March 10, 2009

Bookworm Bookmarks

Another edit: The notebooks I used are typically called junior notepads. They are lined and measure 5" x 8". There are lots and lots of brands of these and you can find them at Walmart, Target, and any office supply stores, etc.

Edit: Some Q and A: I get my wooden clothespins at the Dollar Tree stores. I haven't seen this type at Walmart, etc....sometimes I'll find a bag at a garage sale too. And someone asked how I keep the brands of the ribbons straight once I put them on the clothespins....answer: I don't...I either remember or I just don't worry about it since I don't do many publications. If I can't remember, I just source it as my *stash*. :)

How 'bout we continue our library theme today? I've decided to add a little section to my stash that includes bookmarks because they're so fun to make. Plus the girls always love it when they see I've made new book marks! These little gems measure 1-1/2" x 5-1/2" and they are so cute and springy!
I chose to use Karen Lockhart's little Itty Bitty Inchie worm stamp to go along with my bookworm/library theme. They stamp perfectly onto Spellbinders 1" squares and scalloped squares. I colored my Inch Worms in with Copic markers that match the cute My Mind's Eye patterned paper. The word *read* is stamped with Studio G letter stamps I found at my local scrapbook store. The ribbon is Sweet Blush and Spring Moss from Papertrey, stitched back and forth three times (what I call my messy stitches).

I can't wait for my friend Lori to see my new bookmarks. I sometimes cut up sheets of 12" x 12" cardstock into simple bookmarks for her library stash. The kids love to have new ones from time to time. Okay, I'm inspired to sew up some cute book bags or something now! Maybe the girls and I will whip up something over Spring Break. Have a great day everyone....and thank you for always leaving such nice comments, you really warm my heart with all your kind words.

Someone asked about the ink I use: I stamp all my images with Palette Black Noir ink, found at Papertrey Ink. I don't heat set it...just stamp and color.


Michelle said...

These are so fun - and will help make reading fun too...just make the little book so inviting when it's just sitting there with this little guy poking out. I'm not terribly adventurous, but this looks like something I can handle. Thanks, Michelle - great idea.

Keri Jackson said...

Very cute!

Anonymous said...

so cute!

Carol W. said...

Mish, you're awesome! I love all the creations you come up with, so very inspiring! Keep up the fantastic work, and keep 'em coming!

Susan N. said...

Your bookmarks are so cute. I would love if someone made one of these for me. Thanks for sharing your creations.

Tricia said...

What a great idea to use inchies on the bookmarks!! I need a few of those, I think. They'd be great fun to drop in a spring card to someone just to brighten their day. TFS!!

Busym1 said...

What a cute idea! I'm a Library Assistant at our local library, so you have given me good ideas for our library! Thanks so much!

cardsandacuppa said...

Super cute bookmatrks. Love that little book worm !
Sarah-Jane xx

Anonymous said...

OHHHH! So cute, love the color combo!

salusa said...

These are so cute and clever!

Anonymous said...

Aw, are these cute or what? Heck yeah! (What kind of question was that anyway??)

Anonymous said...

I am amazed when I see people sew on their paper pieces. Do you have your sewing machine set up close to your stamping area? I absolutely marvel at your super color choices and pretty spring palette. Denise

Anonymous said...

Cute, cute, cute!! I love bookmarks and I love to make them for little "thinking of you" gifts. Keep creating and sharing!

Denise said...

Very cute book marks. That worm stamp is so cute!

Heidi Kilgore said...
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Heidi Kilgore said...

SOooo Cute Mish,

These would make an easy, but beautiful project for anyone to do. I have an 8 yr old niece who is in Girl Scouts and I'm thinking this would be something she and her troop could do. Maybe it would help them start a summer book club and inspire them to read more and keep in touch over the long summer break. Thanks for sharing this idea.


Heidi Kilgore

Anonymous said...

So darling..and stinkn' cute!!

MichelleY said...

OMW....these are CRAZY CUTE! I would read more and stamp less if these puppies were hanging out of my books!

Jenna said...


I love love your blog!! It is my favorite blog above any other. I love your bookmarks and your notepads. Simply adorable!!

Jenna Hipps

Linda said...

Currently in South Australia all the school children are taking part in the "Premier's Reading Challenge". Each child reading a set amount of books for their age receives a certificate from the State Premier (Governor?). Each year they participate they get a higher level certificate, bronze, silver, gold etc then a badge and so on.
The books they read are all Australian authors, and are displayed in the school libraries.
What wonderful items your recent cards and bookmarks would make for the children to work on during this time! Great ideas, I wish I was still employed at the local school library to be showing them your great ideas!
Thanks so much

Dawn said...

Cute bookmarks! One question about your ribbon storage, how do you keep up with who makes the ribbon after you have put it on the dollpins?

Jana said...

Cute! Love the colors

Anonymous said...

What type of note books do you use where do you get them from Thanks chris

Laura said...

Michelle - I was hoping you would be kind enough to tell me what is your go to paper trimmer. I have the Fiskars portable one and find that it sort of frays my PT card stock even after I just replace a blade. Thanks for always being an inspiration!!!

Anonymous said...

I just came across you blog...and wow what inspiration! You are a talent and have sparked up my crafty mojo! Looking forward to all of your new creations!!

CathyB said...

FYI...You are my idol! Every day I get the best ideas from your blog. You are so talented! Thanks for making my days "happy"!

Elisabeth said...

These are adorable!

Anonymous said...

How adorable are these? I just found your blog when I did a Google search on Copic markers and love it. Great ideas and lessons. I thought I booked marked that post, but when I click on it, it comes up as not found? Would love to be able to find it - it was a fall post (I think from 2007) with pumpkins and was about shading with Copic markers.

Again, love your blog and thanks so much for sharing.

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