After the girls got back into their school routine, I got inspired to rearrange my craft room. I tore into everything and totally rearranged my room and purged. Man, does that feel good. I'm not showing you the areas that aren't done yet though. I have a huge closet that is still a mess but that will have to wait for another day. So here we go! My room suits my blog name....a total Mish Mash of this and that. Stuff I like, stuff I purchase here and there, just lots of stuff!
This is a wall of tall shelving units, Target open cubes, Pottery Barn desktop organizers and plastic Sterlite 3-drawer units. All of my solid cardstock, small embellishments, punches, tools, etc are here. Each drawer is labeled with a homemade tag and tied on with ribbon.

More Target storage units, wire shelving from local hardware store and wall hanging units from Pottery Barn. My friend Cami told a bunch of friends about these PB units going on clearance. I think we bought them ALL. I know I bought 5 and was hiding boxes for days. Man, I laugh about that! It really WAS a good deal and it was Pottery Barn!!

This is my stamping table. I sent my mom on one of our so called *missions* and she found this standing height table at a garage sale for $35 bucks. Score!! It's got drop down leafs and 4 drawers, just perfect!

My shelf of M's, kinda got a monogram thing going on there. Shelf is made from old barn wood and door knobs. I get a new one each year at this awesome craft show my mom and I have been going to for about 20 some years in Hillsboro, Kansas.

Plastic pegboard unit my brother made for me when he built our house. Ancient Fiskars scissors (had to have every pair!) are on wooden pegs. Ribbon spools are on wire pegs that slip into the pegboard holes.

This is where my room takes on it's personality. I swear my craft room is turning into a kitchen and laundry room of sorts. I found an old wooden ironing board that I thought would be perfect for my sewing machine that my mom found at a garage sale for $10 bucks. Another one of those craft show shelves holds my precious clothes pin dresses. Aren't they adorable? I started collecting them a year or so ago. They hold my clothespins that I use to clip together papers and wrap ribbon around. Rows of Longaberger canning jars full of buttons and flowers sit on the top shelf.

More shelving and this cute little cabinet I found an an antique store. Once I got it home and started cleaning it, I found an orignal Hoosier label on it. Score!! I think I paid $35 for it. It's got a laminate top and drop down side leafs. Two shelves on the inside that smell like old baby powder. Lots of bobby pins too, I think someone used it as a stylist station or maybe in a bathroom.

Jars of buttons sit in a wire hanging unit. Underneath are tins that have magnets. More storage!

My new type of old storage are these boxes. They're the perfect size for my CD cases full of wonderful Papertrey Stamps and more. HEAVEN! And easy to flip through too. I have my mom and dad on another *mission* to find more of these on their vacation. They love when I send them on missions, it's like a scavenger hunt for them!

Paper towel holder that matches those craft show shelves. My friend Pine needs one of these so that she can wipe off her acrylic blocks. Have you seen her blocks??????? LOL! Love ya Piney!

Closeup of the clothespin dresses just because they're so cute.

I have about 15 of these old locker room wire baskets. They have the number plaques on them and they sell for big bucks at places. I've seen them starting at $15 each or more for good ones. My sister got these for me on Ebay for $4-5 bucks each. She got a good stash for herself too. I keep them on a sturdy steel storage unit that I got at Sam's Club years ago.

I like to see my stuff yet have it contained in one place. Each basket holds a grouping of supplies, like my JustRite stamping stuff. Soldering stuff in another. Crafty Secrets stamps in another and so on. No mixy matchy here, only one group of stuff for each basket.

I framed Jordy's little picture she painted of the birds that nested on the front porch this spring. Isn't she GOOD? Takes after her mother I think.

Old scraps of wood that I painted and added clothespins to. Holds lots of lightweight papers like my Copic color charts, address labels, finished cards I want to display, etc.

Are you still with me? Okay. My Copic markers. What's more to say, they're awesome!! I store them in a Pottery Barn Kids lazy susan organizer. Making Memories now has a cool one out too.

Useful but kind of awkward to store tools go into hiding, like my Cuttlebug and folders and Bind It All. I found these old tin bread/flour bins at an antique store. Love them, need to find more. You should see the smirks I get from Eric when I'm on my missions. I bypass the fine antiques and head right for the cheap junk. He's always amazed at where stuff ends up at our house.

Looky here at my new ribbon. I found this canning jar pan (I think that's what it is) in an old basket. Totaly forgot I bought it but what a surprise. You'll notice that I don't use a lot of plastic to hold my stuff. I like REAL things like wood and metal and glass. You'll also notice that I like the word STUFF. It encompasses so much with just one word. Stuff is good.

Here's some more good stuff. The round tin plate came in a box of tins that I got at an auction. The plate is from this one store I can't remember the name of but it's cool. You should go there sometime. Not Apothecaries but something like that. The small rectangle tray is from a garage sale. I love to keep a stash of these handy so that I can dump out buttons, beads, etc. Have to be careful though of junk starts piling up.

I love little tin drinking cups and measuring cups to keep tools in. What is the name of that STORE! Anyone?

Here's a new find, some textured bread tins. These are perfect to hold finished cards. I found these at a junk store nearby. This old drunk guy runs it. He always try to sell me stupid stuff....I tell him his price is too high and that his store stinks like musty old cigarette smoke. We have a great time together when I visit. Cratchety old fart.

My must have tools that I must have sitting on my table top. They all fit into this divided wooden drawers, see the little pull handle? One slot fits my CLEAN(ahem, Piney) acrylic blocks of all shapes and sizes, cleaner spray, blue dots and SU! Dimensionals, pens, scissors, sanding blocks, adhesive,etc. If you borrow something from this box, it BETTER get put back. Probably best if you just bring your own stuff when you come over to stamp, okay? LOL!! Jordan frequently *borrows* my supplies and I've been tempted many times to call the school to ask where my stuff is!!

Oh, I see I've run out of photos now. Well that should be plenty. So there you have it. All of my own room......what more could a girl want.....besides Nichole's stamping room? LOL!
Edit: Ding, ding ding, we have a winner! I knew you girls would help me out....
The store you're trying to think it Anthropologie? Thanks for sharing!--
Tammy D.
That's it Tammy! Thank you, you just saved me a day's worth of pondering!! You guys are awesome!! Soooooo, do you think I could start a business....guided junk ways to shop for junk to hold your stuff! Sounds kinda catchy to me!
WOW WOW WOW... I am an organizing freak and I love your space! So many different little areas, so much to look at! It just makes me happy!
Thank you for the tour! Your ability to find junk and put it to good use is remarkable! I definitely do not have that talent. When I go into a garage sale or antique store, I start hyperventilating -- get me out of here!!!
I love that you call your stuff "stuff" 'cuz that's a term my family always uses. We got it from an old George Carlin monologue. Stuff is good!
Ok, I need to go with you on your "missions!" I LOVE the antique STUFF...but can't stand shopping for it...too much digging or imagination or something.
The store you're trying to think it Anthropologie?
Thanks for sharing!
--Tammy D.
Hey Mishie! I'll treat you to a margarita if you come help me do my scraproom. Okay, a pitcher of margaritas - I know I need to paint too!
Your room looks brilliant - I'll be over in a bit to check it out!
I just love your room! It's organized and so creative and pretty. I love your table, it's gorgeous. Thanks for sharing it!
your room is awesome!!! all the "stuff" you have found to store your scrapbooking & card-making supplies in....all of the "stuff" gives your room alot of character...i think i will start some "missions" to see what i can find...
Wow - you have lots of stuff!!!!! ;) Lucky lady!!! Doesn't it feel great though when everything is organized and in it's place. Now we can expect to see lots more cute cards, right??? :) Thanks for sharing. I need to go and clean up MY craft room now!!!
Totally love your "stuff" and next time you are in Chicago we are going junking together! My poor husband is always on some sort of mission. LOL
Wow Michelle, your room is so great.... I want one! I have a small corner of the lounge so far... I keep looking at the spare room thinking that 'we never have friends to stay that often, im sure we could get rid of the bed!'
Hope you dont mind but I've linked you to my blog so i can keep up with the results!
Take care
Sam x
Thanks so much for sharing your space and "STUFF!" I also love a good afternoon at an antique store! Although, I'm in no league close to yours! Your space is very functional but seems to be "you" to a 'T'. Love it! BTW, how are the girls' bedrooms coming along?
Wow.. I'm impressed. I long for a stamping room. Makes things much easier when things are organized like your room.
is the store you are thinking of "Anthropologie" (sp?)?
It's been sometime since I've commented but I'm still here visiting on a daily basis. It was so much fun viewing your stamp room. Now I need to make a monogram shelf like yours. TFS! Sheila
WOW, WOW, WOW...I dream of a room like yours.....I LOVE IT Mish!!!! Please visit my blog for a VERY SPECIAL award....HUGS!!!
WOW your room is so totally inspiring. Can I come play at your creative space? If you want come on over to my place, cuz it needs a lot of help.
some more questions....
do you ever lose the very tiny acrylic stamps? I seem to have misplaced some of my itty bitty PTI letters. Also, some of them stick to the other side of the CD and/or fall out... any tips about this?
BTW - I love your stamp room. Nichole's is amazing, too, but I like that shabbiness of yours - it's cozy and homey... Very inspiring!!
thanks for sharing a tour of your amazing!!!! craft room I just love it :)
Thanks sharing pic's of your craft room. I am in the process of doing mine as well and I love all your things and may steal a few ideas. As I am still trying to figure out how to store things! I love how you are using old things!! Jessie
Thanks for all the ideas! I have some antiques holding my stuff but I loved the textured bread tins! I am going to a sb class and a antique fair on the 6th with the people at cocoadaisy and Ali Edwards!!!! I was wondering what could be my "mission" I have it...textured bread tins!
I started into this blog world in March and your blog is my favorite. My style matches yours and Anthropology is one of my favorite stores. Most of my drawer knobs came from there when we built our house. And a lot of our light fixtures are those painted tin ones from the 40's. Anyway, love all your vintagy storage items:)
Oh boy -- now this is inspiring! I'm stuck in the tear down and purge phase! :-) I hope to get to the organized phase soon. Yours looks great!
I just love what you have done. I've been looking for some fine inspiration on how to get better organized. I have some special containers to store my "equipment", but need many more to contain my treasures.I'll just have to go "garaging" to get myself better set up.
i think we were sister's in a former life! i adore it all and already use some of your ideas and learned a few things too! thank you for sharing!
dont mind me- I'm just DROOLING over here!! Wow- great space, so jealous! No wonder you are such a pro at your craft!
What a cool room!! Those locker room baskets bring back lots of memories of Jr. High. Thanks for sharing.
You never cease to inspire me! I really need to get busy at organizing my space. Great tips and ideas!!
ok i LOVE your STUFF! and here's what is cool, that tin tray.. the yellow one with the painted flowers..I have one hanging in my kitchen that was my Grandmother's! ONly mine i think is bigger ..its like 11x17ish maybe? Big enough to hang over the door and not look tiny!
how cool! I love old stuff and i love your blog..i just like looking at all your STUFF!
Thanks for sharing. That was a great tour. Your artistic side comes out in everything you do. Amazing. How can there possibly be more that we haven't seen. I love cleaning out and rearranging my stuff almost as much as creating. You find the neatest things when you rearrange.
Oh Mishie, Of course you can start a new business - but it is called a stamping magazine !! How quickly we forget ! LOL !
Love your room, I just wish I could hire you. Now my room would be a real challenge for you and I know how you love a challenge. Great job in organizing all your stuff !!
Hi there! I'm cleaning my room today too... but I'm finding myself jealous of yours! It's beautiful! And yes, your "stuff" is definately "good stuff"!
Blessings, Kimberly
First of all, I have to say, that it's nice to meet a kindred spirit. I love that you store/use things of all kinds in your space. I, too, find lots of different ways to store stuff and one my favorite places to find all this neat STUFF is at garage sales, auctions, and antique stores.
Second, I'd love to know if you LIVE in Kansas since you attend the Hillsboro Craft Fair. It is, by far, one of the best around!
Love your site and your work! TFS!
I love your craft room and the stuff you use for storage. I've seen some people's craft room where it's obvious that they've spent a fortune on fancy storage cupboards; yours is the kind I pefer :o)
Hi Michelle, well your room is definitely a "mish mash", in a good way of course haha! Love it, love it, love it. I read your blog every day and I am always inspired by your wonderful creations. Please check out my blog as I have an award for you. Lots of love, Denise x
Love your stamping room. I'm a huge fan of "junquing" and go yardsaling every Saturday. Yes, "yardsaling" is a word & I think its also a verb. lol I'm always looking for unique storage items. Like you I love the vintage items. I just wish I had a bigger room to display it in. I find that no only are these vintage finds great for storage, they are also great for inspiration. TFS!
color me jealous! many great things! Not only craft items but all the great finds you have and using them !
I visit often but don't comment enough... but you are amazing!! I get lost in your posts every time I visit -- your gorgeous creations, recipes, and homey touches are so inspirational! Your craft room is TDF -- I wish I were your neighbor so I could pop in and see it for myself! *lol*
Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog -- thanks for all you do to inspire us! :)
What a fun tour! So tell us, what's the size of this wonderful room? Intruigued about the standing-height table. So often I stand while stamping. However, I do like to sit at times. Have to think about that with my room. Anyway, thanks for sharing this wonderful view of your creativity space! You're a hoot! LOL!
Wow! My dream room! I love all of your "stuff." I love finding things to put other things in. Thanks for sharing.
Wow, beautiful space! Love all the old antiques! Wish I had space for a room like that!
Your my kind of girl!!! I love old "junk"!! I keep a lot of my craft stuff in old boxes and tins too!! Loved the peek into your world!!
Beautiful room!!
Thanks for sharing your room with us!! I always wondered what your room would look like! If only we had an extra room that I could call my own..
How completely organised are you! Puts my craftroom to shame! What a great place to work you have, thanks for sharing it with us. Maybe it'll inspire me to do something with my space?!
Okay Michelle, all I have to say is "I'm JEALOUS".....LOL!!!
By the way, I gave you an award. Check out my blog:
Oh your room is fantastic!
(I emailed you earlier ..hope you got it..and I have the correct email)
Love the tour of your space. I'm also a big fan of junk and "found" stuff for storage. My folks used to have an antique shop so my house is full to the brim with goodies. I laugh when I see you write about your "stuff." I say that all the time, too, and it brings back the memory of a home economics professor in college who deplored that word. We were forbidden to use it in her class. To this day I think of her when I hear that word. Guess she made quite an impression on me! If I lived near you, we could be kindred spirits--same interests and we even share the same birthday, except I'm much older than you. Oh yeah, and I just finished a McDonalds's iced latte.
Love checking out your room! Your use of the vintage tins and boxes is wonderful! Thanks for sharing pics!
OMG, I love your stamp room! It looks like my house! haha! I really havent bought a new table....pan or utensils in a loooong time! rofl! I have 2 of those door-knob shelves too, those are way cool, especially the one with the crystal ones, I want one like that...Thanks for sharing and what an inspirations your craft room is!
Great room Michelle! Did you see that the Crafty Storage Blog mentioned your room? She wants to post pictures but needs your permisson. Check it out here:
Ok! So I was looking at a card on SCS and the lady had her blog address and I clicked on it to see her blog like I usually do when I like a card, anyway after I was done on her blog I clicked randomly on one of the blogs she likes to visit and Oh boy what a problem that was. I have been reading and laughing on your blog for hours. I read everything. I love your blog. I love everything on your stamping room. Oh and all the hints to your friend Piney were just too funny.
I'll be back for sure.
Oh, I am drooling over your craft room and supplies -- all in one room and all at your fingertips! I understand that all markers should be stored so that they lay flat - especially the Copic markers since they have double-ended tips - have you heard this?
hello love your room i see you have the justrite stamps. which do you recommend to get first I don't have any so Im having a hard time trying to figure them out.Brenda
WOW!!! I love your space. Everything has it's place! I keep telling dh we are buying a new house so I can have a HUGE space! lol Love your work, I check out your blog daily!!!!
Thanks for sharing your space with us. I love to repurpose things in an unexpected way too. Makes me smile :-)
Oh I should have read this BEFORE I went yard sale'ing today!! :) Great great stuff Mish!! I'll be sharing my finds soon! :)
I just love visiting your space! I think we are kindred spirits and I love how you use you "mission" finds! You are so creative and had me laughing out loud when talking about the cratchety old man. I found you through Karen's blog and will now get your feeds!
Hugs Lori
I wish I could emulate your work. My craft room shares space with my clothes. I have hanging bars for my clothes and an entire wall of metal shelving for fold up clothes and some crafting material. I also have boxes and shelves and a computer table. Every year the room gets smaller and smaller.
Dang. This was heaven to view and enjoy. Thanks for the tour!
How lucky you are to get a such a wonderful room !! I wish I would have mine ! Thanks a lot for the tour, that was great to discover the room and all your staff.
Hello from France
Hi There!
It looks like you have a ton of comments, but I am going to throw out another one! I love your scraproom and was wondering about the floor - is it concrete? I ask b/c I am about to move my scrap room into our newly finished basement and am thinking about just cleaning and polishing the concrete. It looks like your room may be a basement room too? Just curious, thanks!
Katie M.
oh my goodness .... I love your "stuff" (I need to ditch some plastic!) .... and your description of the drunk guy actually made me laugh out loud ....
STUFF!!! My favorite word to describe my possessions! Our boat is named, "More Stuff" cause that's what it is! Love your pics and your beautiful ability to blend your love of the old with your love of the arts. I'm into texture and really enjoyed seeing everything you use as both a visual decoration and as a functioning storage piece! Thank you for sharing and giving me even more ideas for utilizing my STUFF!!!
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