Are you like Broom Hilda these days, flying every
witch way? Then you've come to the right place
cuz I'm brewing up some speedy quick Halloween treats. They're quick, easy, cute....and no kettle is required!!
At our schools now, it is policy that we can't bring home made treats to school anymore. Boo. Hiss. They all
know I'm the queen of homemade treats, how could they do this to me, right?? Well, I'm going with the flow and improvising!
Here's what I'm giving as teacher treats (and maybe some of the girls' closer friends) this year as Halloween goodies. We'll start with the supply list:
Hocus Pocus patterned paper cut into 5-1/2" squares,
2009 Halloween Tags stamp set, True Black ink, Kraft and Summer Sunrise
cardstock, True Black ribbon, circle and scalloped circle punches,
Scor-Tape, pop dots black sequin stickers, and Hershey candy bars.

Directions: Wrap the patterned paper around candy bars, using
Scor-Tape. I make sure to not tape my paper directly to the candy bar. This way the recipient can slide off the wrapper to keep...or
regift by inserting another candy bar inside. Stamp a Halloween tag image onto Kraft
cardstock and punch with circle punch. Punch scallop circle from Summer Sunrise
cardstock. Tie ribbon around candy bar, cut ends with pinking shears. Attach tag to candy bar with two pop dots. Put one black sequin sticker on tag.

And that's it! Easy
peasy and ready for gift giving. It's hand stamped and it's chocolate.....can't get much better than that!

A few other nifty ideas: Try using other candy bars like Kit
Kats, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups(my personal fave)......or gum packets. Use the pattern paper as gift wrap and package up an I-Tunes card in the same fashion. Just remember, gift giving doesn't have to mean you spend hours in the craft room or that you break the bank.....keep it simple, keep it inexpensive pay attention to detail and whip these little gifts out. Have fun!!
For even more cute treat ideas, visit these talented girls' blogs:
Nichole Heady
Becky Oehlers
Heather Nichols
Lauren Meader
Lisa Johnson
Teri Anderson