July 12, 2012

Big Picture Classes: 28 Days of Sketches: Round 2

I'm very happy to be a part of a fun class coming up at Big Picture Classes. The class is hosted by Lisa Day and is called 28 Days of Sketches: Round 2. With this class you'll receive 28 brand new sketches and 56 exclusive projects from Lisa and the seven guests contributing to the class. Sketches are a fabulous starting point for your projects, leaving you more time to focus on the fun products, photos and telling your stories. If you've followed my blog long then you know that I am a big fan of sketches. I used the ones for this class for card inspiration. Just because a sketch is intended for scrapbook layout, it doesn't mean that you can't interpret it for a smaller scale card too. I love thinking outside the box to find some fantastic new layouts for my cards.

Class details:
The class starts on July 19th and ends August 16th. Registration ends on July 25th. The class last 4 weeks. You'll get 28 daily emails, each containing a new sketch, 28 daily handouts, downloadable PDF sketches, a private posting gallery, a message board and 2 live chats with Lisa.

Here a sampling of what you'll see in class:
I can't wait to see all the completed layouts and sketches, starting on July 19th!
Win a spot:
Each guest designer, including me, will be giving away a free spot to the class. To enter for my free spot in the class, leave a comment on this post telling me why you like to use sketches for your cards or layouts. Comments will be closed for the drawing on July 16th, 8:00am Central Time.

Then check out all the other guest designer blogs for even more changes to win a free spot in the class:

Good luck and hope to see you in class!


connie said...

I love using sketches..it gives me a starting point on my LO's. Would love to win a spot in this class. Thanks for a chance to win.

Frøken Strøken said...

I use sketches often, mostly because I sometime feel lost with taht big, open 12x12.


Glenys said...

Sketches make it so easy to get layouts done.

Stephanie said...

Sketches are about the only way I can get started...would love to see all the great work by such great artists!

Lisa said...

Well, I'm in a scrapbooking slump. I have done a few pages lately but before that, it had been a year. I think using some sketches would jump start my creativity again and get me back into creating more consistently!!

Stephanie said...
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Jennifer said...

Sketches are awesome!!! THey give you a starting point and get you motivated to make a truly inspirational peice...I have been in a slump so something new like this might be just what I need to get going again....

Jennifer said...

Sketches are awesome!!! THey give you a starting point and get you motivated to make a truly inspirational peice...I have been in a slump so something new like this might be just what I need to get going again....

Mascara Dreams said...

i haven't really used sketches before but i love to look at them. i think this class would be a good way to really learn how to use them. thanks for the chance.

Lynne said...

I took rewound 1 and loved it! Sketches are a really great way for me to get a start on a layout. Love them! Thanks for te chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I love sketches, they make it easy to organize my card or page. I think of them like recipes for papercrafting. I can't cook without a recipe and I am much happier with my pages and cards when I use a sketch. Thanks for offering the great prize!
p.s. we made your no-bake cookies yesterday...yum and thank you!!!

Jeff said...

So excited to see all the layouts and the whole picture, too.

NoraAnne said...

This looks like a great class :) I love sketches for the reason you posted, great starting point and leaves more room to concentrate on the fun product and photos you want to play with!
Thanks for the chance :)

Meghan said...

I love to have a sketch to get me started when I am scrapping! This looks like a fun class.

Mary said...

Looks like a fun class!

Unknown said...

what an AWESOME prize! I'm so excited to have the chance to win !! Sketches are a really great starting point for me because I'm still understanding how to create a flow of the eye, and how to keep from overcrowding my space. I can't wait to see who the lucky winners are!

madewithlovemmdo112800 said...

Sketches always give you ideas for your project that you would have not thought of your self. Sketches are a starting point for your projects. I like the different contrast items that sketches have in them.

madewithlovemmdo112800 said...

Sketches always give you ideas for your project that you would have not thought of your self. Sketches are a starting point for your projects. I like the different contrast items that sketches have in them.

leanne said...

Mostly use sketches for layouts.....

Kayla said...

Thank you for the great opportunity, I hope I will be the lucky one. Only reently i learned to use sketches, before i thought they are like a "curb" for my creativity, but now i think it's like a spark starting the process.

Lorraine said...

Love to use sketches for layouts, but a good sketch that is used repeatedly in a mini album gives it a sense of unity, too! Sounds like a fabulous class!

Sheri said...

I've just started dabbling in sketches and love them because they give me a starting point. Some days I can just fumble along and not know what to have as my foundation, or use the same one all the time. Sketches inspire me to go out of my box.

Gail S. said...

Sounds like fun! I would love to win this - I have always enjoyed the sketches that you have shared :)

Mel said...

I love sketches, and I've taken one of Lisa's classes before, and it was fabulous!

Melinda said...

I would love to take this class but will be gone for one week during it on holidays, does this matter? The last time I did 28 layouts, it was great to get back to my layouts that were being neglected.

Melinda said...
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Andrea said...

Sketches help my pages come together so much quicker! Thanks for the chance to win!

Gail LaCroix said...

This is definitely a class I need as sketches would help get me out of the scrapbooking slump I seem to currently be in.

Stacy Simpson said...

Sketches save time! I get to do the fun part of picking paper and embellies and then plug them in to the sketch!

Samantha said...

Looks like a fun class! I like to use sketches b/c they tend to jump start my own creative flow.

Andrea said...

I love using sketches to make cards - or scrapbook layouts because if I have a sketch in mind... then I can start thinking about colors and accessories etc and have the whole thing planned out in my mind before I hit the craft table. So when I do finally have some time to spend there I'm not floundering - I have purpose and can actually accomplish something - LOVE IT! Thanks for the chance to win and for all of the great inspiration and joy you bring us!

Patricia said...

I love using sketches because it gives my imagination a quick jump start on what I want to do. Thanks for the chance.

Kellie Groves said...

I have taken several sketch classes and they remain my favorite type of class. I tend to pull out a sketch when I am having trouble geting started. I am always surprised that one sketch can be interpreted in so many different ways. Thanks for a chance to win!

Tami McBeain said...

I'm really excited about this class, I love using sketches to spark new designs for card layouts. Thanks for the chance to win a spot!

Christa Allgood said...

I like to use sketches because they give me a starting point and I don't just sit there staring at a blank page wondering where to begin!

pinkladynz said...

Loved the first go round. The second looks so good!

Lisa M. Zepponi said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I loved the first Round of 28 sketches! I know Round 2 will be great!

Theresa & Keith said...

Sketches are awesome! They are a great starting point. This would be a great class. Thanks for the chance at a spot!

julie e said...

I love to use sketches. So often they provide a jumpstart to the creative process - even if the finished product looks nothing like the sketch.

April said...

This looks amazing! I love using sketches because it takes away some of my frustration of thinking of a design and saves me time too! Thanks for the chance to win. :)

blupixy said...

I love sketches! They allow me to have a starting point, rules on some level that I have to follow. Makes me be a creative problem solver. I feel that I am more creative and gets me to try something that I have never done before. Would love a spot in this class! Thanks for the chance!

Evelin said...

awesome... thanks for the chance at a win :)

Rita said...

Thanks for a chance to win a spot in this class. I really liked the first one.

CJb said...

Sketches take the guesswork out of scrapping so I can enjoy playing with the awesome products. Thanks for the chance to win!

Leslie Kiley said...

I love using sketches because it helps you to get a ton done in a small amount of time. Pick a sketch and then products you love and adapt the sketch to your photos! Simple , fast and they turn out so great! I am a huge fan!

Lisa T said...

Winning a spot in this class would be great. Thanks for giving me the chance.

Lisa T

Karey said...

I've never used one before, maybe this would be a great time to learn how.

Paintnscrap said...

I like them because I can reuse them over and over and in multiple ways

chksngr said...

I LOVE using sketches for starting layouts...they get the HARD work of doing layouts out of the way and let me get pretty much straight to playing! Thank you so much for the chance to win!

Sherrie said...

I can't wait! Thanks for the chance to win a spot.

Michele Swanberg said...

I love to use sketches. They help me get going on my layout. I tend to over think things and it takes me forever to complete a layout. Sketches give me one less thing to over think! Thanks for the chance to win a spot in this awesome class!

Michele Swanberg said...

I love to use sketches. They help me get going on my layout. I tend to over think things and it takes me forever to complete a layout. Sketches give me one less thing to over think! Thanks for the chance to win a spot in this awesome class!

Glenna said...

I love to use sketches because it speeds up the process. Plus the sketches are always better ideas than what I would come up with.

Glenna said...

I love to use sketches because it speeds up the process. Plus the sketches are always better ideas than what I would come up with.

karennarelle said...

I always use sketches as i need a place for me to start. Since design isnt my strong point, i find sketches help with that and get me on my way .

cutiephinphin said...

Sketches help me to get started especially for scrapbooking as I sometimes feel lost on the placement and the design of a layout.

Thanks for the chance to win a spot in the class.

Kelly said...

Sketches help me get it done. With two little kiddos, I don't have enough time to be creative... and just want to document our memories since there are so many of them!

I'd love to try out this Big Picture class!

Melinda said...

I love using sketches because it makes it easier and quicker for me to scrap. I don't have to waste time trying to figure out what goes where or if it looks right!

Rebecca Ednie said...

I use sketches to save time and so I don't use the same few layouts over and over and ... LOL

Carol said...

Sketches save me a lot of time.

M1kk1 said...

Would love to win this class. Thank you for the chance!

KAREN said...

I always use a sketch for a jumping off point. They save me valuable time when I find time for a project. Thanks for the chance to win.

Joanie3 said...

Would help me learn to follow sketches and accomplish more in less time!! always a good thing!!

Yvonne..... said...

What an awesome class. I always use sketches! A sketch is like a recipe and all I have to do is go to my "cupboard" and pick out my ingredients. You can use the sketch as it, turn it upside down, reverse it and your results always come out fresh and new. Sketches never go out of style! I would LOVE a chance to win this class! Keeping fingers and toes crossed!

MommaC said...

I started scrapbooking using BeckyHiggins sketches ... they are my "go to" tool!

Kate aka stinkydudette said...

I use sketches regularly as a starting point. Sometimes, I go off on my own, and rarely looks like the sketch. But I love that it's my "map"..

ana-mama said...

Sketches make easy work when it comes to gift albums or themed albums. Pick a handful of sketches, rotate the design 90 degrees and repeat. No need to re-invent the wheel...

Thanks for the chance!

forpahl5 said...

I want to win so that I can learn all that you all have to share! Thanks!

Bethany Becker said...

Great sneaks. I would love to take this class!

LCD said...

I've only used sketches once or twice but I liked it because it inspired me and saved me time and frustration with the blank page. Thanks for the opportunity to win a spot!

WinterBerry Glen said...

I love sketches because it sparks my creativity. Also, I am trying to find a way to incorporate sketches into my PL layouts as well. :)

Valerie said...

It sounds like a great class with tons of inspirations. Thank you for a chance to win.

Ginny said...

I get stressed when I scrapbook, so I love sketches because they take away some of the stress for me :)

Ginny said...

I get stressed when I scrapbook, so I love sketches because they take away some of the stress for me :)

lisa westphal said...

Sketches are time saving machines! -lol!! ;)
With kids, sports, church, daycare, carpools and a household to run...why reinvent the wheel my friends?! :)

Jen said...

Usually my big hang up is the design - if I use a sketch, the hard part is done for me. I can then progress through product selection, journalling, photos, etc. to a finished LO more easily. Thanks for the chance to win!

lisa westphal said...

Sketches are time saving machines! -lol!! ;)
With kids, sports, church, daycare, carpools and a household to run...why reinvent the wheel my friends?! :)

IS said...

Sketches give me a lot of inspiration and they help me when I have no idea where to start. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

Gab said...

I love using sketches as a starting point.

ruth said...

I love using sketches because it speeds up the process for me so much, but I can still put my personal touch on the layout.

Keianna said...

My scrap time is precious, so I love to have a starting point. Awesome giveaway. I loved the first class. Thanks

Jennifer Scull said...

oh I love sketches and keep a file both on my computer filled with them as well as a clip board at my craft table for some of my faves to reference.... they are great to fall back on when the mojo is a bit lacking. :)

jesa said...

I really want to join this class, hope I get lucky! Thank you for opportunity!

Tammie Koehnen said...

Oh my goodness, I love sketches (they really help when I'm in a rut) and thank you for a chance to win a spot!

Christine Duff said...

Always love more sketches!

tanya said...

I like to use sketches to save time. It helps me get more done in the time I have to scrap.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

What a great class! I love sketches, because they give me such a good foundation! Thank you so much for the chance!

Unknown said...

I like to use sketches because sometimes I get stuck in a rut and need inspiration. I would love a chance to win. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I like to use sketches because sometimes I get stuck in a rut and need inspiration. I would love a chance to win. Thanks!

Stahl Family said...

Sketches help me to get a lot accomplished without having to tax my poor brain too much. I do enjoy coming up with my own ideas or put my own spin on the sketch, but it makes things move along nicely when I'm behind on my pages!!!

Stahl Family said...

Sketches help me to get a lot accomplished without having to tax my poor brain too much. I do enjoy coming up with my own ideas or put my own spin on the sketch, but it makes things move along nicely when I'm behind on my pages!!!

Anonymous said...

It would be so wonderful to win a spot in this class, as I love to use sketches for all my layouts. And the addition of 8.5 x 11 size is great...that is what I scrap!

Connie said...

I like to use sketches for the same reasons I like to try new recipes - to try something new, to have a tested set of ingredients, to try a new technique, to expand my knowledge of cooking. Sketches and recipes are both great!

Jody Green said...

You do beautiful work. I'd love the inspiration!

Betty Sue said...

I would so love to win this class. I am currently making my twins their senior year albums and need all the help and inspiration I can get. Thanks!

Betty Sue said...

I would so love to win this class. I am currently making my twins their senior year albums and need all the help and inspiration I can get. Thanks!

Linda H said...

This would be such a fun class to take .... thanks for the opportunity of winning a seat! :)

Flo said...

Sketches give me a rough ideas to gather the products I want to use. It just makes it easier.

Linda said...

Thanks for the chance! This looks like a great class!

Sue said...

I can never seem to come up with new and creative layout ideas so I depend on the work of others! I love to work with sketches and this class sounds like so much fun. Thanks for the chance to win a spot!

Erica said...

I use sketches for almost every layout I do, so this class looks amazing. I am hoping to find ways to use my sketches in way I haven't thought of. I love that you used a sketch to make a card! how clever. Can't wait, thank you.


Roxane said...

Looks like a great class! Thanks for a chance to win!

Laura T. said...

Love sketch classes. Thanks for a chance to win.

Laura T. said...

Love sketch classes. Thanks for a chance to win.

Anna Mae said...

Sketches help break the creative block I often get. Thanks for a chance to win.

Anna Mae said...

Sketches help break the creative block I often get. Thanks for a chance to win.

Selenaintx said...

I love using sketches because it makes the page design so easy!!! Thanks for the chance to win!


Valerie said...

I like using sketches because it saves me time. I have a lot of product, but not a lot of creativity. I can look at a sketch, go through my stash and be done it no time!

petrii said...

This class looks amazing!!! Thanks so much for the chance!!

Have a Blessed week ~~ dawn

petrii said...

This class looks amazing!!! Thanks so much for the chance!!

Have a Blessed week ~~ dawn

CindyK said...

Sketches get me started and sometimes I really need that. I've been spending so much time on my Project Life layouts that I haven't done many 12x12s lately. Thank you for the chance to win a spot in the class!

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