I'm thinking ahead here but wouldn't it be awesome to send your child off with a recipe box full of their favorite recipes and/or family favorites for when they head off to college or on their own? I would have LOVED to have my mom's recipes all in one place when I left home. Instead I spent many a night having boxed macaroni and cheese and bologna sandwiches because I didn't know what to cook for meals. I'm thinking I might just need to make another kit so that BOTH the girls can have their own recipe box kits. I am certain that you'll be seeing more of our recipe creations....and I'll even include my favorite recipes for you since I know you all like recipes. The entire recipe kit and add on kit which includes the recipe box, menu planning clipboard and notebook is available at Ellen's store HERE.
Let me know if you're purchased a kit and what your plans are for your kit. Think ahead for someone getting married or graduating this coming year..this would be a perfect gift, with your favorite recipes included of course. And I love the idea of doing a creative activity with your kids this year and this recipe kit would be perfect. I know my girls and I will have a lot of fun with it. So stay tuned for more.

I think you should be able to copy and paste the recipe below into a word document and print off. Enjoy!! And NO, you don't bake it.....easy peasy!
Cocktail Crackers
Combine together in a small bowl:
1 package Original Ranch Dressing (dry mix)
1-1/2 cups oil
1 Tablespoon each: lemon pepper, dill weed, garlic powder, onion powder
Pour over:
1 bag soup crackers 1 box Cheezits
1 box Wheatables 1 box Wheat Thins
1 box Keebler Club Snack Sticks
Stir to coat crackers evenly. I use two large Tupperware bowls. Let the crackers dry for 2 hours or til liquid is absorbed and crackers are dry, stirring several times to evenly coat crackers. Store in airtight container. If you find that your crackers are not sufficiently coated, you can mix up a little more oil and seasonings and add to the crackers. It’s better to add more liquid later if you need it. This makes a huge batch and is perfect for parties, work functions or to package up as gifts. I have also frozen half the batch, just take out several hours before serving.