August 6, 2012

Is Project Life for you?

Edit: Here's my winner for the Basic Grey prize package. Congratulations Kate!
Please send me your email address and I'll get you hooked up with your prize.
Kate aka stinkydudette said...

I was behind by about 3 months, but I've made progress.. I only have 3 weeks to do and I'll be all caught up!! And those cards are super cute!

Hey everyone. Happy Monday! We're winding down our last few weeks before school starts. I have lots going on this week so check back often.

First up, let's talk about Project Life. We're mid-way through the year and I know it gets tough to keep up, especially during the Summer months. I'm looking forward to doing a little catch up myself once the girls start back to school. If you're brand new to Project Life and are wondering if it's for you, this little video will give you a glimpse as to what it's all about. I say YES! Project Life provides a super simple solution to getting our photos into albums. It can be as basic as you want it to be.....or you can fancy up your pages with your own scrapbooking supplies.

Please check Becky's new video here to see what Project Life is all about.

I am also doing a Project Life giveaway today. If your name is selected from my comments section, you'll receive these brand new items from the Project Life lineup:
To enter the contest, please leave a comment on this post telling me how Project Life has changed your way of scrapbooking....or if you're brand new to Project Life, tell me how you think you'll use it. Comments will be closed tomorrow, (Tuesday) August 6th at 9pm Central Time. Good luck!

This week:
Lot to juggle this week but I'm hoping to be back with some fun blog posts. Look for a Project Life update, some new cards, some provoking thoughts, a new kit, some vintage finds and lots of Papertrey stamps and patterned papers for sale. I need some time to organize it all but I'm going to try to fit it all in. Stay tuned & be sure to check my Facebook and Twitter updates for upcoming sales. :)


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Card Crafter said...

I would love to do Project Life - I'm getting married and I don't think I can squeeze regular scrapbooking into my new life. Although neither of us has kids (yet!) we are so busy as older, professional adults that somethings got to give but I don't want to give up our memories! This would become a family project for us!

Eveline said...

I'm still on the fence about Project life. I love the concept but I also know myself and I'm not sure I have the discipline to make it work. I love what you do with it though and enjoy looking at your pages.

Avital said...

I'm brand new on project life and so far have enjoyed all the eye candy from other crafters... I believe it provides a good to capture and record life's little changes and sneaky memories that are often forgotten, though they are a big part of who we are.

Ellie said...

SUPER LOVE Project Life! If I would be so lucky to win I would give this to my SIL who has my 3 little nephews who are all under 5. The oldest will be starting Kindergarten as my baby girl will & I'd love to be able to give her this so she could document what will happen this upcoming yr.(as I told her what I plan to do for my kids) for them. Thanks so much for the chance!

Megan said...

I am planning to do Project Life in 2013. I had my second child six months ago, and the thought of keeping up full scrapbooks for both children is a bit daunting for me. I love the idea of keeping a fuller family history by doing Project Life and then doing some more meaningful pages for each child's scrapbook. We will see how it goes! I would love to start collecting supplies, so thank you for this giveaway and the chance to win! :)

Elise DeMille said...

I LOVE PROJECT LIFE!! I started it in January and have been loving the process of documenting the everyday of my family! I love how involved my kids and husband are! And I love looking back throughout 2012 and remembering things that normally would have been forgotten. It's such a simple way to scrapbook! I wish I would have thought of it!

Lindsay said...

Love Project Life! I am keeping it pretty simple. Maybe someday I'll have time to do all the cuteness you add to yours! Love looking at your layouts! Thanks for the chance to win! Lindsay

Susan said...

This is my 3rd year doing Project Life and I love it because it gives me a place to record the little things that I want to remember but wouldn't necessarily make a scrapbook page about. I keep track of little conversations, every day photos and little bits and pieces of life that don't really seem all that important now but I know we will enjoy looking back on them someday. Thanks for the chance at the giveaway ~ love looking at how you put together your pages!

Tessa Wise said...

I like the idea of Project Life but haven't taken the plunge yet. I love your take on it and enjoy seeing everything you share. Thank you!

marilyn said...

I love Project Life! It has made me a better photographer, with photos of our everyday life that my family will always cherish.

Catherine said...

I am loving project life. It's actually helped me to get pages done and be able to keep up! I would never have been able to do this with two little kids but being able to do it in less than 2 hours a week has changed the way I scrapbook (and my life). I'm so glad to have a record of our daily lives at this stage. Thank you to BH for creating this! I love the new page protectors but haven't had a chance to get any yet. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jennifer said...

I just started project life for our family this year, but had taken a pile of pictures last year and want to use project life to celebrate our first year as a family of three. i love that it makes me remember the little things and reminds me to take pictures of the ordinary - in the future it will be awesome to look back at our old clothes, our old house, our old toys...

Anonymous said...

I took the plunge this year sice I was having my 2nd child.. I LOVE IT. It has made me scrapbook more layouts because my right now is being preserved. I love including ephemera!

Beth said...

My sister is the avid scrapbooker, every page is a work of art and they get even better with the turn of the page. I would like to win this to give to her to try Project Life. Her eldest son is leaving for the Army tomorrow, I think this would be a great thing for her to work on while he is gone. Thank you for the chance to win and the endless inspiration that you give me.

cool-E-baby said...

I love that I actually have pictures printed. We take LOTS of pictures, but are not good about printing them and having them around. I love that I see my husband, my son, and my family looking through my Project Life album from this year. Hearing from my husband that he likes seeing the pictures makes it worth it to me!

Angela said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jamie said...

Well I tried project life a couple years ago and got terribly behind so I gave it up but I am actually starting it again this month!! I am really looking forward to documenting my family and the everyday:)

Angela said...

I am a Project Life wannabe...I love the idea, the products and seeing all of the design team samples. I started at the beginning of the year just keeping things in a sheet protector by week, but I fell off the wagon sometime in May, so I've not actually started making an album of any kind yet. I still have high hopes because I really love this concept.

Sara P said...

I want to start project life next year. I didn't think it was for me but seeing how Mish customizes hers and makes it personal is inspiring.

julie e said...

I haven't tried Project Life yet, but turn 50 this month and want to keep an album/journal of my 50th year. I'm thinking Project Life might be the perfect way to do that.

Susan said...

I've been a traditional scrapper for 13 yrs. When I got pregnant with my son, I knew that I wouldn't have time to make many LOs, but I wanted to continue documenting our life. PL has made that possible. My son's story - from start to finish - is the first of many PL albums for me!

Heather said...

This is my first year of PL, and I have really enjoyed it so far. I love the flexibility. If I have a lot of time, I can go all out and embellish and add detail, but if it's a crazy week (or month or summer!), then I can just get photos in and add more filler cards and basic hand-written notes. Even the more basic weeks have more documentation than we've ever had before as a family, and for that, I'm very thankful!

cassie said...

I've really been wanting to try Project Life and I'm crossing my fingers to win this. Thanks so much for the chance!

DawnBeery said...

I started PL in June of 2011 & I am doing it again this year. (although I am a "little" behind!) To me PL is the place that I can put all the stuff I would normally not make a full page layout about. I love that it shows our daily life. Thanks for the chance to win!

Stacy Simpson said...

I started Project Life in 2010 and used the digital version. 2011 and 2012 I am using the regular kit. I love saving bits ad pieces of our everyday. However, 2010 is the only album I have completed (2011 is getting there). For some reason it was easier for me to drop the photo in do a little typing and be done. Thinking about going digital in 2013. I encourage everyone to do it - my kids love looking at them!

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking (dreaming) about project life for over a year and I think I will be starting in Jan. I have so appreciated your posts and watching your process. I know it must be time because I find myself thinking "if I was doing project life I would want to include that". Thank you for your continuing inspiration and for offering the great prize!

Jennifer said...

I am new to Project Life--it took me a while to accumulate the supplies I needed because are there are just so many other avid scrapbookers! I plan to use my PL book for me, while I'll let my child have "the big scrapbook" with all the major moments.

Mandy said...

I have not tried Project Life but would love to, for years I was an avid scrapbooker, but it became more difficult once my twin boys got older and another boy joined the family. Plus, the availablility of suppies became limited with all the stores around me closing. I never really liked the "digital" idea. Because I like phyisical pages, I know you could print the digital out but still like the handmade look. I think this idea would be very feasible to fit into my schedule. Thanks for the chance to win.

Desw2331 said...

I have always kept an.annual album with holidays, special events,births, deaths, etc. But not.much with to day. With PL, I started documenting the day to day and I have been using my stash. I have been mixing things up. Plus it helps me condense 3-4 albums into 2. I am really liking the PL way!

Gail LaCroix said...

Not only do I enjoy working on Project Life,but I love looking through my previous albums (2 years worth) and seeing how things have changed even that short amount of time --the activities in our lives, the weather, the people. I don't think I could scrap any other way now!

Desw2331 said...

I have always kept an.annual album with holidays, special events,births, deaths, etc. But not.much with to day. With PL, I started documenting the day to day and I have been using my stash. I have been mixing things up. Plus it helps me condense 3-4 albums into 2. I am really liking the PL way!

Birgit Kerr said...

It has been a great change for me. I used to be a digi scrapper but then even that took up way too much time. I am just not a fast scrapper and obsess over details. As lovely as the layouts were, they didn't really document much of our every day life, so when I came across PL I took the plunge and I'm loving it. Mostly because a) it allows me to document all the "unimportant" stuff, b) I can be as simple or as fancy as I feel like on any given day, c) the kids can participate! I often hand my kids a card or two and ask them to write down something they want in the folder or draw a picture, or or or. It's not longer just something *I* do to preserve our memories - it's a family affair! And I can get so much more done too! Oh, and d)I can do paper scrapping, I can do digital, or I can go hybrid ... my PL folder includes all of it, which is great as it makes the best of all the resources/stashes I already have and gives me limitless possibilities!
So, in case it's not clear - I LOVE Project Life and I'm so glad I gave it a go!!

katrynka said...

I have not tried Project Life, but it looks very intriguing and fun. We don't have children, but I do take tons of photos with my phone (as well as the camera), so it would be great to try Project Life to get them out into a book!

Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Project Life has gotten me to take more pictures which equals better pictures! It has also helped me get more stories down than I normally would in a year! Plus my kids love looking at our albums! Thanks...

Susan @ A Slice of My Life said...

For me, traditional scrapbooking centered on the big, really special things. I simply didn't have the time to do elaborate layouts. (I don't seem to be capable of doing simple ones

My focus with PL is all the little every day moments. Little bitty things that would be forgotten, but haven't because I have captured them forever. Not to say that I am up-to-date, I'm not. But I have jotted notes, saved momentos and taken photos for the entire year so far.

It just makes me happy.

Anonymous said...

This is my second year doing PL...last year didn't go so well. I didn't take enought pictures and just didn't keep up. Thus I still have alot of holes to fill up. This year I am doing MUCH better almost up to date...just have to do a batch of printing. I love that it is soooooooooo easy. If I want to add a small litte scrapbooked piece I do...If I want to add a 12x12 scrapbooked page I can, if I just need to get the pictures in a book I do. I love the flexibility it has given me.

Nancy said...

I am a Project Life admirer, and have been eyeing the idea for too long. It's been on my wish-list. I'm also a pretty paper hoarder, and I would love to use them with PL. I dearly miss scrabooking, and know that PL will start that spark for me again because there are so many PL pages (like yours) that are so inspiring. Thank you for the chance to win! Wishing myself and everyone lots of luck =P -Nancy

Teresa said...

It takes the pressure off for me to be super creative (which for me means super time intensive). I get more memories recorded and they look great!

Anonymous said...

I would love to try project life. I am having our third child this week and I will now be a stay at home mom! I will finally have the time and energy for these sorts of projects!

Basement Stamper said...

Project Life has helped me to keep up with the important stories I want to pass onto my children...the every day life as well. I was overwhelmed with scrapbooking and gave up on it until this came along. Now I'm already thinking strategies of how I want to change things I'm doing for next year to make my book even better. I love coming to your site and seeing the extra "scrapbooking" touches you add to your PL album.

Elaine Wilson said...

I have been thinking about doing project life for my grand kids. I don't think I will make a page every week as I don't have that much time. I am just doing a spread every few weeks. That way I should be able to keep up with it.

Jessica said...

I am new to Project Life - just beginning. I am hoping that it will help me get the past 15 years into scrapbooks.

Jessica said...

I am new to Project Life - just beginning. I am hoping that it will help me get the past 15 years into scrapbooks.

Unknown said...

Love Project Life!! I can share our everyday events and feelings with family.

Mendi M said...

This year is my first year doing PL, although I contemplated it all last year. I love it! I have no albums to show for 15 years of marriage and 13 years of parenthood...until this year. I was recently 20+ weeks behind and caught completely up! I put in last weeks pictures last night! It has changed my life!

Marlo said...

I've been really wanting to try Project Life because I like the simplicity of it - I dont have to stress out about the layouts etc. I tried to get into scrapbooking but it seems like more time was spent trying to embellish the page around the picture.
Thanks for this great giveaway.

Karenj said...

Project Life has been a great exercise in "why" am I really scrapbooking and a daily lesson in being thankful for the life that I have and all the little things that are so precious and fleeting. I can't say enough how much I love this process. I too, am about 6 weeks behind, but I don't stress on that anymore. When I look back over the full year and WOW what an accomplishment - playing catch up will be worth it. Thanks for all your inspiration, Michelle!

Jac said...

Project Life is has totally changed my focus of scrapping and helps me stay "caught up".

susanne said...

Project life is great for when my time is pinched- I love looking back on the year so far. ANd like others i am behind but sticking with it- something is better than nothing, right?

susanne said...

Project life is great for when my time is pinched- I love looking back on the year so far. ANd like others i am behind but sticking with it- something is better than nothing, right?

Lisa Rice said...

I am new and trying to figure out how to use it that works for me.

Lisa Rice said...

I am new and trying to figure out how to use it that works for me.

Ruth said...

I started this year and love every part of it. My son has the leading role :). I like to look back and I'm so glad that I've recorded our everyday life that I would have already forgotten if I didn't!
Thanks for a change to win these new page protectors.

KAREN said...

Project life has changed my way of scrap booking forever. I still like to do 12 x 12 pages but now I get one photo taken each day into an album. I use so many more eryday life photos documented than I eve did before. Project. Life. Is. Awesome.

lisa westphal said...

For me, PL has been more of an addition to my scrapbooking vs. a change. I simply love it all! :):):)

Stacy said...

I have a Project Life albums for 2009, 2011 & 2012...they are all in some sort of "making progress" stage. PL has changed the way I scrapbook & I absolutely LOVE the process! Trying hard to get 2012 caught up...we shall see! Thanks for the chance to win some new PL plastics!

Stacy said...

I have a Project Life albums for 2009, 2011 & 2012...they are all in some sort of "making progress" stage. PL has changed the way I scrapbook & I absolutely LOVE the process! Trying hard to get 2012 caught up...we shall see! Thanks for the chance to win some new PL plastics!

Valerie K said...

Project life is the only way I scrapbook now ever since I started in 2011. I love looking back at the past weeks/months and remember all the little moments that make up life and what made us happy/sad/laugh/cry. I love being able to capture those little moments that would never have made it into a scrapbook page otherwise.

Jenn said...

Project life has helped me pay attention to all the details of my daily life and get them scrapped. I love PL and have been doing it since Becky started it (even her project 365 with CK). I get burnt out at the end every year and say I won't do it again, then Jan comes around and I miss it and do it again! This year has been the best because I took away limits like a picture a day, and am doing more of a glance of our week.

wendyg said...

This is my 3rd year doing Project Life. I still do traditional pages, but not as much as I did before PL. I use PL for the everyday stuff that I never really scrapbook before. I love looking back and seeing the everyday life!

Sheryl Berglund said...

I love, love, love doing Project Life. It has made me realize how important it is to document the every-day things in our lives!

My Crafty Mama said...

Project Life has dramatically changed how I scrapbook! I used to get a few layouts done a I have full albums! Love it!

Anonymous said...

I love the fact that project life makes scrapbooking much simpler. I also love how it encourages me to take photos of the little things each day:)

Amanda said...

I cannot wait to start Project Life! This is the answer to getting years of pictures into albums!

Michele's Scrapy Creations said...

I love the concept but haven't done it yet. thank for a chance.

Nicole K/GothamGal said...

It looks like this next year is going to be full of some really amazing things.
(One Sparkly thing, in particular)

I think Project Life would be a great record.

blupixy said...

Project Life has changed how I scrapbook, take pictures, and tell stories. I like being able to put the "little stories" (going to the movies, books I am reading, etc) in my album without having to devote a layout to it! Would love to win the page protectors! Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Project life is perfect for me because its teaching me to appreciate all the moments including the smallest ones.

pinkladynz said...

Project Life puts you in the moment. Then it allows you to return to those moments and relive them.

Christa Allgood said...

I started PL on July 1 but just got my core kit last Thursday. I have been printing my pictures every Sunday and putting them in the plastics but waiting on the kit to get here to complete weeks. I'm super excited to get started. I worked on it a little last night and plan to work on it throughout the week to get "caught up"! So far I love it!!

Connie B said...

I am behind on PL but am encouraged to just keep working because I know it will be a keepsake for all of us!

Connie B said...

I am behind on PL but am encouraged to just keep working because I know it will be a keepsake for all of us!

lam said...

I´m brand new to Project Life, it`s my first year and I love it. I´m up to date and I love to come here a get inspiration. Love that you show how to make your own journaling cards. I used supplies from my stack. If I don´t have much time I use the core kit, they are so easy to use.
Last year my scrapping mojo was gone ,but after I started on Pl I got it back and now I make letters size layouts as inset page on the weeks I have many pictures. Pl really make my enjoy scrapbboking again

Jennifer said...

I plan on starting Project Life when our baby girl arrives in November. I think it will be a great way to document her life and save time! -Jennifer

sheezie11 said...

I LOVE Project Life! There is no 'right' or 'wrong' way to do it, so that just makes it FUN! It's something the entire family can participate in and enjoy looking back over the completed pages.
This is a legacy that we are leaving for future generations...awesome!

Stahl Family said...

Project Life has changed the way I see things....just the everyday moments and activities. Unlike doing a full page spread and having an odd photo..I can use them all...and the everyday things have a place. Just the simple moments that I will treasure in the future.

Kim Heggins said...

Project Life made such a difference in scrapbooking family and friend memories...traditional scrapbooking always seemed so time consuming and more of who has what supplies and less about the memories, so that is why I switched to Project Life. I can record our day to day events and love all the tools that have been made available to get this done. Thank you for the chance to win this incredible prize!

Jen T said...

I haven't started Project Life yet, but I think now would be a good time to start with my daughter starting Kindergarten next week. I'd love to document all of her memories in an organized way.

Michele Swanberg said...

I am brand new to Project life. I purchased a bunch of the plastic products, but have yet to do anything with them. I have been keeping a calendar/journal all summer and have been taking lots of pictures. I think the fact that my scrap room is a mess might have something to do with the fact that I haven't started! I need to get that area organized and maybe I will feel like scrapping again!

The Geratys said...

This is my first year doing project life and I love it. My husband and I are expecting our first child this year and it's been a great way to document the pregnancy and everything else going on in our lives this year!

tina said...

I love Project Life because I really, really don't get any pleasure out of scrapbooking...I find it so hard to fill all of that paper space with traditional scrapbooking. I keep everything pretty basic with PL. Take my pictures every day. It can be anything from my kids to a stranger on a motorcycle in a tiger suit (not kidding that really was one of my pictures) all because it made me smile and I CARRY my camera EVERYWHERE with me since I started this 1 1/2 years ago.

jeanine said...

I'm new to Project Life. I plan to use it to document my daughter's senior year in high school, so I'm starting this month. She is very excited about it and so am I. I've only gotten a few of the supplies, they sell out fast! So while I wait, we take pictures and I document her days on my computer until I can start the project.

Anonymous said...

I do project life because although it is simple, it provides the addition I have to scrapbooking. I can hurry through a week and get it documented, or spend extra time if I have it and bling my pages up. I see the full page spreads that many talented ladies do and wish I could do that, but it's just not part of me. Maybe 2 times I year I do a 12x12, but otherwise little pockets is really my speed. Thank you for the give-a-way!!

Tracy said...

I love PL. It has made me a scrapbooker again and for that I am so thankful. My PL isn't up to date right now, but I am working on playing catch up and I love that my kids and husband will come to me with random bits and pieces and tell me..."here this is for project life".

Debbie Fisher (debbiedee) said...

I haven't started yet, but would love a chance to win. I would use these items to get my youngest son's album finished who will be a senior this year! YIKES!! Time flies!

Cristina said...

I love PL! It's my first year doing it and it feels like it's all I have time for lately, but I love it! :) I love the new plastics!

SmilynStef said...

As I've watched so many designers trying Project Life this year, I've felt like I'm *missing out* on a wonderful creative opportunity ... I've love the chance to capture the little moments of my life to preserve those memories.

Heidi said...

Project life is new to me and i am loving the concept. i still need to find the pages and kick myself in the butt to do it. I would love to start with my son's trip to Europe- I love all the little elements that you can add to the photos/pages. I can't wait to get started.

Trisha said...

I'm new to project life. It looks like fun. I would love to try this. It would help me catch up with my scrapbooking. Thanks for the chance to win.

Juli said...

I love Project Life! I can keep up with scrapbooking so much better than with traditional scrapbooking. I also like how simple PL can be but also like how I can spice up my pages as well!

Juli said...

I love Project Life! I can keep up with scrapbooking so much better than with traditional scrapbooking. I also like how simple PL can be but also like how I can spice up my pages as well!

Lauren said...

New here....I'll actually be able to scrapbook without getting overwhelmed!

Sherrie said...

Since starting Project Life last year, I take so many more pictures than I used to, and I'm so happy I do. I may not always be 'caught up', but I have so many memories ready to be put into my PL book. And I'm looking to convert other ongoing scrapbooks into PL format! Thanks for the chance to win.

Samantha said...

I LOVE PL! I've been doing it since the beginning of this year although I must admit that I'm a bit behind right now. It's changed the way I scrapbook for sure in that I actually scrapbook again! I'm getting my pictures and my stories in an album and it's a great feeling.

SLMPetersen said...

I'm new and just started researching project life. It's going to change the way I scrapbook because I'll actually start and FINISH scrapbooks now.

Shawn Klinkner said...

OMG- I LOVE Project Life! It has totally and completely changed the way I scrapbook. I used to painstakingly try to make big double page 12x12 layouts and was SO discouraged because they took so much time. Now with PL I can scrapbook my pictures in a way that is 100% do-able, attainable, fun & SUPER easy, yet flexible & allows plenty of room to be creative & scrappy if I want - I can't say enough good things about PL! Thanks for the chance to win - the new plastics are calling to me! :)
Dana Klinkner

WinterBerry Glen said...

I am new to PL. the reason why i like it so much so far is because i feel much less intimidated by the little pocket layouts. I love making cards and I see each little pocket as a chance to make a small crafty "card". I also like the fact that it is easy to record the funny, everyday type moments instead of trying to keep a separate book for each family member. thanks, Mish, for sharing your PL layouts to help us newbies get started!

Angee Carter - Labelle Angelle said...

Project life has given me a way to chronicle life on a smaller scale without having to always think layout. As primarily a cardmaker layouts can be daunting, but with project life it's a lot more manageable and doable for me.

Lisa said...

Thanks so much for the chance to win. I just started it this year, and am currently a bit behind (due to travel). I absolutely love Project Life. I almost didn't do it, thinking I had nothing to document, since we don't have children. Then I realized that I still had a life. :)

ana-mama said...

Our boxer is sprawled out on the sofa sound asleep. A quick picture to remind me that even the dog felt contentment in our little home. Priceless--that's what PL means to me!

Thanks for the chance!

jen said...

I haven't tried project life, but think it would be a great tool for getting pics off the computer!!! Thanks so much for the chance!

Lucero Salinas said...

Project Life would allow me to record everyday events into a memorable way. This would be a great treasure for my girls!

M Dawson said...

Project Life - I'm new to it. Have my Cherry Album sorted and want to capture those moments that seem so cool at the time but may be forgotten in the rush from day to day. That ticket to the ballet, that photograph on a windy day when my hat nearly flew away. Using Project Life will mean I can keep up without endless snipping of layouts and worry about "getting it wrong".

What's not to like about Project Life! :-)

Trisha said...

Project Life has encouraged me to take more pictures. I know one day my boys will treasure all our pictures. I have lots of pictures, but now I need the essentials to get started with Project Life. Thanks for the giveaway!

Gottjoy! said...

I think it will help me with over 22 years of pictures. I am overwhelmed:).

Patchouly said...

I just started Project Life to document our first year of marriage and I am so excited!

Yvonne said...

I love Project Life because it's just as simple as Becky claims it to be and just as fabulous. My husband loves it because in his words "I look at album to enjoy the pictures, not to fancy paper." He loves it, my kids love it and I am a lifer for sure. Thanks for the opportunity these wonderful new plastics!
Yvonne Gronau

Kimberly said...

Project Life has made me realize it is possible to document our memories...even working full time with two crazy little boys!

Patchouly said...

I just started Project Life to document our first year of marriage!

Amanda said...

I love that it is so simple to use and amazing too. I am not very creative so I love that it is beautiful and I don't have to come up with stuff unless I want to. Love Project Life.

Anonymous said...

Project life has made me more aware of the little things in everyday life that I tend to skip over, like the joy of the Sweet 15 postcard I receive in the mail from Starbucks, telling me I have a free drink coming; the little jokes girlfriends say that get captured there but would otherwise be forgotten. It's becoming a way of life!

Debdrisl said...

I LOVE PL! I don't have the time to scrapbook but I do have time to Project Life! I caught up 2 months in just 3 hours last night. And brought out the album for the kids to enjoy! Have inspired friends to do the same. Life is busy, we need easy.

Unknown said...

Project Life has made me less paranoid about forgetting the "little details" of life because now I am able to capture them without feeling like I need to adapt a whole 12x12 layout to a funny face my husband made or a funny position our dog fell asleep in.

Becky S said...

I have not started project life yet but will soon...I have been gathering a lot of supplies and love looking at everyone's layouts...I have been scrapbooking 12x12 pages and always want to include too many pictures so I feel this would work better for me.

Life Less Ordinary said...

I would love to start doing Project Life folders to document my families adventures (two teenage girls + mum & dad) I haven't been able to document our life to date due to time & money constraints and Project Life would just be an awesome way to record our memories.

Jean said...

As a new grandmother for the first time :) I tried my hand at scrapbooking all my photos of this gorgeous baby...never quite got the hang of it... so after reading all about it I have decided that Project Life is the way to go for me and my darling Charlotte Lily! The photos are stacking up, she is now 1 year old... if I don't get a move on I might not have enough time left to complete her first year album :)

Cat said...

Project life has changed the way I scrapbook in that I feel SO much less pressure, and more accomplishment. I still love to do the scrapbooking layouts I used to do... when I have time! But in the meantime there is nothing better than feeling good about getting these everyday moments documented :)

LauraLee said...

I love the whole concept of project life and how simple and easy it makes scrapbooking your life a day, a week or even a month at a time depending on what is going on in your life. There is no rush or demands it's simply journaling and scrapbooking life the way you want to!

Debbie said...

Project Life means I am actually scrapbooking again! I love love love it! I don't feel pressured to be super creative. I feel less overwhelmed about getting our pictures/stories documented. I LOVE the simplicity of it.

Amy said...

Project Life has gotten me more focused on taking pictures every day, and taking pictures of more everyday things!

Anonymous said...

I'm just getting started with project life and I love it! I like that I can experiment with different styles and not be afraid of ruining a whole page if I don't like the result. It takes so much of the pressure off!

Craftmom said...

I have been looking at Project Life and I think it will really help be to make progress with my scrapbooks.

wendy said...

I'm a project life newbie, just got my first set of protectors before I left on vacation. Now I'm back and I have a huge stack of pictures waiting to get done. I'm so excited!

wendy said...

I'm a project life newbie, just got my first set of protectors before I left on vacation. Now I'm back and I have a huge stack of pictures waiting to get done. I'm so excited!

Taleah Beecher said...

I just purchased my VERY FIRST PL KIT (Cobalt edition) and I'm so excited to take all my photos from last year out of there box and into there new cobalt binder! I LOVE scrapbooking but with 2 young boys, I just dont have the time or the money anymore! I LOVE how simple and easy PL is and I will be a costumer for LIFE! thank you BECKY for making scrapbooking so easy and rewarding :)

Unknown said...

I used to scrapbook everything until I had kids. Now my third son is 15 months old and I am only 3 pages into #2s baby album. I am pretty disappointed in myself for letting go of a hobby I really loved. Project Life seems like a really good option for me, and I'd like to give it a try! Right now even it seems a bit overwhelming, but maybe winning this would be the kick-start I need!

Nelsson said...

I love Project Life <3 This is my second year doing it and I would love to try out those new page protectors.

Margaret said...

I'm just starting out (inspired by Julie Fei-Fan Balzer) and far from trying to keep up to date, I'm working out how to use Project Life for the past! Is that possible?

doublyblessed said...

I've been waiting as patiently as possible to buy a core kit so I can give it a try. With twins that our now four, I'm anxious to use the concept to "catch up" on all of the trips my husband and were able to take prior to children, but that were never scrapbooked. I also hope to start fresh in 2013 and maybe, for once, keep up with a year of scrapbooking!

Brenda said...

I just started using project life. I love it!

The Dapelo Family said...

If it wasn't for project life I wouldn't have done any memory keeping for the past 3 years. I love everything about the concept. I have been able to keep up with it due to its simplicity.... even with 4 kids that were 5 and under. I am so thankful for the memories that I have documented and can't wait to continue!

Vicki M said...

I love the idea of Project Life, although I haven't taken the plunge yet. I love it for the simplicity, yet still capturing all of life's moments. It also allows for you to customize and make it your own.

Natalie said...

I drool over the project life stuff almost every single day!! I haven't started it yet...but it is on my wish list!!

Carol said...

I love the new plastics! I caught up on 3 yrs of my son's school album in one night. I have two more kids to get caught up so I guess I better go order some more. I especially love the horizontal 8.5 x 11.

Unknown said...

I am new to project life. Trying to catch up.

Ashley said...

I haven't dived into Project Life yet but I'm a big believer and I'm super excited to start. I'm most excited to document my son's lives.

Jean C said...

I used Project Life - the kit and only the kit - to document my last year as a mother of kids in school - AKA ,my twin sons' senior year of HS.

I don't know if I would have made it through the year in one piece without it.

I do have the last five weeks or so to do - after graduation through late August. Given that my father became very ill and died during that time, I forgive myself. I have all the notes and pix; just have to assemble it.

Unknown said...

I love Project Life! I am new this year but have been wanting to tey it for a couple of years now. I am almost current on my album, very crazy for me, and I have tons of stuff that I need a second book for 2012. I LOVE Project Life!

Mommateachercrafterjeni said...

PL has allowed me to perpetually feel "caught up" on my scrap booking instead of behind & guilty. Love it & would love to get my hands on some of the new product!

hhockman said...

I love Project Life. I'm currently working on 2010, 2011, and 2012 all at the same time. I'm at different stages with each. I keep a journal so I know what happens on a day to day basis and I can go back to look and see what happened if necessary. Project Life helps me to remember to take pictures every day. I figure as long as I take the pictures I can add them eventually.

Krukow Family said...

Project life...Has made me actually print out my pictures and start making yearly scrapbooks...Thank God..after all the pictures I take I want to be able to show them off for years to come...

Anonymous said...

This is my first time doing PL - I started my 6 month old adopted daughters album last night and love how much easier, faster and uncomplicated the system is. It's such a big feeling of relief having done a few months of her life in just a few hours - so thanks Becky Higgins and thanks for the chance to win :)

Unknown said...

This is my first year of PL and I LOVE IT!!!! I don't get to do it every week, instead I plan on paper the actual layout . then once a month I have a weekend of 'scrapping'. The best part is no guilt. I have been a scrapbooker for 11 years, but done none, yes none, for last 3 years. I could just never keep up, and then the guilt made made start to hate it.But this can be as simple or complex as time allows. And I have rediscovered the joy of papercraft and scrapbooking. Thank you Becky Higgins.

Carmen Pauls said...

This is my first year doing Project Life. I have printed more photos this year than ever before, I've captured the tiny details and major events in our lives, chronicled all the big holidays for the first time ever in 15 years of scrapbooking.... I am behind on most of the summer, but I am determined to catch up. I love Project Life!!

Angeline Choo said...

wow! a Project Life giveaway? Who can resist this? Thanks!! :)

Kristin BT said...

Project Life has been amazing! It is simple enough that I can keep up with it, even as I am running after my 16 month-old daughter. It is a regular reminder to document this amazing time in my family's life. Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

I will use project life to document everything and anything that has to do with the new arrival of my son James Ryan Choi who was born in April 2012. I have yet to put all my momentos into a scrapbook for the dread of it taking so long. I have heard of Becky Higgins Project life and how greatly simplifies this task. As a new mom, this would indeed be helpful =)

Kristie said...

Project Life has given me a whole new approach to scrapbooking....I hadn't done much at all in the last 2 years since completing my daughters baby scrapbook. I have been wanting to scrap but was never happy with my ideas. Enter project life, it has totally stream lined my thought process & made it so much easier - I don't feel as overwhelmed anymore or guilty about not recording my special memories, because now they are being recorded. Thank you so much Becky Higgins for coming up with this wonderful idea :-)

CindyML said...

I did PL in 2010. LOVED IT! This was a great way to document our year and I kept up with it and completed it. Haven't done much scrapbooking since. I want to do it again in 2013. thanks for the chance to win. CindyML

Mikadavi said...

Project life makes me treasure every moment in my life, and for me it's great because i can do something simple when i don't have time, and something really complicated, with a lot of embellishments when i can! I'd like to plan all in advanced so i can do more of the second, because i love project life with creative scrapbooking ideas. I'm really in love with it!

Lori said...

My husband & I have not been able to have children, and although we do some REALLY COOL things in life that I want to put into WONDERFUL, DETAILED, OVER THE TOP scrapbook pages, I also want to document our every day fun little life with all those little stories and scraps so we can look back in our rocking chairs and read them together. So Project Life is wonderful because all those "things" I gather become easy elements on a project life page with a story, instead of the odd colored candy wrapper I am trying to match paper up to - all the while thinking - does this candy wrapper belong on a SCRAPBOOK PAGE? Well no - but it does belong in my album via Project Life. Thanks for the Chance!

Shanon said...

I am new to Project Life. I took on the huge project of scrapbooking my nieces and nephews stuff for my sister. She has five kids. The oldest is 11. I have SOOO much stuff and it's only going to grow. I am thinking PL for those albums. If I have to traditionally scrap all that stuff it'll never get done... and I'll end up burned out on a hobby I love.

Anonymous said...

2012 is my first year of PL and I LOVE it!!! I bought all the stuff for 2011 but I never started until this year. I love the simplicity of it and how easy it is to stay up to date. Thanks for the chance to win!

Anne said...

Love project life. Its the perfect album for me and my family. Keeping it simple... most of the time!

Cathy P said...

I have just purchased the core kit and am excited to see if I can follow thru. Thanks for all of the fantastic ideas you share.

Cathy P said...

I have just purchased the core kit and am excited to see if I can follow thru. Thanks for all of the fantastic ideas you share.

Unknown said...

I want to try project life, im a digital scrapper and miss the paper stuff. But with 3 little boys I don't have the time or space to do traditional paper pages. PL sounds perfect for me!

Janelle said...

I have been using project life to tackle all my childhood photos that are jammed into boxes. I know the new plastic protectors will help with my project.

Dawn said...

I started PL in January and got to about wk 8 easily recently I've been falling behind, so need to work out how best to get my photos printed so I can get caught up! It's cheaper here in the uk to buy photos in bulk but then I'm weeks behind at a time!

Rachel said...

I love project life - I love including the little bits of life that wouldnt have made it to a page but are such a good representation of our life.

Chris J said...

PL looks fantastic and would totally change the way I would scrap but too broke to try it, I will definitely give it a go when I win lotto.

Anonymous said...

I am doing Project Life for the second year and love it. But since I live in Finland it is hard to get all the goodies here on reasonable costs. So: I would love to have these protectors!

Crafting Butterfly Creations said...

This is my first year of PL. I love it!!! I was never really into making layouts. I love that I can put all my pictures in with journaling and add little emblessihments when I want to just for little touches. It is so helpful when documenting my first year of marriage.

scrapbook_butterfly at ymail dot com

Anonymous said...

I just started Project Life and I love it! It's alot easier for me to stay up to date! And I get some scrapbooking done with a 2 year old! LOL

Kristie said...

Would love to give project life a shot. With three active kids ... Baseball, gymnastics, and 4 year old antics (plus 11 and 10 year old antics) plus working full time, just moved, etc. Etc. Etc. I am so behind ... I think project life would help me out with the everyday stuff that I'm missing right now because it all happens in the blink of an eye!

Susan Coan said...

Just getting started with Project Life, now that my core kit has arrived!! I am going to hopefully use it for my grandkids and go back and do some pages for my children and parents.

Susan Coan said...

Just getting started with Project Life, now that my core kit has arrived!! I am going to hopefully use it for my grandkids and go back and do some pages for my children and parents.

Anonymous said...

The first year I used Project Life, I took a picture every day & I started taking notice of just the simple things in life, the everyday of our lives and now we enjoy looking back at those pictures. This year, I am just doing it by the week- some weeks are very full & some are just, life. I love Project Life!

Sherrie M. said...

I did Project Life the first year it came out. Hard for me to keep up with three little girls under 3. What was I thinking?! I'd love to do a PL album based on me and my perspective and stories....maybe turning 40 has made me even more introspective and wanting to share a part of me with my family.

krash1717 said...

I would love to use PL to help me get caught up on over six years of scrapbooking.

Tracy said...

I am crazy about Project Life. I used to keep traditional scrapbooks for each of my children as well as a "family scrapbok" to document the years, but with four kids it just got to be too time consuming. Project life helps me scrap in small doses, to document our lives as we grow as a family. Thanks for the chance to win the page protectors! I am running out:) BTW - love your blog - my first time here - I have bookmarked it:)

Danielle Higginbottom-Brown said...

I love PL but I have gotten really far behindI but I have given myself permission to just do some overview pages on some of the moments I missed! I love that it catches all the little everyday moments that usually get forgotten!

Tracy Jerome said...

I am in love with Project Life! I love the ease of using it - it makes it possible to have albums ready for us to enjoy. I was always behind in traditional scrapbooking. I am not caught up on the past yet, but this year is current, and the past years will be finished quickly with Project Life! Love the new pages - love having even more options but Becky Higgins still keeps it easy for us! Love love love it!!

Laura T. said...

I have been doing project life for a few years now. I have been taking a daily photo a day, so this is the perfect way to highlight what happens all through the year.

Stacie said...

This is my third year of PL and I will keep on doing it as long as it is around! It is great fun, makes me document my families adventure called life and is so easy!

Unknown said...

I love Project Life! With it, I feel like I might actually be caught up soon on all my photos from the last 7 years of marriage and kids!

Kim said...

I am new to project life, and really want to give it a shot. I love the concept, and would use it in addition to traditional layouts as well..thanks for this chance to win!

The Working Momma said...

I started using Project Life in March, and I've already completed one album (January-June). I have never completed a scrapbook, especially of my three boys! They love looking at Project Life, which makes it totally worth it for me!

Leigh Stehlik said...

I would love to try out the new plastics. thanks for hosting the give away.

Lorinda said...

I love Project Life and plan on starting this fall! The concept is amazing and simplified. Please count me in for this giveaway!!

Sarah said...

Project Life has really motivated me to take more everyday photos of my family. I'm weeks and weeks behind with printing and assembling pages, but at least those photos exist! :)

Stephanie said...

Project Life has changed my way of scrapping because it has given me a new way to look at a mini album or layout. I don't need an event to dictate where I make a mini. PL has taught me I can make a mini out of the most everyday stuff like funny things my girls say. PL has made me pay more attention to the small stuff.

Jenny said...

I'm about ready to start Project Life. My goal is to start September 1st. I used to scrapbook the traditional way until by daughter was born then I never had any time with her & working a full time job. I can't wait to get started :) Thanks so much for the chance to win.
jennykingham at att dot net

Amelia said...

I've had my eye on project life for a few months now, but haven't tried it out yet. With 4 kids under 5, I think it's just the time to help me quickly document their lives! I have started a digital book on shutterfly though, using the clementine design, and so far love how easy it is for me to customize everything!

Mandy said...

Ooooh!!! I would love the new set of plastics. I'm in my 2nd year of PL and really learning how to make it my own. I would love some fresh design!

Crystal @ A Well-Feathered Nest said...

Project Life has gotten me scrapbooking again. I hadn't done anything since the birth of my now 4-year-old, but when I saw how simple PL is, I knew it was a great way to collect some of our memories that I felt were slipping by.

Mrs. Phillips said...

I'm using Project Life to organize all my family's old memorabilia and pictures. When my grandmother passed away in April, my dad got a HUGE tub of pictures that were all mixed up. Project Life is making it possible to organize it all and preserve it.

Kim said...

I'd love to start Project Life. The system looks awesome. I'd use it to help organize all the kids' school papers, artwork and mementos. Thanks for the chance.

kristy.lynn @ kristy.makes said...

I'm new to project life this year... and... IT HAS CHANGED MY LIFE. Seriously! I had gotten to the point where I wasn't getting any scrabooking done. I had stacks of memorabilia sitting around, and ALL of it was just crippling my Mojo every time I thought about it!! Now.. I'm a little behind (about 10 weeks) in the current year, but the I've been keeping up with my documenting, and so it's been a breeze. It's been so refreshing to either include the stuff, or chuck it!

Thanks for this opportunity!!! :)

Unknown said...

I am new to Project Life. I have been looking for a photo solution for a long time and this one will fit my needs! Time to get the photos out of boxes!

Seester2T said...

I love being able to catch the every day things in life without having to do big layouts for it all. Saves time, makes the big layouts more special and I like the variety of work. I like too that I can still make Project life pages as simple or as decorated as I want.

Liz F. said...

I am finally beginning to organize my wedding pictures and memories, 4 years late, using Project Life! I always get stressed out about creating the perfect layout with traditional scrap booking and Project Life has certainly taken that challenge out of the equation!

Thanks for the chance at this great giveaway!

Quiltingbuckeye@gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I love that I am creating everyday! And I love looking back and seeing each week! Thanks for the chance to win!

Tara W said...

I am just discovering Project Life and would love to begin this would help jump start.

Tara Westpfahl

Doniamaria said...

I started Project Life at the beginning of this year and it's been amazing! I've always scrapbooked but had never had a way to do the day-to-day stuff. Project Life changed that and I love the end result! Seeing your layouts is a constant inspiration! Thanks for blogging so diligently; I love your work!

Unknown said...

Project Life has changed my life because it frees me up to spend more time with my family to MAKE the memories I'm scrapbooking! I used to spend almost SIX hours making ONE 2-page layout, now with Project Life I can get 10x rmore done in a sitting! It's easy, it's fun, and it's beautiful! I have brought more people over to this concept of scrapbooking, and they all love it, too! It's life-changing! : )

Stef said...

I love PL! My husband lives and works about 500 miles away from myself and our two young daughters, so this provides me with a great way to document our lives so when he's able to come home, he loves getting caught up on what we've been up to. :-)

Doniamaria said...

I started Project Life at the beginning of this year and it has been amazing! I never knew how to scrapbook the day-to-day stuff and Project Life provided the answer! Your layouts are a constant inspiration. Thank you for blogging so regularly!

Kaiser said...

I started Project Life this year and it has totally overhauled how I document life! Now I can get a month's worth of memories all taken care of in half an hour... Sooooo wonderful!

JC said...

I just received my core kit and a basix pack of protectors. I am supper excited to get started! We moved into a new house across the country yesterday. I thought that it would be the perfect time to start! Thanks for offering a great giveaway!

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