My new motto for purchasing anything is to ask myself two questions. 1. Do I LOVE it? Not just like it, but do I LOOOOOOVE it???? 2. Do I have a specific use for it? If I can't think of exactly where it will go, I can't buy it. Well, I answered YES to both of my questions. I LOVE the bike!! It was priced at $10 bucks but I offered the lady $5.....a good deal, I think. The lady was telling me that the seat was ripped and the tires were no good but I didn't care. I told her that I wasn't going to ride the bicycle. When she heard where her bicycle would be, she was very happy.
I have always wanted an old bicycle to put out in my gardens. This little beauty has a specific spot....she will go in my new strawberry garden along with the red fire hydrant that is already there. Some guy gave the hydrant to Eric a few years ago so we stuck it in the garden.

After we shoved and tugged to get the new bicycle in the back of the vehicle, we thought maybe we should buy some red plants to go near the strawberries. The berry plants are brand new so there won't be much of a show this year. Jordy decided we needed a rose bush. She wanted a yellow one. Then a pink one. I reminded her that that red was the theme here so she picked out this beautiful plant. After I gathered all my goodies up at home to take the photo above, I decided that the bicycle should have a name. I thought Rose would be a lovely name. I am on a *mishion* now to find a vintage wicker bicycle basket for her.
And we also picked out some Snapdragons and Verbena to plant by Rose. I think she'll love them.
I found these charming red and white enamel pots and colander at an antique store last weekend. They'll be centerpieces for my back porch picnics on my old, white picnic table. Someday our fresh, home grown strawberries will nest in this colander. I can't wait. My dad picked the beautiful lilacs for me today. He knows they are my favorite along with purple Iris. Eric will probably be sneezed out of the house when he gets a whiff of their sweet scent.
And here is Miss Libby. It took me about 20 blurry shots to get this one photo because she didn't care about getting her picture taken. She wanted me to pet her. Josey calls her Pot Belly because she is preggo. It's been years since out last batch of kittens and we're so excited. The last litter got mutilated by a tom cat or raccoon and Jordan found them scattered in the yard. We are awful protective of this little mama. She's going in the garage in a nice warm box when she's ready to have her babies.
Here she is resting on an old wicker seat chair I bought at an auction last weekend. She's getting sleepy.
Very sleeeeeepy....and wants to take a nap.
And so does Boots, that warm sunshine is just so relaxing. He's an ornery boy. He wanders down to my neighbors every night and visits his female friends. My neighbor brings him home all the time. We've decided to share custody of Boots. I think we need to get him snipped and maybe he will stay home more.
And this box of goodies holds some of our other great finds. Lots and lots of jars of all sizes and shapes. That Kerr jar is old...dated 1915. I can't wait to show you what I've got in store for these. It will be a while so you'll have to be patient. I have to wait for a very special occasion.
I had such a nice time today with Jordan. She is a good junk spotter. It was good to get away. Tomorrow when the girls get home from the grandparents we will plant the new rose bush and flowers and put Rose in her new spot. Well, Jordy and I will.....Josey will probably go turkey hunting as she doesn't like gardening.

A little funny: Eric walked right past Rose and all my flowers about five times while outside putting his hunting stuff away. After he came inside for supper, he got a peek of Rose out the window. He simply sighed *What in the heck have brought home now?* I simply replied *Oh, meet Rose*. :)
Lovely - exactly the type of bike I am looking for except I would like to ride it around town with a bell and wicker basket... So nice of you to share your day :)
such a clever use of other people's 'junk'!! I {heart} junk!! It will look adorable in your gardens. Glad you were able to take some 'me time' after the stressful week you had!
Thanks again for playing along with us this coming week in the Tea Room and I hope you can participate in some of our challenges when your schedule allows :)
Hugs, Debbie :)
Awwww, now that's the Mishie story we all have been missing! Sounds like such a wonderful day! Thanks for sharing!
love the bike ... what a great garden accent!
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I bet your garden will look awesome once rose gets established with her new surroundings.I love your furry kids I have three and they really are my babies.Don't forget to post lots of piccies of the kitties when they arrive.I have to say that if I was a feline I wouldn't be able to resist your male cat he is gorgeous.Enjoy your new goodies they look great.Hugs SamXX
aww.. this is so nice! i love your post today. LOVE Rose and all the red plants your have to go with the pretty red! makes me smile! =) Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing your day and your photos, especially love the kitties!
Loved reading your post and especially this one. Your kitties are gorgeous, love the verandah with the chair. The old bicyle is awesome, you must post pics once you've done what you want to.
So glad you had a relaxing day and scored some good finds!
Sounds like a fun day! Can't wait to see your full display when it's all done. Spring has finally come to MN, but way to early to plant I am waiting patiently! Thanks for sharing! Diane
Love the bike, I love the bike as yard art! What a wonderful idea! I need to be on the look out myself. I started riding last summer and it changed my life. So I think it is appropiate and fitting. I truly was moved by your idea! It was all a lovely post and actually filled with stamping ideas - for me at least.. Enjoy your day!
New to posting,
Joan - smiling
I used to own Rose's sister!! I was SO sad when I had to let her go - she always had a special place in my heart!! Glad you had a good day, Mishie!
I loved reading your post today! It was a nice share. Take a pic when you have Rose in your garden so we can see it all put together.
Sounds like a wonderful outing.
Hi...hate to bug you again...I left a comment earlier, but thought you might like this idea. Last year I planted impatiens in my son's old red rain boots. Looked really cute! I posted a pic on my blog. If you can find a red pair, it'd be a great addition to your display. : )
I love Rose, I think she will make a beautiful setting. I really hope you can find that basket for her. I had a blue one in the 70's but it was heavy plastic wrapped but so pretty.
I LOVE your stories. I feel like we are neighbors hanging over the back fence visitin!
Say Hello to Roe for me. And the kitties too.
Sharon L
:) I love how you find things like "Rose" and put them to such a great use! Can not wait to see what you do with your jars! I actually went to a few antique stores in town Friday and picked up some old Jars, plates and enamelware myself!! I just love looking at them ~ they really serve no purpose for me so I can not wait to see what you do so maybe it will spark some ideas for me as well!
You sound like you had such a nice mother-daughter day and I have a feeling it was just what you needed. You have a great eye for putting things together. I agree with J Stockton who said your post gave her ideas for stamping - me too, several ideas came to mind. Hope things are going well for you.
What fun you must have had. I really got a laugh out of "Oh meet Rose"" Men just don't understand. I love your junk finds!!!!!
Oh Mish...I want one of those!! I love old bikes and that's a real find! Love the cats in the pics too, we had a cat called Boots...he had 6 toes and really looked like he was wearing boots as they were so big!!! Enjoy your day! Hugs, Bonnie xoxox
Awesome post Mish, so fun! I love red things too, it was so fun to hear about your treasure hunt and your finds. Rose is a beauty and I'm sure she will be much happier in her new home, you'll have to share a picture of her in the garden! I'm looking forward to seeing what you have in store for the jars!
OMG Michelle, I think you're married to my husbands twin lol. That is exactly what he says to me when I bring home some "garden art". I love your "rose". I have 2 in my yard a yellow one and a rusty one they both have wire baskets on the back and one has a basket on front. It is my favorite piece of "art" in my garden!
u have anic eblog and i laicke your crafts, and the pic with your cat
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