing and visiting. We don't get together very often throughout the year, so there is always lots to talk about!

shulsart said...

After a fabulous dinner with friends, we sit and play card and board games, share some wine and just enjoy each others company. Happy Holidays to everyone.

Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

We sit around and complain about being too full, then we sift through the ads to see if there is really anything we have to get up in the middle of the night for...then we usually play games! I can't wait!

Joella said...

After Thanksgiving, we usually play games, clean up and nap! What great blog candy!

Nicole said...

We watch the dog show and then movies, while the rest of the clan watches football!

Sending your mom good wishes for a speedy recovery!

Unknown said...


Kerry Johnson said...

Hope your mom recovers well and quickly! Happy Thanksgiving! We usually just continue visiting over coffee until someone needs to leave to travel home.

Anonymous said...

Directly after Thanksgiving dinner I do the dishes. Then they are done and I have more time to just relax. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Tamara said...

We almost always play a game. There is also good conversation and often good wine included in our after dinner routine.

TheQueenMom said...

After the cleanup, we put on a movie and play games til the little ones fall over asleep. Then get ready for work the next day....;((

Broni said...

This year I'll get to join my daughter and her 2 sons on their annual movie *date*! Can't wait! I hope your Mom has a speedy recovery!
Happy Thanksgiving!

heidi quick said...

one meal at noon and another at 2:00. I always "say" I will eat light at noon though!

Anonymous said...

Michelle - Glad to hear your mom will be home soon, will keep my fingers crossed that she has a very speedy recuperation. As soon as Thanksgiving dinner is over, we put up the Christmas decorations and then my mom and I start working on our (hand-stamped of course) Christmas cards! So much fun. Happy Holidays!

Jennifer said...

After we stuff ourselves sick, we sit around and catch up on everyone's lives for a couple of hours. THEN, start all over again on the desserts!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! I'd love to have that set...thanks for the chance to win! Have a happy thanksgiving!

Linzi (

Cat said...

Another chance for this set? I don't own any Hanna Stamps - so sweet of you to share! Thanks.

Pat said...

We play various board games.


Alhambra Club said...

So glad to hear your Mother is doing well, that is one heck of a way to get out of cooking Thanksgiving dinner. Living in South Florida hay rides are out, usually just sit around and talk and play games, just enjoy the family get together. Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving.

Bethany Paull said...

I love the hand drawn strings. And that circular cut out: genious!

Sandy said...

First, let me say ... I wish your Mother a speedy recovery.

After Thanksgiving dinner, it's time for football. The past couple of years, we've gone to see a movie ... which is kind of fun.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

Anonymous said...

We usually take a nap and maybe head to a movie.

sillyleann said...

After diner, we head outside to play - no matter what the weather. We will do anything from football, ulimate frisbee, ride AVTs, slide down hills on cardboard, you name it. It makes for an interesting day to say the least!

Sara Henton said...

What I always do after a huge meal...SLEEP!! I wish I could say work it off but that never happens.

Anonymous said...

After the traditional dinner, our family watches movies, the kids play computer games and the moms sit and chat. Then after a little while we eat some more! Dessert anyone?

I wish you all a happy and healthy Thanksgiving.

Allison Rankin said...

After Thanksgiving (Christmas too), I love a nap. But, with preschoolers, it doesn't always happen...but, when it does, I think it is one of the best ones all year! Hee hee! Thanks Michelle!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear your mother is doing OK and on the mend. After the dinner, some go for a walk, some sit and talk, and some go through the sale adds to see where they are heading early on Friday mornings. That looks like a neat set from Hanna Stamps!!

Lorie said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I clean up after Thanksgiving dinner! I usually take a nap and just enjoy being in the house without anything to do!

Kraftin' Kimmie said...

After Thanksgiving dinner, it's a tradition that we go for a walk with all the kids and take pictures in the fall colours!! Love it!!! Happy Thanksgiving to my US friends!

Juliana said...

Um...wash dishes??? LOL!

But this year we are having Thanksgiving at church--so I am certain that washing dishes and cleaning up will be a major part of it! I will be kinda fun with my church family.

Later, on Thanksgiving Evening I LOVE to watch a Christmas movie on t.v. I am a Christmas movie ADDICT--and that evening kicks off the season.

Anonymous said...

After the dishes are done (no dishwasher at my mother's) and a little more visiting, we come home and take a much needed nap.

Happy thanksgiving!

Suzanne said...

Ugh! After my dinner tonight I plan to stamp some, then sleep. Then after my lunch tomorrow, I plan to help clean up, then drive for an hour to my mother-in-law's house and eat again. THEN more stamping and sleeping.

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving! After thanksgiving dinner we'll prolly just watch a movie. :)

Superlicious_Fun said...

We visit and catch up on everyones life.

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I am so glad that your mom is doing well! We will be watching football for sure! Thanks for the chance to win!


Cheryl KVD said...

After thanksgiving dinner, we get out the chocolate cake and celebrate my birthday. Then I get to open cool is that??
Cheryl KVD

Anonymous said...

Oh my............after Thanksgiving dinner? Nap? Not........LOL. Clean up is usually what I do, but I love it all. it is difficult to rub full belly with hands in the dishwater.........Dishwater, you say? dishwasher in this house.
I have to add my favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner. The NEXT day.......between 2 slices of bread spread with mayo, layer........sliced turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce............salt and pepper to taste. Oh yes...........have lots of napkins on hand.

Anonymous said...

After dinner we're typically cleaning and snacking on desserts!

Anonymous said...

I usually go for a walk... That way I can justify the over eating !

Unknown said...

After Thanksgiving dinner we put our coats on and head to the opposite family's house for dessert. This year, dinner is with my inlaws, and dessert is with my family. Its a pain, but the only way we can keep everyone happy.

Dottie K. said...

So glad to hear your mom is on the road to recovery. We will have dessert with my brother and just sit and catch up. Then later will watch a Christmas movie and relax. Happy Thanksgiving! :)

K said...

After the Thanksgiving meal we play board games and eat dessert.

Cathy M said...

I live in Missouri and it's cold on this side also. What's the deal? You would think is winter or something. Count me in on this sweet sweet set. Hanna stamps ROCK! I get to debone the turkey and clean up that fun fun mess afterwards. Then it's time to serve the pies and start all over again. That's ok, cuz all the family and friends are gather together.
Thanks for a chance.

Anonymous said...

Love the card. Love the shimmer.

After Thanksgiving which I've already had! besides clean up the big miss, we just hang out (family & friends) and chat and catch up and watch the kid's run around crazy!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Lori said...

After dinner at my mom's house, it's time to clean up and snack on the turkey skin and left over desserts. Have a happy holiday!

Katherine (beadfreak22) said...

After our Thanksgiving meal, we always go for a long family walk. When we get back, we can manage to wedge in a little dessert! :-)

Suzanne said...

Nap. For sure! This year though, we're staying home &, gasp, having pizza since it's just the 2 of us. Maybe I'll be able to convince DH that we don't have to watch football all day long! Have a Happy Thanksgiving & tell Mom to rest!

Casie said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
At our house after we eat we usually sit around and visit with family and watch football. Of course I'm usually in the kitchen doing the clean up at that point!

Stampin_Melissa said...

After Thanksgiving meal I get the honor of cleaning up! Okay, that is probably NOT what you were looking for, but it was honest! LOL! We just hang out and watch TV. Thanks for offering up the blog candy, I look forward to seeing this new set!

mnhyrkas said...

After dinner we always go for a walk. Usually the weather is cold, so everyone gets all bundled up. We walk off a few calories and then of course come back and eat again :LOL: Adelle in MN

Scott Franson Photography said...

Prayers for your Mom. We play games, watch football, nap and enjoy being together.

Anonymous said...

After dinner I help clean up and serve dessert, including seconds and thirds! We visit for the rest of the afternoon and drive home in the evenening

Tami McBeain said...

Well we always have good intentions to play games, but in reality we all colapse on the couch and watch a movie!

Cindy Vernon said...

We usually rest! And then eat leftovers for a midnight snack.

Jana M. said...

Beautiful card, Michelle!

After Thanksgiving dinner... I do dishes. :( Then we nap or play board games.

Anonymous said...

After the dinner we sit and talk or play games. Then we have dessert - pumpin and apple pies! Have a great Thanksgiving - glad your mom is home!

Anonymous said...

We are just beginning to establish some of our holiday traditions, but here's one my husband wanted to try. He decided that every Thanksgiving we (as a family)should watch the movie Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. Seen it? We remember it as a great comedy with Steve Martin and John Candy. So, last year was the first year of this tradition. There we were, with his conservative parents and luckily no kids, having our first showing of this new tradition. Let's just say it was awkward. As it turns out, we've seen that movie so many times over the years, but apparently we always watched the TV version. The "real" version is full of "potty" mouth type of talk. The F word was used liberally. We were completely embarrassed and have since re-evaluate this "brilliant" family tradition idea. So, who knows what we'll be doing after Thanksgiving this year!!! At least we know what we won't be doing!

jennifer said...


Jayne said...

Since we'll be travelling to my in-laws home for Thanksgiving, we'll probably be taking naps after dinner. Thanks for your great blog and I love that picture of your mantle. I like your style.

Mrs.Thomas said...

After the clean up of the kitchen, my mom and I spend time planing our shopping for Friday!

Brenda said...

After our big Thanksgiving meal, we talk and reminisce.

Donna Baker said...

first of all - thanks for the inspiration for something creative to do with that saying & the star & Hanna on this set! I was just trying to think of what could be done with it this evening and came up with NOTHING. Glad your mom is doing well & how thoughtful of y'all to let her rest, I'm sure she needs it. After we eat & clean up, we usually watch movies. We got Shrek the THird for tomorrow and of course I plan to nap & stamp (I have a lot of projects on my to do list) Thanks, Michelle & Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving. After dinner we always play Scattergories with everyone. It is a tradition that we have done for 10 or 12 years. Have a great day tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

just left a comment and for got to leave my name.

Anonymous said...

After Thanksgiving dinner it's all about the Cowboys!!!
Go 'Boys!!!
Best wishes for your mom!
Michelle Hutchins

Anonymous said...

I hope you are able to have a restful day!!! After dinner - and all the dishes and clean up -- I am pretty much ready to crash on the couch. I don't move until it's time to head to bed!!! :) Thanks!!
Susan C.

nettystamps said...

Depending on the mood of the family we either play dice games or the end of the day we've done both....and ate some more! :)
Thanks for the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Well, usually we play eucre, but I have a little napper this year, so more than likely I will go home and take a nap when my little one does.

It's a good life!
Terri E.

Wendalyn said...

After we have Thanksgiving dinner i clean up and then stamp :-) Hubby is normally down on his pc doing whatever it is he does down there.

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving Michelle! I usually tap a nap then watch a good movie, and plan out my Black Friday sale mission!

Lisa Bohler said...

After dinner this year, I'll be watching the Packer game and stamping. (I always stamp and watch football at the same time!) Happy THanksgiving to you!

Tami Grandi said...

I always take a nap! Also- that card is so cute!

Lindsay said...

I am thankful for good health this year. This is the first time in 2 years that my family is heading into the holidays healthy. 2 years ago my dad had a heart attack, nearly 1 year later, he had to have a stint put in, around the same time my mom had a hysterectomy and a month after that had her gallbladder removed. Whew!! So glad thats all behind us! God has blessed my family so generously and I am very thankful this year!

Lindsay said...

I always take a nap every year after eating lunch. This year i will probably be studying. I have a final on tuesday. Yuck!

Dale Anne Potter said...

We usually go for a walk.....then a couple hours later we'll have our dessert - pumpkin pie.

Jackie said...

After Thanksgiving dinner it is time to plan my attack....Thats right, I begin to plot out how I will be shopping and where I should go first....great fun! Then we watch a movie and have some yummy pie.

Patty said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! I live in Canada, we had our thanksgiving last month. For a change it was a clear day (we get lots of rain). My daughter and I had a friend over for a wonderful turkey dinner with all the fixins. After dinner we went for a long walk (the dog was thrilled), cleaned up, had yummy pumpkin pie for dessert - then I watched as my daughter and our guest played cards - I don't know who cheated more! Fabulous dinner, fabulous company and all in good health - I couldn't ask for a more perfect Thanksgiving!

inkedx2 said...

My favorite thing to do after the big dinner is to watch the football game on the tv. Finally end the day with more pumpkin pie! Thanks for the goodies. Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!

Cassandra Hill said...


No, we all mostly relax and visit. Usually someone falls asleep (DH), but we all just chill and try to make room for pie and leftover turkey sandwiches.

What a great sentiment set! So cute!

Heather Parks said...

Usually a nap is taken after we get done eating!

Lori said...

wow....after the big dinner, I love sitting around just being with my family...It is awesome to just hang out knowing that I am right where I need to be!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Anonymous said...

I hope your Mom continues to recuperate and regain her strength. This year, we will do the dishes and collapse. Just the 4 of us, including my Mom, who is quite ill. I will probably spend time in her room with her watching TV, just keeping her company. I'm grateful that she is still with us.

Anonymous said...

Usually after dinner I clean up and then do some stamping to get a head start on my Christmas cards. Glad your mom is home and resting. Happy Thanksgiving.

Scrappychick said...

We eat, then nap, then rewind the movie that we napped during, LOL. Have a great Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Definitely take a nap. I love getting to nap after eating a lot of food. lol!

Hope your mom is okay, she'll be in my thoughts and prayers. Cute card! Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Tricia said...

We haven't been near family for the past number of years, so after dinner *this* year we'll make the trek to both sets of parents' houses and enjoy catching up with family.

Stephanie Earls said...

We play games like Scrabble, Chess and Ping Pong. This year we added an Air Hockey table to our party building. We also bought our boys a Skee Ball game for Christmas so we will be adding that after Santa comes this year. Thanks for the great ideas you share with us and the opportunity to be a winner.

Heather Leech said...

Happy Thanksgiving to my American stamping buddies! We Canadians celebrate in October, but I LOVE Thanksgiving dinner. Afterwards it's normally a bit of time to visit and then head home for that wonderful feeling after a great meal with a great family!
Thanks for a chance to win an awesome set!!!
Heather L.

Erin McKinney said...

What a cute card! I love what you did with the cut out!
Thanks for the chance to win a free stamp set!

Anonymous said...

Your mom is in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. Our new tradition is to decorate for Christmas before the weather gets too cold and before all our schedules get too hectic.

Heather Huggins said...

We usually watch TV.. and NAP!!

Anonymous said...

After Thanksgiving dinner we will do our cookie swap (we are trying out new cookie recipes to prepare for Christmas), then we will discuss how we will handle Christmas presents this year. Because finances are tight for everyone, we decided to do a Secret Santa type thing but we need to set the amount and write wish lists. We will probably watch a video also. And then pack up some leftovers to take home. Happy Thanksgiving!

Kristy said...

After cleaning up, we kinda separate into groups. The guys always have to watch the game, the kids all bring games to play (which we sometime join in), and then we get out the pie and go through all the shopping circulars. Later in the evening, we all usually gather in the basement (where the HUGE screen TV is) and watch a video. I love Thanksgiving!

Michelle L. said...

Fun question! My favorite thing to do is go for a walk, if it's nice, especially if I can go at the beach. This year though, I'm going to dinner at some coworkers' house - they're having an 'orphans' dinner - and I think we're going to have a Sound of Music singalong to the karaoke version of the film! It should be crazy fun. Have a great day!

Suzy said...

After Thanksgiving we take a long walk in our park with the dog. Then come home to hot cocoa and layin on the couch :)

Happy Thanksgiving

Melodie Hoschek said...

Well, not only is it cold here but, it's SNOWING!!! So, I think we will just snuggle under a blankie by the fireplace and maybe watch A Christmas Story!! Happy Turkey Day!!

Jannette said...

These past 5 years it's been my famiy over at my brothers. After we eat, we all gather in the living room to watch Christmas vacation. Nap a little, eat more.

Jannette D.

~Carla~ said...

I hope your mom is feeling better soon.. (((hugs))) After Thanksgiving, we all just sit around talk, watch football, goof off.. just hang out having fun!

Melody (lacyquilter) said...

We are getting snow tonight. The grass is already white. After thanksgiving dinner, the guys usually watch football and the ladies do crafts.

Anonymous said...

You aren't kidding -- it IS freezing in Kansas! LOL! But I kinda like it in time for the holiday. :) After we eat, we have 'magazine time' -- well, the girls do anyway. We all sit around the kitchen table with coffee and a huge stack of our favorite magazines and we peruse and trade mags and peruse some more.'s so fun! (Oh, and we go thru the sale ads from the paper!) And while we're having magazine time, the guys sit in front of the tv until they fall asleep! :) Good times...

susiebee said...

Usually I moan and groan because I ate toooo much. This yr hopefully I can be a big girl and stop before I burst. Once we get home i do take a nap...its got to be due to the triptophan in the turkey.
Have a great Thanksgiving
PS pick me, pick me, pick me

Unknown said...

We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in Australia but after Christmas lunch we usually nap or watch a dvd or take a swim.If I could send you and your Mum a little bit of sunshine I would.. Consider it done.

Unknown said...

My mom passed away a couple years ago so we had to start our own tradition. So after dinner we start putting up Christmas decorations. We have fun doing it and I hope it will become our tradition for a long time.

Happy Thanksgiving~

JoAnna said...

I am so grateful for my mom. I would not be who and where I am today if it was not for her. I love her very much!!


Mary said...

When I was a kid, we used to go bowling after our mid-day dinner - I think it was a way to work off our dinner so we'd have room for turkey sandwiches which we all thought was the best way to have turkey! Now I can't imagine doing something that physical!! We enjoy going for a walk if the weather is nice, playing board games or watching a good movie. Hope you enjoy your turkey day! together.

Wendy L. said...

We play games or watch football.

inkohoots said...

After Thanksgiving dinner, we as a family put a jigsaw puzzle together. It is so much fun and we all look forward to it.
Chris Hauck

Peggy Maier said...

After dinner we'll be watching the Dallas Cowboys play! Then looking thru the ads to see if we really "need" to go shopping Friday.

Anonymous said...

Well, first several of us groan! Then some of us play games, while others watch tv football. Before the end of the day, the girls go through the sale ads and plan their strategy for the annual Friday shop-a- thon.

Anonymous said...

We used to go to a movie after dinner every year. Now my cousins and I usually read all the ads & plan our shopping spree for Black Friday. We usually take off at 5am. for the malls:)

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with your mom and the rest of your family as nothing will be the same tomorrow.

After our big meal we usualy head out to the field to watch each of my kids try out riding my brothers horses. We live just far enough apart that visits are special and unique.

Amy said...

I will keep your Mom in my thoughts! We usually play games or sit around and visit after the big meal. This year because Larry and I had to work on Fri we were not able to go with the rest of the family on our annual trip so we are having a small scale Tday dinner followed by some R&R. Take care!!!

Lisa's Blessed A Latte said...

This year we are starting a new tradition, we are giving gifts to each other. I have made up these Wonderful gift baskets for each family attending. We then will play games and nibble on leftovers all evening!!!

Lisa Lin said...

After dinner, my cousins and I usually talk, laugh or play games. Its a fun time to spend w/ family!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Not sure what we will do this year as my mother is recovering from open heart surgery...but in years past we (the women and children) have always played games of some sort while the men watch football.


Darth Debby said...

After dinner we all just stay at the table and talk. I jump up every once in a while and put some dishes in the dishwasher too but mainly - I talk.

Anonymous said...

I stay in the kitchen and clean up after the meal whilst burning those many calories away! I leave hubbie to entertain the guests until I am done.

Anonymous said...

I take a walk. In the evening, I put up our Christmas tree and start getting Christmas decorations out.
Linda Peterson

Francesca said...

I'm thankful for my family , friends and my life. Many greetings from Italyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Amy said...

After dinner at my in laws we usually break out the games, and play for hours. It's a bit insane, but it keeps me awake after eating turkey.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win some stamps. Happy Thanksgiving. After dinner the boys watch tv and nap. After dishes are finished we girls catch up on gossip and stamp some.

Anonymous said...

First of all, my best to your mother. I hope she has a quick recovery.
Usually for Thanksgiving we eat with one family, then go to the other family's and try to eat. This year since my daughter is due with our first grandchild we are staying home (yay!). It will be a day of food and football!

Anonymous said...

Michelle, love your blog! Please tell your Mom that life goes on after Dad has 12 (6 inside of 6) and he still plays softball and basketball at age 73. After Thanksgiving dinner, I wash the dishes! Thanks for the chance to WIN something!

Anonymous said...

after Thanksgiving we load the dishwasher and while it runs, we visit around the kitchen table and play games - we love to play games!!

Susan said...

I'll keep your mom in my prayers and Happy Thanksgiving to all! Since I've been a single parent and my girls go to their grandparents to Thanksgiving, I get out all my Christmas decorations and get ready to start decorating. Makes my day brighter! Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Lisa said...

Glad your mum is recovering well, make sure she gets lots of TLC.

After Christmas dinner we watch TV and play some more with our prezzies, we then usually walk our dogs.

Happy Thanksgiving

Lisa Wyatt

Mom22RedHeads said...

After Thanksgiving we play games, then I sit with the circulars and plan my route of attack at the stores at 5am on Black Friday. I try to sharpen my survival skills, some of those shoppers are tough. Love and prayers to your mom and family.

Mom22RedHeads said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

After Thanksgiving dinner we will sit and visit. Happy Thanksgiving!

Holly Young said...

after Thanksgiving dinner the men watch football and the women divide up the leftovers and visit while cleaning up the kitchen. Then we get the ads from the newspaper and talk about shopping the sales the next day.

Anonymous said...

Clean and clean some more. I don't have help in the kitchen. Thanksgiving is great for everyone, and I'm happy to make it so, but I spend the entire day working so that others can have great memories. Hey- it keeps em coming home for the holidays!

Nancy @

Doris said...

After dinner, we watch football games while I address the envies for all my Christmas cards!

Anonymous said...

If the weather allow we take a walk through the neighborhood to make room for pie:)

skyviewstamper said...

I would always like to take a nap but it never seems to work out that way!!!!

Nikki Bond said...

I nap....hello! After all the preparing and cooking....and turkey just makes me so darn tired! LOL Have a great holiday! {SMILES}

Happydaymom said...

I'm not sure we ever stop eating..hee-hee. Unfortunately, the dishes have to be washed, but after that we sit, talk, watch football and put a puzzle together.

Mary Duffek said...

After Thanksgiving dinner we read a story, the Christmas story. The book we read every year after Thanksgiving dinner and on Christmas Eve and a lot of day in between is "Cosmic Christmas" by Max Lucado. (Awesome Book)
Then we play games and chat with our friends that came.
Have a most blessed Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Well, there will be football to watch (Go Packers!), plus I have to decide what stores I'm hitting tomorrow, and I need to prepare for a scrapbooking weekend. Hopefully I'll be able to nap in between chores. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Our whole family plays pictionary and we have a ball! Thanks for the chance to win some Hanna Stamps!

Anonymous said...

Take a walk of course to walk off the extra calories ha ha ha My healing prayers for your Mom. Hugs n' Stuff, Lynne

Val said...

After dinner, we usually gather and have a good visit with everyone and then of course, we have dessert later in the evening, since everyone is usually so full from the dinner!

Angel said...

NAP! And football. :-)

Cindy said...

Happy Thanksgiving! My familiy always naps- we stuff our selfs silly and then lay down and snooze

SueB said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Mish!

After dinner, we generally sit down to watch "Miracle on 34th Street" wherever we're gathered ... a family tradition for us!

later, alligator!
- SueB of

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

My mom had the same surgery a year ago. She felt so much better the very next day. She followed the doctors orders (taking the medication and walking), and now she is doing just fine!

After Thanksgiving dinner...helping Mom get ready for Christmas luncheon she is hosting next week. She just keeps going and going and going ... :)

Anonymous said...

Well, after Thanksgiving dinner I love to watch football and then we usually go to the movies, dd, dh and I!

Anonymous said...

after a noon Thanksgiving meal, we head home and I cook the evening meal for my husband's side of the family. No rest for the weary!

I *love* Hanna Stamps! - thanks for the opportunity to win!

Amy said...

We used to just hang out and chat after the big meal, but this year I have a little niece who was born premature and is still in the NICQ. We will probably track down her mom, dad, and big sister and spread a little Thanksgiving cheer!

Viv said...

After the dinner, it's nap time...time to recoup and refresh. Then we watch movies until the early morning hours!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family and especially your mom!!

Cathy Green said...

After Thanksgiving dinner, we clean up the kitchen and then play games. We get out the cards, board games, dominoes, whatever anyone is in the mood for.

Anonymous said...

We usually Thanksgiving dinner at a restaurant and then come home and watch movies.

Debby said...

We head up to the master bedroom and watch Christmas movies on the projector.

Bev Hammack said...

After dinner we put up the Christmas Tree! Happy Holidays!

Lizzy said...

Happy Thanksgiving! We usually do two things after dinner. We gather the Black Friday Ads and make our game plan for what we want and where we are going first, second, third. Then we pack our scrapping stuff too. Our CMC has a big crop on BF evening. It is such a great girl day of shopping and cropping! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Get well hugs to your mom!!

We love to nap and play board games (for the adults we do both at the same time!) Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Best wishes to your mom! Sounds like you will be taking excellent care of her!

We usually just lay around and groan............ Then try to cram down some pie after all that turkey, ect, settles a little. After a coma-like night's sleep we will begin the Christmas preparations on Friday.


Nicki said...

Our family loves to go to the movies, I think we will see Mr. Magorium's wonder emporium this year. Then of course it is back home for turkey sandwiches!

Tanja said...

We, like Meredith have temps in the high 70s, so we will be playing kickball after dinner today. Stay warm!

Cheryl said...

After dinner we eat dessert and talk about what's been going on in our lives. Some of us just watch the t.v.

Anonymous said...

Happy thanksgiving. Hope your mom feel better soon.
We don't celebrate thanksgiving in our country, so I don't have any tradition to share with you!! So maybe I'm not eligible for this giveaway! Feel free to cross out my name from the list.

Unknown said...

Can we say NAP!! Big time napper here!

crazy4mycrafts said...

After Thanksgiving Dinner is over I SLEEP!!!
Sarah B

Cheryl said...

This year my kids are with their dad in SC so my DH & I are alone and will be having steak instead of a traditional dinner with all the fixings.

We will spend the day in our PJ's watching footbal and enjoying our quiet time.

Thanks for the Blog candy offer. Those sayings would make the perfect addition to my growing card making stash.

Blessings to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Love your question!!! AFTER is just as enjoyable as eating! My mom, sister and I sit around, hunkered over the newspaper and plan and strategize our plan of action for Black Friday. I think the planning is actually more fun than the shopping! :-) Blessings to you!

Elaine said...

Hello Michelle,
Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving and hoping your mother is back to her self very soon! My dad has had to do two of the same procedure your mom had, over the last 4 years.
We sit around after dinner and usually all get caught up on what has been going on or reminisce about previous years' gatherings!!

Anonymous said...

My husband died suddenly from a massive heart attack several months ago. This year my daughter and I are trying to develop new traditions without him. We were invited to a friend's for Thanksgiving which will be low keyed as we are not in a "celebrating mode". I believe we will get play games after we eat and hopefully go for a walk. I need to learn to enjoy life again.
Thank you for your generous prize! I hope I win as I could use some good "news" for a change.

Amy said...

We look at the ads and make our wish lists! BTW, can your cards get any cuter? I love all of the inspiration you share, keep it coming! Amy =)

Sonja said...

After Thanksgiving dinner I clean the kitchen...hey, someone has to do it and I don't watch football so that makes me the perfect target. Happy Thanksgiving.

SusanBluerobot said...

we do not celebrate thanks giving but if we did it would be stamping up some cards

Anonymous said...

Happy thanksgiving!! love the blog candy! After our big thanksgiving dinner, we usually all sit back and visit or pop in a movie. Usually too full to do much else - lol
Sue R (BC, Canada)

Anonymous said...

I love your card. That Hanna stamp rocks. I love that Hanna Stamps is doing this giveaway. I have throughly enjoyed stopping by all of the design team members blogs and seeing everyone's styles. My lists of blogs that I visit daily has seriously grown in the last two days. :) I am thankful for my health and thankful that I have a loving family that makes sure that I have time to stamp. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a blessed holiday season. Thanks Hanna Stamps.

Bonnie J said...

Wow. What a cool font. I would love to win the stamp set. Thanks for sharing all of your creativity with us. You rock. I am thankful for the love and support of a great family. After we eat, WE NAP!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle - I scrapbook of course! I stick in a movie for the kids and go to it :o) Happy Thanksgiving!
Ruth A.

Robyn said...

Not celebrating Thanksgiving but after Christmas dinner always fun to sit around and chat with family.

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving! xo d

Marilyn said...

Happy Thanksgiving!! Believe it or not - after just a short visit at the table, we get up and clean the kitchen, so we don't have that hanging that over our heads later - just best to get it over with, so we can visit with a clean (LOL) conscience.

baronreads said...

We just veg out. Today I'm just visiting blogs while others are napping. What a lazy day! Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

This year I am searching stamp sites and logs on the internet - LOL!

creativearts said...

Rest after getting back home! Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

Anonymous said...

We love to go on a hike after thanksgiving dinner.

loveulongtime1 said...

After we finish eating we sit down and watch FOOTBALL!! Go Cowboys!

Jen said...

Oh it is definitely nap time at my house, I do all the cooking and then hubby cleans up usually, and of course his parents come eat, and leave. Such a nice holiday!! LOL

Lisa Bukata said...

This year, as we are visiting relatives in So. Cal that my kids are meeting for the first time, I think we will hang out awhile and head to the hotel airport as we have a flight that leaves at 6 am tomorrow (my hubby is flying it, so the kids are thrilled). Just being w/family is fabulous, and we'll all sit around and watch a movie and digest the huge meal!

Anonymous said...

My daughter and I head out to see a Holiday Movie, We were going to see Fred Claus this year, but ended up seeing Enchanted. I'm glad we did, it was really cute!

Debi H. said...

We watch football and nap or read or look at blogs on the computer. Happy Turkey Day!

Whimsey said...

I always sneak in a nap!!! :D Love taking little naps; leaves me refreshed and rarin' to go. BTW, I'm in toto-land with you and it's too stinkin' cold!!! Thanks for sharing candy...with us!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it nap time for everyone?

Pam Watts said...

We visit, play games, laugh A LOT and have each person write down what they are thankful for which we save in a box I decorated. We can look back each year and see what funny or serious things we were thankful for that year.

Michelle Pearson said...

I chase kids around and keep them out of trouble! ;)

Jan Hunnicutt said...

This year we had dinner out on the patio, it was in the 80's here in Arizona. Flavored coffee after dinner and sitting around outside visiting.

April said...

Well considering I hosted this year after the dinner I was busy cleaning up while everyone else chatted :( But then after the boys went to bed I finally got to put my feet up and relax!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Danita said...

Oooo thanks for the holiday blog candy!! After we're through stuffing ourselves to the gills with yummy food, we generally veg on the couch and watch movies. Not exciting, but good bonding. :)

Debbie G said...

what a sweet stamp set! I am thankful for a number of things but most of all to have a healthy family and to be able to spend time together.

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